Draft minutes of Community Council meeting held on 21 October
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 21st October 2019
Present: P Copland (Chair), H Ironside, (Minutes), V Salvage, W Morris (Treasurer), M Syme, M Ashworth, W Buchan, S Collier, G Bell, Cllr W Porteous and Cllr J Docherty
Members of Public: 13
1. Welcome & Apologies
Messrs Bridges and Bland, PC Stecka, S Potjeewijd and Cllr L Holt had all sent their apologies.
2. Declaration of Interest
During the meeting, Mr Copland and Mr Bell declared that they were Trustees of the St Monans Community Trust.
3. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising.
All other matters were considered closed, except for the following:
3.1 Primary School Vandalism Incident.
Cllr Porteous had received an update from Nicola Wallace confirming that there have been no further incidents of vandalism at the primary school. The children made a video, which was posted on social media sites and produced a leaflet that has been distributed within the village.
3.2 Community notice board replacement
There is to be a meeting with the Residents Association on Monday 28th October at the Masonic Lodge at 7pm to discuss this issue. Everyone is welcome to attend.
3.3 Fife Health Board out of hours consultation
The new hours are to be rolled out early November. There has been an increase in North East Fife GP’s to take on hours including local GP’s.
3.4 Common Goods Asset Register
Mrs Salvage is still looking into this after the suggestion from the previous meeting that the Community Council may find it beneficial to see what land remained within the common good.
3.5 Camper vans parking overnight within the Cemetery car park
No campervans/caravans have been parked overnight recently. Signs have now been installed at the start of the car park.
3.6 Condition of road surface in East Street
It has been confirmed that the resurfacing for East Street is in the budget for next year.
3.7 Update of the St Monans Charity
Still no progress regarding the setting up of a bank account.
3.8 Gully cleaning at Abercrombie
Cllr Porteous continues to follow this up with council officials
3.9 Fence post on right of way to 24/26 Station Road
The area has been fenced off. Cllr Docherty is to follow up with high-level officials within Fife Council to get an update.
3.10 Repairs to railings on Station Road
This issue has been brought up with the Residents Association. It is still ongoing but is being dealt with by Fife Council.
3.11 St Monans Residents Association
The next meeting will be Wednesday 20th November in the Masonic Hall at 6.30pm. All welcome.
3.12 Broken drain cover on Station Road
The drain cover has still not been repaired despite Ms Ironside, Cllr Holt and Cllr Porteous receiving confirmation from Fife Council that this was to be fixed as a matter of urgency. The cones have been removed and replaced with a large plastic cover.
3.1 MUGA request
It has been confirmed the Pittenweem Tennis Club have been giving permission to use the MUGA for their club during the winter months. The lessons will commence on Thursday 31st October and will continue into the spring.
3.14 Road Sweeping on Station Road
Since the previous meeting the road sweep has been seen going down Station Road and around the village but hasn’t been back for a couple of weeks.
3.15 Newark Castle
t has been reported that the safety barriers up at Newark Castle have been damaged and the area is very dangerous. Cllr Porteous agreed to follow this up.
There being no other comments, Mrs Salvage proposed (Mrs Ashworth supported) that the minutes be adopted. The minutes were approved.
4. Update from East Neuk Salt Heritage Company
The Chairman invited Mr Darren Pettie to provide an update to the meeting. Mr Peattie and Mr Morris (both trustees of the East Neuk Salt Heritage Company) have met with architects to discuss the rebuild and associated coastal erosion protection at the Salt Pan site. Currently the Heritage Company is working with the Architect to carry out a feasibility study as the initial phase of the project. From feasibility study to build completion, the project should take around 24 months. Mr Peattie also stated he had been offered legal assistance to manage the funding elements of the project and through meetings with the architect; five funding partners for the project have been identified. He stated that the Pan house rebuilt would bring substantial economic, tourism and social benefits to the village.
The East Neuk Salt Heritage Co held its first meeting with its committee in October and a plan for taking stewardship of the windmill was now underway. Discussions would also be happening between Fife council and the current owner to look at the transfer of the lease, which is currently with Fife Council. Mr Peattie also confirmed that he aims to meet with the Coastal Watch to discuss how the windmill can be used and open to the public without creating any disruption to their activities. He also confirmed that the Heritage Company would be meeting with Historic Environment Scotland on site to discuss the project further and to gain a clear process of ensuring that the lifting of the Schedules Monument currently in place on the Pan House is a smooth process. Mr Peattie confirmed that the East Neuk Salt Heritage Co would be holding opening meeting for the public to attend to receive updates and to answer any questions the public may have around the project.
He then advised of proposals to bring a large old fishing boat back to the area for restoration and considered the west slip at St Monans as a natural location for it. Mr Peattie stated he had had conversations with Fife Council Harbour officials who had been supportive. Mr Copeland and Mr Bell both declared an interest as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively of the local community trust who, through the Towns Team and Regeneration Initiative, held the current plans for the harbour area, which included the slipway development. Mr Bell reminded the meeting of these plans, which have been in place for some time and are still progressing, and suggested that a boat parked on the slipway for a considerable time would disrupt this. Mr Bell also pointed out he had recent correspondence from Fife Harbours that seemed contradictory to the suggestion that they were supportive of the project.
