ST. MONANS AND ABERCROMBIE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minute of the ordinary general meeting held in the Church Hall, Station Road on 20th May 2024
Present: Marjory Ashworth (Chair), Morven Syme (Vice President), Eileen Montador (Secretary), Niamh Syme
(Social Media), Diane Martin (Minute Secretary), Cllr Alycia Hayes
Apologies: David Robertson (Treasurer), Mervyn Blank, Cllr Fiona Corps, Cllr Sean Dillon
Members of the public: 6
- Welcome and apologies.
Marjory Ashworth welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies were received and recorded. - Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest. - Reports from Community Groups
Gardening Group – report by Rae Wallace
Two of the village floral boat displays have been replaced with brand new boats donated by Fergus and
Betty Young. The new boats were painted/decorated by Ewan and Penny Law.
The James Braid Garden at the windmill has been tidied up by 9 volunteers and credit should be given to
Sandra Mayes who previously maintained this area on her own. The Serenity Garden and the school
gardens have also had attention, and the local tubs will be tidied up in due course.
The plug plants are being ‘brought on’ in the polytunnel and are being watered daily by volunteers. A
gardening club has started in the school.
Volunteers are required to water the tubs in the village.
SMAKE (St Monans Auld Kirk Enterprise) – report by Marjory Ashworth
Once again, there is work taking place behind the scenes here. There have been no recent meetings, but
Architects and Surveyors have visited the kirk and things are progressing. Fife Historic Buildings are helping
to collate information and reports, to enable an application to be made for funding.
Heritage – report by Marjory Ashworth
A famous author will be conducting a book signing in the museum sometime in July 2024 (dates, e.c.t still to be confirmed) and this will be publicised nearer the time. Also, a Psychic night will be held in the Masonic Hall on 6 th July 2024; Billy
Morris is making every effort here to help raise funds for the Heritage. There have been good numbers
attending recently however, people are commenting that there is no place available to get a coffee in the
Community Larder – report by Alison Child
The group is in the process of getting their own bank account and the constitution is nearly established.
Lottery funding may be possible and is being explored. The Community Larder is hoping to become
independent. - Previous minutes and matters arising
Marjory Ashworth went to the bank van and discovered that the bank had closed the application due to mismatched signatures. New forms have been obtained to start the process again. - Report sent to the Councillors regarding the issue at the Dossie but there has been no reply as yet.
- Regarding the inconsiderate parking within the village, Cllr Dillon requested details of specific areas
- which have been supplied to him.
- The issued of flooding in Queen Margaret Street has been carried forward.
- The request for a wedding to be held in the Auld Kirk in July has been granted.
- The previous minutes were proposed by Eileen Montador and seconded by Niamh Syme.
- Police matters and report.
There were no representatives present, or paper report available from the police. A concern was raised
regarding parking at the shop obstructing the view of the lollipop lady. - Chairperson’s report – report by Marjory Ashworth
Thanks were extended to all who had contributed on the day of the beach clean. This proved hard
work with lots of big creels, tyres etc. being washed up. The contribution made by the tractor driver
was very much appreciated, as was the help from the school children. The skip was about ¾ full, and
it was noted that more male help would be appreciated in future due to the heavy work.
Scott Duncan, the Rector of Waid Academy, will be attending the June meeting. - Treasurer’s report
No report available this month. - Secretary’s report
The minutes received from the group concerned about the Out of Hours service/Elmwood college
issues were discussed, and it was decided that the Community Council would not be getting any
further involved here.
Eileen Montador has written to Sonia Potjewijd, who is leading on the shared pathways from
Earlsferry to Pittenweem.
24 Newark Street – continuing communications with Cllr Corps regarding this property which was
discussed at previous meetings. Carry forward.
Charlie Cook will be in touch directly with the Heritage. - Members’ Reports
Niamh Syme (Social Media)
Post re beach clean got over 200 likes – but only about 30 people turned up.
Morven Syme (Vice President)
No report - Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Alycia Hayes
Cllr Hayes apologised for her lateness as she had to attend Largoward CC meeting first this evening.
Her report provided information on the following:
A meeting with the transport officer is planned for early June to discuss transport links to the
The difficult staffing situation in Fife Council was outlined in relation to the Council’s ability to
respond to unexpected environmental damage.
Property Flood Resilience Grant – The roll out of the grant was launched on 24 April 2024 with 107
submissions received to date. The process is being managed by Roads & Transportation Services
resources assisted by Business Support. Annual Maintenance Programmes – This includes camera
surveys, maintenance of drainage infrastructure, culverts and watercourses, annual harbours and
shoreline maintenance packages and vegetation management works in key locations. Harbour
Management – Operational management of the Fife Council owned harbours and piers.
Common Good funding was discussed. Link for the new Common Good policy:
CCPublicAgendaPack2024-05-09.pdf ( Page 100-107
Community Climate Grants – Get detailed guidance and access the application form:
Food4Fife Strategy – Council members approved the new Food4Fife Strategy at the recent Cabinet
Place Plan and Planning Processes – express community desires for precious buildings. Morven
Syme will attend a meeting about this and it will be discussed at the next CC meeting.
BEAR Scotland, acting on behalf of Transport Scotland, are planning to carry out investigation works
on the M90 between junctions 1C & 2 at 3 structures, Admiralty South, Admiralty North, &
Masterton Viaduct. The works have been provisionally proposed to take place from Monday the
3rd to Thursday the 6th of June between the hours of 2000 & 0600 each night.
The footpath of the C17 road between St Monans and Abercrombie is to be resurfaced next spring.
Mrs Ashworth suggested a more solid surface be used where the road floods, rather than the red
chips which block the drains.
B942 Pittenweem to Colinsburgh – cars overtaking on blind summit at Abercrombie farm. Request
no overtaking signs/blind summit signs.
- Public Questions
Request mechanical sweeper in St Monans
A fence has been re-erected over a right of way at 24 Station Road. Cllr Hayes to follow up.
The noticeboard at the bottom of Station Road is not closing properly. M Ashworth to speak to
Steve about this.
On the coastal path at Newark – old style coal bunkers full of dog poo bags. M Ashworth to
approach Balcaskie here.
Campervans parking at bottom of Abercrombie Road and also church carpark. There are plenty of
authorised places in the East Neuk. - AOCB
- Close/date and time of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 17 th June 2024 at 7.00/7.30 pm. Marjory Ashworth thanked
everyone for their attendance and brought the meeting to a close.
ST. MONANS AND ABERCROMBIE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minute of the ordinary general meeting held in the Church Hall, Station Road on 20th May 2024 — No Comments
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