Community Council – minutes 15/8/22
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 15th August 2022, at 7.30 pm in St Monans Church Hall.
Present: V Salvage(Chair), M Ashworth (Vice Chair), W Morris (Treasurer), M Syme, E Montador, T Hardie, M Blank, R Croker, Cllr S Dillion, Cllr A Hayes.
Apologies: H Ironside, S Bridges, N Cowie, Cllr F Corps.
Members of the public: 5
- Welcome and Apologies
V Salvage welcomed Richard Croker and Trish Hardie to their first meeting.
- Minutes of previous meeting and matters arising.
- Cllr Hayes reported that the sign for the Cemetery Car Park had been actioned but the wording was being checked.
- Cllr Hayes had written to the council regarding parking issues on Braehead but has had no reply. Members of the public reported cars having parking tickets issued on Station Road. The bin lorry couldn’t get round Braehead to King David Street. Eileen Montador reported that parking on Forth Street by 4 x 4 blocks the road for larger vehicles and emergency vehicles.
Proposed E Montador Seconded M Syme
- Chairpersons Report
M Ashworth is standing in as Secretary tonight and taking the minutes. Morven did the June minutes. We are looking for a minute secretary (which could be a paid position) even when we have a secretary.
People passing through St Monans have complimented the village on the flower displays and the Heritage Collection. Congratulations to Sandra Mayes and the Beautiful St Monans team for the floral displays. The Community Larder is going from strength to strength supported by the Co-op and Morrisons. All sorts of people go along. V Salvage suggested that everyone should go along on a Friday at 11 am in the Town Hall.
- Treasurers Report
M Ashworth has been paid for the Jubilee Coins.
Floral Account – Cash flow account paid balance of last years flower bill as a delay with Fife Council Common Good Fund being allocated.
Heritage Account – £1375.58
Cash Flow Account – £578.86
Floral Account – Awaiting money from Fife Council
Cash Management Account – £3353.60
New LED lighting installed in the Heritage Collection we are waiting on the bill and hope there will be enough in the Heritage Account to pay it. V.Salvage told W Morris that a volunteer in the Heritage is a surveyor and would be happy to give advice on the rising damp in the building.
- Councillors’ Reports
Cllr S Dillion reported the Bus Shelter on Elmgrove is to be replaced and that the sea wall is to be repaired this week. He also reported that PS Matt Spencer is being replaced by PS Joanna Peddie.
Cllr A Hayes reported that all Taxis in NE Fife have all been tested and 95% passed. Due to illness Coast Watch has not been able to operate.
A member of the public asked Cllr S Dillion about the Right of Way from Station Road but it is still on going. The path at the West End which is affecting a garden but no clear owner of the path has been found so the council is going to the Land Register for clarification.
- CC Members Reports
Planning M Syme:- Bay tree to be removed
14 Miller Terrace – New Doors and Windows
46 Braehead – Building a house in the garden
17 West End – New Front Door, windows & Dorma
41 New Houses – Single garage
Abercrombie:- M Blank reported that Cllr F Corps had arranged for the litter to be picked on the C17 road between St Monans and Abercrombie.
M Ashworth reported that there had been 2 visits by the police to check speeds.
Heritage Collection:- The Heritage Collection opened on 9th July 2022 for the first time since September 2019. In the short time we have bee open we have welcomed just over 1100 people who have come through the doors to view the items on display in the Heritage. I on behalf of the CC wish to thank all our volunteers who have given their time and effort in to keeping our heritage alive. We have had people from all corners of the world who were fascinated by the pictures we hold of what this town was like over 100 years ago and all of the volunteers enjoy telling the storys of the past to them. Donations so far in the 5 weeks have been £300.
Lease agreements are ongoing with Fife Council and hopefully after lengthy negotiations we will secure a lease with changes which will allow the heritage to generate an income by allowing us to sell prints, mugs, keyrings etc. and put the Heritage in a better financial position.
Other Heritage news is on 2nd September 2022 a Service of Remembrance will be held in the Old Kirk yard to remember Private Robert Easson wounded on the battle fields of France during WW1 and died of this wounds at Alder Hey Hospital a few years later. Roberts body was interred in Paupers ground with no service or headstone to mark his final resting place. In March the War Graves commission erected a headstone in the Auld Kirk Yard remembering Private Robert Easson and I hope that as many as possible of our CC and Cllrs would do their best to attend. Would the CC approve of a donation to cover the cost of the wake to be held in the Congragational Kirk Hall at 3 pm opposite the house where Robert was born.
I have applied to join AIMS the Association of Independent Museums the cost £65 per year and hopefully will open up a path for funding and such like. I also hoping to join the National Museums Galleries Scotland once we meet the criteria for joining, again opening up an avenue for funding and grants.
- Police Report
June report 22 calls to police and 1 crime recorded.
- Public Questions
Is there a date for the allotments at the new development to be released? Cllr A Hayes advised to contact Peter Duncan FC and commented that all allotment would have the same shed to keep them identical.
The tree across from the café is half dead and leaning towards the houses between Station Road and East Street. Action Cllr A Hayes
Motorbikes at the windmill and pool. They were told to stay in the carpark but have been seen on Station Road and Braehead.
Noisy car in village has been reported to the police.
Fridge at the top shop is still there although it has been reported before it is still there.
M Syme has been asked by a member of the public why Fife Council are rehoming people in Gourlay Cresent with mental health issues so close to the school? The coucillors asked if the numbers of the houses could be given to them.
First Responders Gillian Duncan just came to meeting.
Ambulance waiting times are extended and first responders are not getting called to all the emergency calls. Why to they not get sent to all category of calls. Can only be sent to 999 calls with immediate threat to life. First Responders 8 mins. Ambulance 14 mins. They will not be sent to yellow and amber calls and not all red calls. They do event cover and deal with everyone from children to the elderly.
In 2018 they had a meeting with Scottish Ambulance Service and Willie Rennie and Wendy Chamberlain are pushing to get things to happen. We need people to say the different codes such as short of breath not just bleeding so we can get called out. The first responders will get sent if the patient is unresponsive.
Gillian advised us to lobby MPs, health secretary and SMPs. Crail CC have fomulated a template. The more people that contact them in their own words the better. R Croker was going to look into this.
First responders do a great job and educate the community on what to do there is a huge shortage of ambulance staff as the Ambulance service has not trained anyone since before covid.
First Responders trained for Mobile Emergency Care (Lifting) in October 2021 to help the Health & Social Care Partnership (community alarms) but this has been stalled due to a solicitor although First Responders have everything in place. People should contact Fiona.McKay.@fife.council.
Date of next meeting:- Monday 17th October 2022 in the Church Hall.
This date was altered from the 19th September 2022 as the meeting was cancelled as a mark of respect after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.