St.Monans and Abercrombie CC minutes from June Meeting
Minute of the ordinary general meeting held in the Church Hall, Station Road on
Monday 17 th June 2024 at 7.30 pm
Present: Marjory Ashworth (Chair), Morven Syme (Vice Chair), Eileen Montador (Secretary), David Robertson
(Treasurer), Niamh Syme (Social Media),
Apologies: Mervyn Blank, Cllr Fiona Corps, Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Alycia Hayes, Diane Martin (Minute Secretary),
Billy Morris
Members of the public: 5
- Welcome and apologies.
Marjory Ashworth welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and recorded. - Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest. - Guest Speaker
Mr Scott Duncan, Head Teacher, Waid Academy
Mr Duncan introduced himself, gave a brief update on his background and provided a very informative talk
on the challenges facing Waid Academy, a rural secondary school. He outlined the generally held
misperception that the school is located within a predominately middle-class area, with a study showing
that there is a significant number of young people attending who are, actually, living in relative poverty.
Mr Duncan continued to expand on the impact of this, explaining the effect on the young people attending,
their families and ultimately on the school roll and level of local authority funding. Mr Duncan ended his
talk by providing details of the many steps the school was taking to support struggling families and
maximise the chances and opportunities for all pupils. A question-and-answer session followed where some
of the challenges and issues were discussed in more depth including transport difficulties, vocational
training opportunities and the concern about a falling school roll and the impact on funding.
Mrs Ashworth thanked Mr Duncan for his attendance. - Reports from Community Groups
Gardening Group – report by Helen Marshall
The majority of the 46 tubs are now planted, with local residents and businesses agreeing to water 33 of
them. Helen will send on a list of the locations of those still needing arrangements for watering and David
Robertson will ensure they are watered twice per week. This community effort is saving the CC significant
annual expense.
Heritage – report by David Robertson on behalf of Billy Morris
The Heritage continues to seek volunteers. All the repairs have been carried out and the Heritage has been
open often and has received a number of donations with income up on previous years. An email was
received regarding the current contact details for the Heritage and Eileen Montador will reply asking that
future correspondence comes to the Community Council.
Sea Queen – report by Vicky Robertson
This year’s Sea Queen will be Almina, and all arrangements are currently going to plan for the 20 th July. The
only item not confirmed is a piper for the Sunday. Various suggestions were made.
SMAKE (St Monans Auld Kirk Enterprise) – report by Marjory Ashworth
Several meetings have been held and documents are currently with Companies House to register SMAKE as
a company. It is hoped that a bank account will be opened soon and there is a meeting with an architect
planned for tomorrow. There is also a meeting planned with a marketing professional.
- Previous minutes and matters arising
Mrs Ashworth emailed the councillors on 7 th June to obtain contact details re the condition of
Queen Margaret Street but has had no reply. Morven Syme agreed to take this forward to see if she
could source a contact.
24 Newark Street – no official update but Niamh Syme reported that there has been Kingdom
Housing vans/personnel on site. House has been cleared and repairs have commenced. Morven
Syme waiting on minutes re this property from planning.
Fence erected 24 Station Road – Cllr Hayes has reported – no action or contact report as yet.
Noticeboard at bottom of Station Road – Mrs Ashworth reported this to Steve who has advised it
needs remedial work and is looking for assistance to do this. Morven Syme will take this forward.
Complaints about dog mess in the bunkers at Newark castle – this has been dealt with.
Date of Psychic night was wrong in the minutes but was a true reflection of the date provided at the
The previous minutes were proposed by Morven Syme and seconded by Eileen Montador. - Police matters and report
There were no representatives present or paper report available from the police. However, their presence
has been noted recently with the speed watch. Mrs Ashworth pointed out that count down speed notices
were needed at the West of the village and the councillors will be contacted by Eileen Montador. - Chairperson’s report – report by Marjory Ashworth
CC put up hanging baskets yesterday. David Robertson asked about what should happen to the
remaining unused baskets. Possibly market them? Floral group could plant up with any remaining
plants and they could be sold at Sea Queen. Niamh Syme to highlight on social media. - Treasurer’s report
Floral Accounts
Balance @ 17 th June 2024 – £3013.18 – Unconfirmed
£229.99 received from Fife Charities Trust for replacement of tubs as required
Donations totalling £1520.32 received from both the wellie boot garden & members of the public
Application for 2024/2025 Floral funding from Fife Council has not been applied for as yet – To be chased up
We are missing the latest bank statement.
Heritage Accounts
Balance @ 17 th June 2024 – £1159.75 – Unconfirmed
Donations totalling £596.00 received from donations
Business Stream latest invoice not received as yet
All outstanding invoices paid in full
£1900.00 from fife council received
Short fall of £588.61 for above works transferred to Heritage account from Cash flow account to cover
We are missing the latest bank statement.
