Text of slides :

St Monans & Abercrombie
Community Action Plan 2018 – 2023

Community Open Day

 1 September 2018

St Monans Town Team

St Monans & Abercrombie
Community Action Plan 2018 – 2023

•        Our approach to undertaking the survey

•        Survey results

–   Themes identified

–   Stakeholders’ comments

•        Big ideas and small ideas

Who is doing this?

•        CAP Steering group comprises:

Carole Shaw                   Peter Marr

Jayne Wilding                 Mike Child

Philip Riding              Kim Cameron

Stuart Bridges                Angus Cameron

Morven Syme                Gordon Bell

Kenny Smith                   Tom Harvey

Why are we doing this?

•        To identify the main priorities for development in St Monans & Abercrombie over the next 5 years.

•        To help all our local groups to secure funding and support for the developments that our community would like to see.

•        As basis for our community working in partnership with Fife Council, the East Neuk CAP and other agencies & organisations.

Our approach

•        St Monans & Abercrombie has 1357 households

•        Survey delivered to every household by our Community Agents throughout June.  House collections attempted. 

•        Collection boxes in St Monans Library, St Monans Mini Market and Primary School

•        40 Stakeholders identified and approached for their views

•        Involvement with local Primary School

•        Reviewed every completed survey to produce the following information

Overall survey results

•        182 replies received – 14% of eligible population

•        Age range       Respondents

      05-15               3

      16-29               8

      30-44             22

      45-59             56

      60-74             68

      75+                 21

      ( 4 did not provide their age )

What do residents LIKE about St Monans & Abercrombie

•        Community events                                            36%

•        Amenities (harbour, green space)                  32%

•        Choice of eateries                                              31%

•        Local history of St Monans                              29%

•        Coastal path and beach                                    10%

•        Bus service                                                           10%

What do residents NOT like about St Monans & Abercrombie

•        Drug/alcohol abuse and anti-social behaviour   42%

•        Dog mess, litter and refuse bin collections          23%

•        Poor parking facilities within the area/signage   21%

•        Poor state of the roads                                                   17%

•        Lack of pub/entertainment                                            17%

•        Unoccupied homes and second homes                14%

What are your ideas for making our community more sustainable?

•        Recycling improvements/more recycling points        16%

•        Improve bus services/reduce cars on road                15%

•        Local produce on sale in upgraded harbour-facilities 11%

•        Allotments                                                                           9%

•        Railway link up to Leven                                                    7%                                                                   

Themes identified from the CAP survey

•        Amenities

•        Character & Aesthetics

•        Infrastructure

•        Tourism & Events

•        Community Support

Stakeholders views

•        Local economy has improved and want further improvement

•        St Monans has a unique identity

•        Fish sheds and caravan park have been good for business generally

•        Mayview closing has been bitter sweet, less commotion but less business

•        St Monans has more industry and business than Elie

•        Diving Gannet is a huge bonus to the town


Stakeholders views (cont)

•        St Monans improved dramatically over the last 2 years, even over one year.  There seem to be more young people around, village doesn’t seem to be dying off anymore.

•        More housing for young families – 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms

•        Some more affordable housing for young families

•        Redevelop harbour and better use of the space at harbour

•        St Monans is the least developed compared with the other villages      

Stakeholder views  (cont)

•        Find town to be very friendly and has a nice atmosphere

•        Cycle routes linking villages would be an excellent idea. Cycling dangerous on our local roads

•        Increased facilities and tourism draw, but not more tourist overcrowding

•        Need to curtail drugs and antisocial behaviour issues

•        Increase in local employment matched by new social housing

‘Big ideas’ and ‘small ideas’

•        Five tables for each of the themes

–    Amenities

–    Character & Aesthetics

–    Infrastructure

–    Tourism & Events

–    Community Support

•        Visit each one to chat about the merits of each of the ideas put forward by residents

•        Vote for your three favourite big ideas & three favourite small ideas from each theme

Next steps

•        We will add the output from today to our current data

•        Aim is to produce a report that summarises the findings and identifies the community’s favourite big ideas and small ideas

•        Print and publish the report in November, 2018

•        Put report onto website.