Community council meeting Monday 19 august at 7.30pm
The next meeting of the Community Council will be held on Monday 19 August at 7.30pm in the St Monans parish church hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend. This month we have a guest speaker from the RSPB at the start of the evening.
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
2. Corn Bunting in the Community project update (Alasdair Lemon, RSPB Officer Tayside & Fife)
3. Minutes of last meeting (17 Jun) and matters arising
4. Community Police report update
5. Chairperson’s report
6. Secretary’s report
7. Treasurer’s report
8. Members reports
a. Planning Matters (P Copland)
b. Community Support initiatives (S Collier)
9. Councillor updates
10. Towns Team update
11. Public questions
12. AOCB
a. Camper van parking in Church cemetery car park
b. Update on work of St Monans Charity
Community council meeting Monday 19 august at 7.30pm — No Comments
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