St Monans and Abercrombie Residents’ Association – Minute, 19th June 2019
Chair Hugh Wallace
Secretary Sandra Mayes
Fife Council Kara Watson (Housing Officer); Colin Whyte (Tenant Participating Officer)
External Raymon Gray (NEFTR)
Residents Peter Copland, David Brisland, Eleanor Mathors, Rena Ovenstone, John Dickson, Marta Zwolinska
Apologies Sonya Potjewijd (CLD Development Worker), Mark Cook (Fife Council)
Welcome and Apologies
HW welcomed everyone and hoped he could reply upon support from those knowing the village so much better than he. He hoped also that the Residents Group would help to build a caring community for all.
Minute of last meeting
This was AGREED. It was also AGREED that the draft minute should be circulated through social media and email in advance of subsequent meetings to enable information to be read and digested. Paper copies would also be available on the night.
Group Walkabout Action Plan update
KW gave an update on the Walkabout which took place on 17th April 2019.
Public Toilets at Miller Terrace – Environmental Services are considering options, eg 30p charging facility, £5 access key
Recycling truck mounting Hope Place pavement – Environmental Services and Transportation are discussing matter. Drivers told to reduce speed and use of smaller trucks. Councillor Holt taking this forward
Black bins at football pitch – Environmental Services contacted – a general waste bin is a requirement at recycling locations; reminder for regular pick up and clear up afterwards; Councillor Holt pursuing
1 Forth Street bins – Environmental Services contacted – resolution in process
Steps from caravan park – FCCT (Fife Coastal & Countryside Trust) contacted; KW to take forward as trip/fall hazard
Miller Terrace signage for car parking – Transportation contacted; on Stuart Goodfellow”s ‘to do list’
Caravans parked at Miller Terrace – Safer Communities Wardens and Transportation contacted; resolution in process
Street Light No5 Forth Street – Transportation contacted – needing to be confirmed now fixed
Grass cutting on Coastal Path – FCCT contacted; overall policy Fife-wide not to collect cuttings; budget cuts
St Monans Coastal Path Sign – FCCT contacted; in the process of updating information
Tree branches 2-6 East Street – Tree Team contacted; dead branches have been removed
3 East Shore Street “private parking” sign – ownership checked; Harbourmaster property; Transportation being chased up
Picnic benches at Windmill area – FCCT contacted; no funding available for benches; would require maintenance costs and provision of waste bins
Car spaces at Rose Street – Fife Council contacted
Removal of items at garage site – Housing Services contacted
Broken fence Queen Margaret St garage site – Housing Services contacted; costings quote requested 23/4/19 – action progressing
Utility Gym at The Mair – Parks Development Officer contacted
Station Road/Hope Place railings – Transportation contacted; made safe but some spars to be fixed and repainted; Kara/Colin to follow up
East Street Noticeboard area – ownership and maintenance clarified as Fife Council, but “Beautiful St Monans have taken on replanting and maintenance; “Beautiful St Monans require to advise Fife Council – SM to pursue
Forth Street Double Yellow Line – Transportation contacted (Sara Wilson); to extend lines to prevent blocking of road; to be followed up
Road-surfacing throughout St Monans – Transportation contacted (Sara Wilson)
East Street Road-surfacing – Transportation contacted (Sara Wilson); CW advised that larger patching would be carried out as short-term solution with a view to fuller repair
Further concerns
A number of further issues were identified
Bins at Braid Court – concerns over fly-tipping; Kara to pursue
Bins at Johnstons Court – Waste contacted; padlocks have been arranged
Use of garages/lock-ups at Hope Place –
Fencing at Coastal Path
Railings at Johnstons Close
Right of Way at Virgin Square
Blue Bin gone “rogue” at Industrial Park, Queen Margaret Street
Plinth on Coastal Path by Windmill – KW to report to Fife Direct
Public access at Station Road/Braehead corner
Reports/updates – Councillors, Police, Fife Council etc
There were no Councillors present, nor Police. HW will send dates of meetings to St Andrews Police to ensure their presence; major Police incident in East Neuk preventing their presence.
CW spoke about “Crimestoppers” being available to encourage alerting authorities to concerns. Safe Communities Officers (Ian & Kat) could also be invited
Congratulations on the success of the Sea Queen Weekend., particularly to Sea Queen Committee. A number of visitors from neighbouring villages and walkers on the Coastal Path had looked in. Thanks to “Beautiful St Monans” for their work in fixing hanging baskets and decorating barrels and gardens around village. Concern raised concerning the safety of hanging baskets in the wind. SM to pass on concern re East Street.
Constitution, Committee & Board
CW gave a draft Constitution to HW and SM to consider. It will be brought to the next meeting for approval
We are currently without a Treasurer. A volunteers is required
Going around the meeting, the following points were raised
Hedge at Bus Stop – danger of spiky roses at head height; pointed out that those recognising the problem were free to cut these back if seen
Tenants Federation Meetings – RG invited two St M & A residents to monthly committee meetings on last Friday of the month at 10.30am
Removed water butt – the water butt was taken from Coastal Path for the garden beside the Windmill; CW had followed up with the Coastal Trust and Allotments, but everyone denying knowledge. May need to purchase a replacement
Cosy Kingdom leaflets – Sonya had left several leaflets concerning free and impartial energy advice through St Andrews Environmental Network. Members encouraged to take leaflets and advise others.
Next Meeting
Wednesday 21st August 2019 at 6.30pm at the Masonic Lodge, Braehead.
St Monans and Abercrombie Residents’ Association – Minute, 19th June 2019 — No Comments
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