Community Council – Draft minutes of meeting held on 15 November 2021
DRAFT Minutes of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council meeting held on Monday 15 November 2021
Present: Vicki Salvage (Chairperson), Morven Syme, Vic Bland, Norman Cowie, Helen Ironside, Eileen Montador, Billy Morris, Marjory Ashworth, Cllr Bill Porteous and Cllr John Docherty.
Apologies: Stuart Bridges, Steve Collier and Cllr Linda Holt.
1 Welcome and apologies
No declarations of interest were noted at the beginning of the meeting.
2 Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.
Carried forward from September as no change.
3 Chairpersons Report
Mrs. Salvage had attended the Community Council Forum were the Multi Use Cycle Path was discussed. Mrs. Ashworth notified the meeting that she had attended a walk about in St Monans and would be the Community Council representative for future meetings. The Community Council Forum mentioned that they were concerned about the amount of complaints community councils in North East Fife are getting with Ans truther and Crail being named.
Fife Council are trying to encourage people to plant tree in memory of people instead of having memorial benches. Native species of trees would be used that won’t grow too high. For more information contact Ruth Brown on 07740 405829. You can also speak to any of the Ward Councillors. It was asked if wooden benches were more eco-friendly, but it was pointed out that Fife Council favour the recycled plastic one.
If anyone wants to sponsor Christmas Lights in St Monans, please contact Steve Collier.
Cllr Porteous asked about lighting up the Church. Mrs. Ironside agreed to raise this with the local Kirk Session.
Mrs. Salvage read out a report about the activities of the Community Larder (attached).
The idea has been floated about a book swap shelf in the Town Hall to go with the Larder. Mr. Cowie thought the Larder is a great addition to community as an extra to the food bank parcels that are delivered. The message for ZERO food waste is getting over to residents and everyone was reminded that everyone is welcome to use the Larder.
4 Secretary’s Report
There was no report.
5 Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer noted the following;
Cashflow account £1874.49
Floral Display account £2532.99
Heritage account £1309.39
Cash Management account £3551.02
6 Planning Matters
There were no planning matters to report.
7 Councillor’s update
Cllr Docherty reported that the there is no intention to close the Recycling Centre.
He noted that ENCF and ‘Visit East Neuk’ are having an Annual General Meeting on 24 November 2021 6.30 pm at Pavilion Elie. Martin Dibley to circulate information to CC’s. In 2019 tourists brought in £116,000,000 with 24,000 visitors.
Cllr Porteous reported that the Community Council are good at contacting Councillors and the community had lots to be proud of in St Monans with the MUGA, Playpark project, Little Welly Club, Community Larder, the work to reopen the Heritage Centre and the Camera Museum which the Community Council backed Common Good Funding to secure this asset. He also noted the Memorial garden project at the corner of Station Road and East Street. St Monans is the only village to have a floral display. The sea pool is popular but access is not great. The Multi use cycle path is to have a 3m path in front of the Lochay Homes development. The campaign by the residents helped stop the road proposed through St Margaret Street.
Cllr Docherty supported what Cllr Porteous had said.
8 Public Questions
Cllr Docherty noted that the potholes at the harbour have been raised with Fife Council.
The railings on Station Road remain in a poor condition and will again be reported to Fife Council by Cllr Docherty.
The double yellow lines have been corrected on Station Road and the car park sign has been removed.
The Community Council was asked if it could write to the owner of the Old Post Office on Mid Shore as there is little sign of it being used as a commercial property i.e., it simply opens for 1 weekend to sell paintings between £9,000 – £16,000. This cannot be classed as commercial. Richie Simmons 03451 555555 ext. 450438 could be contacted at Fife Council. Mr. Gordon Bell to look for address of owner.
A resident raised a question regarding the amount of money donated by Lochay Homes for the children’s Halloween party which was subsequently cancelled – in particular, how much was raised? However, no-one at the meeting could answer this question. It was also suggested if Lochay Homes could give a donation to the park at Queen Margaret Street Park as the road is not going ahead.
Mrs. Ashworth raised the speeding through Abercrombie by staff going to the Lochay Homes site. Cllr Porteous had brought this up with Lochay Homes and they had told staff not to speed but noted that the sub-contractors are not under their control.
A quad bike was reported on the Braehead and up the Abercrombie Road on Sunday 14 November 2021 but no-one knows who it is.
The Ward Councillor’s were asked if Fife Council had bought the former Mayview hotel, but neither knew nothing about it.
9 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Monday 17th January 2022 at 7.30pm. This meeting was subsequently cancelled due to Covid restrictions.