As many families already know, the play facilities within St Monans and Abercrombie are old, not very imaginative, and not disabled friendly. But now, there’s a plan to change that.

In conjunction with the local Community Council, the St Monans Charitable Fund is working with Fife Council to redevelop the old play park on the Mair at Hope Place.

If successful, this ambitious project will create an inclusive, all abilities play park for the toddlers through to the early teens of St Monans.

Like all community projects, the challenge will be raising the necessary funds to make this the best play park in the East Neuk. However, work is in hand to finalise a funding plan, including significant support from our Common Good Fund, possible local business sponsorship and other awards from grant giving bodies. We will also shortly be launching a crowdfunder page where you can donate to help us make this all possible.

This page has been set up to bring together information about the project and to keep you informed of progress, so please bookmark it, and come back to check how things are going and what you can do to help.

We’ll be adding links to documents such as the presentation that was made to the Community Council in January, which gives more details of the costs, funding, the play park team and timelines – see the links on the right hand side of this page.

For further information and any queries, you can email the play park team at