Cash Flow Accounts
Balance @ 17 th June 2024 – £384.43 – Unconfirmed
Cheque issued for £588.61 to heritage account for shortfall – TO BE CLAIMED BACK FROM HERITAGE
Community Council Annual Grant still awaiting approval – ONGOING
We are missing the latest bank statement
Secretary’s report
No report
- Members’ Reports
Niamh Syme (Social Media)
No report
Morven Syme (Vice Chair)
Planning application – 1-13 Braid Court – new windows - Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Hayes – report read by Niamh Syme
Request made for no overtaking signs at blind summit at Abercrombie. Signage on order.
Aggressive/threatening behaviour raised to Cllr Hayes – reported to police and was given assurance
that the person was no longer in residence in St Monans – possibly not returning
This month’s full council meeting has been cancelled due to the election
Café Inc will be running this summer. Anyone thinking of running a kids club recommended to get in
touch re funding of lunches.
Cllr Corps – via email and read by Niamh Syme
In 2023, Fife Council’s Events team assessed over 450 events across Fife, taking place in parks, coast and
countryside areas, beaches, and green spaces. Already in 2024, they have received 350 event applications.
Note that all events taking place on Fife Council and Fife Coast and Countryside Trust land and waterways
should be assessed by the Fife Council Events team. As elected representatives, we have been asked to get
the word out about the events process currently being run by Fife Council. Any event organisers should
check out the FC website -Planning an event | Fife Council. The team can be contacted for advice, or an
application pack obtained via email at, or by phone on 01592 583109. Looking ahead
to the second half of the year, the team would particularly appreciate your applications as early as possible
so that they can help support organisers of any higher risk events such as fireworks displays and bonfires,
and events taking place on roads such as Christmas lights and Santa’s sleighs, this will hopefully alleviate any
issues when applying for permissions and licenses.
Major changes to the Domestic Waste collection Service across Fife will be implemented on Mon 14 October - The Service will be moving from the current twin shift to a single shift, with the crews working a 4-day
week, however, bins will still be serviced Monday to Friday. This will affect most households; their collection
day and/or scheduled waste stream date may also change. This will result in some households getting a bin
serviced a week earlier than expected, or a week later. NOTE any excess waste can be presented as side
waste, and it will be collected when the bin is serviced. The Bulky Collection Service will not be available to
be booked over the period 07 – 15 October 2024, however, all pre booked collections will still be uplifted over
this period. Online Bin Collection Calendars. Households can view the changes to their waste collection
service via the online collection calendars, 4 weeks before the implementation date: 14 October 2024.
It has recently been reported that there has been an increased cost of over one million pounds for the Cupar
Care Home, which is to be funded from the overall Care Home Replacement Budget. This would in turn
reduce the budget for the Anstruther Care Village where work is due to commence before the summer of - I have expressed my concern on behalf of all residents within the East Neuk & Landward Ward
regarding the loss of these funds for the Anstruther build and the big delay to the project overall. I have
been reassured that money will be found as part of the up-and-coming Capital Plan Review and that no
corners will be cut when the final plans are submitted. The last update received in December 2023 –
Anticipated construction on the Mayview site will commence before summer 2025 with completion
Autumn 2026.
It was noted during a recent ward meeting that some Community Councils had yet to apply for their Floral
Grant. If you are interested, please complete the form below.
All Local Community Planning Budget Applications including Floral Grants must be completed online and
submitted electronically using the link below.
Please ensure you have all supporting documents to hand and follow the link bellow:
For all other local funding information or applications:
Police and the Safer Communities Team are regularly made aware of local incidents.
The Dossie in St Monans, however, they would like to remind residents of how important it is to report all
crimes/incidents no matter how small you think they may be. It can be done anonymously by calling Crime
Stoppers 0800 555 111 or the non-emergency Police Scotland number 101. Just because someone else has
reported the crime doesn’t mean that you can’t do it too. The more reports received the better! This helps all
agencies build a clear picture of what is happening in these areas and can help tremendously when resources
or warrants are required to access a property.
There are 14 volunteers to date who have registered their interest in this scheme. 5 have submitted their
paperwork and will undergo Police Scotland’s vetting process. Anstruther, Cellardyke & Kilrenny CC and Elie
& Earlsferry CC have already adopted the Speed Watch Scheme so as soon as the vetting process has been
completed, volunteers can be rolled out.
Pittenweem Arts Festival are looking to recruit new volunteers for this year’s event. if you are interested,
please contact Rachael at
Forth Street, St Monans – There is excavation work being done to repair a live cable in this area.
24 Newark Street – Still waiting on a report back from Fife Council – will chase this up.
Queen Margaret Street Garages – Flooding – Being dealt with.
Station Road – Parking on the pavements outside the shops – under investigation
- Public Questions
Trampoline issues – drainage
Path to Queen Margaret Street to be started after the summer
Discussed pride in community/weeding - AOCB
Complaints about traffic lights outside Falkland garage. Work only took one day but the traffic lights
remained for much longer.
Potholes in Gourlay Crescent and lights out – Niamh Syme will report to Councillors - Close/date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 19 th August 2024 at 7.00/7.30 pm. Marjory Ashworth thanked
everyone for their attendance and brought the meeting to a close.
St.Monans and Abercrombie CC minutes from June Meeting — No Comments
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