CC minutes 16th June 2008
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council
held on Monday 16th June 2008 at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
Present:E.Scott V.Salvage V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib T.Hughes E.Hughes W.Buchan K.Jones D.MacEwan D.Palmer Cllr D.Macgregor Cllr. M. Scott-Hayward
2 members of the public were present.
Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were no apologies.
Public Questions
Mrs Elinor Anderson raised concerns she had heard about the siting of flower tubs beside the burn and possible vandalism. After discussion it was decided that they should be left there and the situation monitored.
She also asked for an update on the situation of the sea wall adjacent to her house. As Fiona Mitchell had been away a planned meeting with councillors had not yet taken place. Cllr Scott-Hayward did suggest to Mrs Anderson that a community group could be formed to put forward a plan to develop the cave area which may also incorporate work on the sea wall.
In the meantime R Craib will submit an expression of interest to the Leader project which may be able to offer some funding assistance.
Mr Crawford Ross brought concerns about refuse collection/ fly dumping and lack of recycling in Johnstone Close. Cllr Scott-Hayward to contact necessary dept. to investigate.There is also concern at lack of grass cutting in the same area.
Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 (4.43) Beach Clean Up. Event was a success. A letter of thanks has been sent to John Thompson for his invaluable help with transport. Certificates were given to participating pupils from the primary school. R Craib has put together organising information for future years.
3.2 (4.693) Over 600 rabbits have been shot beside the braes and hopefully the general situation is improving. R Craib will write to inform Miller Terr. resident of this progress.
3.3 (3.2) R. Craib will contact Liz Murphy about concern over grass cutting, poor state of gate and possible levelling/returfing in the cemetery.
3.4 Cllr Scott Hayward said that kerbs will not be lowered in pavements until pavements are redone in the area. As there are many areas requiring this work , it may be a while until the work is carried out in St Monans.
3.5(5.2) Cllr Macgregor had contacted Evelyn Ramsay, dog warden for this area, who is going to monitor problems in St Monans as well as put up more notices and bins. D.Palmer suggested the school may do a project next year to help raise awareness of the issue.
3.6 (6.6) R Craib has emailed Derek Beveridge concerning future bus services, expressing our wish for a service within St Monans to continue but suggesting the possibility of the use of the GoFlexi service.
3.7(6.9) R Craib wrote to planning confirming the CC does not wish land in Station Road, where CC notice board is situated, is to be sold.
3.8 Car beside 21 Inverie Street still causing concern. Cllr Macgregor to notify housing services.
3.9 The garden beside CC notice board in Station Road is now receiving some maintenance.
3.91 Articles for the new St Monans website are now awaited. Website address is
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland G.Brown
Chairperson’s Report
E. Scott congratulated Vic Bland on being awarded the James Braid Quaich.
5) Secretary’s Report
5.1 The CC discussed the possibility of erecting a new notice board, which would require no maintenance and be more easily opened. Size is still to be decided on, followed by costing for purchase and erection. Before next meeting we hope to have firmer plans, costing and advice from Chris Smith on planning implications. R Craib will also investigate alternative designs, colours and companies.
5.2 NHS 60th Celebration – no-one able to attend.
5.3 Culture Grant. Information received and retained.
5.4 Common Good Application Procedure Review. This was viewed favourably but felt applications should still come through Community Council and local Councillors.
5.5 Data Protection. R Craib will seek advice from Frank Jensen.
5.6 Review of service by Libraries and Museums. Intimated to CC.
5.7 Best Kept Town/Village. Application may be considered in 2009 with publicity to whole village to aim for as much participation as possible.
5.8 Notification of Liquor Byelaws received and retained.
6) Treasurer’s Report
6.1 Literature received from Entrust which will be reported on at next meeting.
6.2 Floral display- received grants and donations should cover costs for this year, around £5000.
6.3 Treasurer statement was issued.
7) Planning
None to discuss.
8.1 School Report – D. Palmer
Pupils and parents enjoyed and appreciated Sea Queen weekend.
The nursery building is due to be ready for use in August.
As the school roll will drop to 104 next session, staffing will be reduced to 5 teachers.
Pupils have expressed an interest in the role of the CC and it was felt a good idea to invite some to a meeting next session.
There has been a suggestion for local people with a talent, particularly a traditional skill, to perhaps visit the school and work with interested pupils.
Anyone interested could contact the school or a member of the CC.
On Sept 22nd Fiona Hyslop, Scottish Education Minister, is visiting the primary school to speak on Skills and School.
8.2 Sea Queen Day was considered a success. Next year it will be on Saturday 20th June. There is a need to attract the help of younger men to help with the heavier work.
8.3 K.Jones has been approached by Crail 20:20 group who have been collating views of what local people want in the Crail area and wonder if there is similar interest in St Monans. Anyone interested can find more information on
8.4 W.Buchan expressed concern about fast driving around lock ups at the end of Queen Margaret Street beside the play park since a bollard has been removed. Cllr Macgregor to report this to the relevant authorities.
8.5 D.MacEwan expressed his approval for the continuance of St Monans PO.
8.6 A member of the public from Newark Street had asked if electricity Tariffs could be changed in Kingdom Housing to make costs more competitive. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
8.7 T. Hughes reported that the business plan is currently looking at maintenance and regular usage in the Regeneration Project. A change in design is also being considered to help reduce costs.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 15th September at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
All members of the public are welcome.
CC minutes 16th June 2008 — No Comments
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