A member of the public asked about the disruption such a project would have in this congested area particularly on parking. Mr Peattie responded that very few people would be working on the boat and the effect would be negligible. Mr Bell on behalf of the regeneration group stated they supported the salt production element and indeed the salt pans visitor centre both of which could be an asset to the village and welcome. He noted the Salt Company had made no approach to the regeneration group. Mr Peattie repeated his belief in the importance of heritage and asked the Community Council to endorse the boat project. Mr Bell pointed out that the plans for the slipway were part of a much bigger picture and commercial strategy that had gone through the channels and were adopted by the community. Mr Peattie stated he could not understand why these plans would be allowed to stand in the way of his project. Mr Bell confirmed a meeting was already in the diary to meet with the Fife Council Harbours management team on the 25 November.
Mr Copland concluded the discussion by stating that the Community Council would need to clarify with Fife Council before any further consideration of this matter could be taken.
5. Police Report
No report was available at this meeting.
6. St Monans Community Development Officer Update
No update was available at this meeting.
7. Chairperson’s Report
Mr Copland wanted to congratulate the Little Welly Club for a very successful Coffee Morning Earlier in the Month. The total amount raised was £450 and will go towards the running costs for next year and will allow the Welly Club to continue free of charge to families.
8. Secretary’s Report
No update was available.
9. Treasurer’s Report
The final amount for the watering of the plants around the village has been paid. Still looking at alternatives for this for next year.
10. Member’s Report
Planning Matters – The Chairman noted there was nothing to report.
Community Support Initiatives – Mr Collier advised that planned works in Braid Court are nearing completion. The installation of the bin store is the last major piece of work to be completed. Plans have been approved so should be implemented shortly. He also briefly discussed the outstanding work for the walkabout, noting that the dangerous signpost at the corner of Hope Place / Station Road has now been replaced. Four incidents were noted; one, reported to the police, was in relation to an ongoing domestic incident (now resolved) and three incidents of trespassing in residents gardens. Residents should be careful not to leave valuable items unattended and to report any trespassing incidents to the police.
A resident has voiced concern raised about residents being moved from Anstruther to St. Monans as the result of planned building works in Anstruther. This will be raised at the meeting with Fife Council this week. The recent anti-social incident at the Primary School will also to be raised.
Finally, Mr Collier reported that as the initial remit of the meetings (concerns over Braid Court and East Street) nears completion, a discussion would be held with the relevant Fife council officials to agree how these meetings should proceed going forward.
11. Councillor Updates
Cllr Porteous was happy to let everyone know that E. Gerrards has had their alcohol license restored and asked that the community continues to support the shop.
After much discussion regarding the level of traffic in the village and safety concerns at peak times, Cllr Docherty is going to speak to the Traffic Management Department and ask if a representative can come to the next meeting to hear resident’s concerns.
12. Public Questions
12.1 Solar powered Christmas lights
A resident asked if the Community Council have thought anymore about getting solar powered lights to go on the tree at East Street and the entrance into the Village for Christmas. Cllr Docherty agreed to look into this with Fife Council.
12.2 Update the information on the Community Notice Board
Another resident asked if the information in the community notice board could be update with recent bus timetables, information for local councillors and Community Council. They feel it would be very beneficial especially for visitors to the village.
12.3 Pothole by Ardross Cottages
A member of the Community Council had reported the large pothole by Ardross cottages earlier in the day.
12.4 Bins at Queen Margaret Street Park
The bins in the park at the bottom of Queen Margaret Street are not being emptied on a regular basis. Rubbish is building up and ending up all over the park area. Cllr Docherty advised that if residents phone Environmental services on 03451 550022 they could report it.
13. Any other business.
13.1 Remembrance Sunday: Remembrance Sunday will be Sunday 10 November. The Community Council wreath has been ordered.
13.2 Defibrillator: Funding for a defibrillator is now available. Mr Copland agreed to contact the East Neuk First Responders regarding installation at the newly painted Harbour Masters Office.
13.3 Trees: Some of the trees that were donated to the community are to go to Cambo to be planted there
13.4 Speeding problems through Abercrombie: Speeding is still an issue going through Abercrombie despite signs for the 20mph being installed. Cllr Docherty to follow up.
13.5 Disposal of equipment: Unfortunately, a small quantity of drug related equipment was found lying in a public area. The matter has been dealt with, but residents are reminded that Fife Council will arrange for the removal and disposal of such items once reported, by telephoning 03451 55 00 22 Contact Environment. Alternatively, you can use the online reporting form at fifedirect.
13.6 Public gardens next to Windmill: Mrs Salvage wanted to add how lovely the garden area by the windmill has been looking. Dog bins in that area are also being emptied on a more regular basis.
13.7 Burns Supper: The date for the next Burn’s Supper has been confirmed as Saturday 8 February 2020. Anyone with hidden talents wishing to help should contact Mrs Salvage.
13.8 Community Choir: The Community Choir has just celebrated its tenth anniversary and the Community Council congratulated Brian & Ruth Craib for their hard work over the last 10 years.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Community Council will be on Monday 18 November at 7.30pm.
Draft minutes of Community Council meeting held on 21 October — No Comments
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