Community Council Minutes 20/10/08
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council
on Monday 20th October 2008 at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown T.Hughes
E.Hughes W.Buchan D.MacEwan V.Salvage
Cllr Macgregor
No members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from R.Craib, Cllr Riches and D.Palmer.
2) Public Questions
3) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 Data Protection Form has now been submitted with a cheque for £35.
3.2 R.Craib and G.Brown attended last East Neuk CC Forum.David Stutchfield gave presentation on energy conservation. It is hoped that the East Neuk may be able to apply for an award from the Climate Challenge fund, which could fund an energy specialist to work directly with householders to get home insulation, and supply and install Efergy smart meters to help reduce electrical consumption. Fiona Mitchell coordinating project.We heard that Fife Police are now charging for policing some big events but St Monans Sea Queen Day will not be affected.
Cllr Macgregor reported that after discussion at Forum Mrs E Anderson has been contacted by Fife Council to clarify wall ownership through sight of house title deeds.
G.Brown reported that St Monans has received one half cwt bag of daffodil bulbs from Kilconquhar and Colinsburgh CC. As bulbs need immediate planting V.Salvage to approach school to see if bulbs could be planted in partnership in various venues: possibly Mary Wood garden and ground above pend.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer – G.Brown Seconder – E.Scott
4) Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
5) Secretary’s Report
No new mail.
6) Treasurer’s Report
Statements issued as per AGM
7) Planning Matters
No planning matters, except Cllr Macgregor raised question about request by house owner to purchase a small piece of land by 52 Newark Street. CC agreed
8.1Letter from FC. BT wish to adopt a phone box kiosk in St Monans. Decision – do nothing.
8.2Police Report
Alan Nairn reported there had been 4 calls about anti-social behaviour since his last report. 2 became crime reports. This is down from 9 calls in the same period last year. Crime in Fife fell 16% last year. Use of a speed gun in Elm Grove has been successfully catching speeders. No. to contact police is 08456005702.
Blue Light Discos in Anstruther have been attracting some 40 attendees including some from St Monans. The next disco will be in East Neuk Centre. PC Nairn gave CC a questionnaire re Consultation on Community Policing.
V.Bland asked about possibility of a zebra crossing at Station Road junction with Gourlay Crescent as some motorists are ignoring lollipop lady. After some discussion no consensus was reached. PC Nairn said police would consider use of speed gun in Station Road and traffic warden patrols.
8.3 W.Buchan raised question of grass cutting along Inverie Burn. Unlikely.
W.Buchan raised question of fence at Inverie Street. Cllr Macgreor reported that a quote is pending from JKF fencing for repair. FC to pay.
8.4 Remenbrance Sunday. Cllr Macgregor left FC wreath to be laid and apologised that no councillor could be present to lay it. E.Scott to lay CC wreath and V.Salvage to lay FC wreath.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 17th November at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
All members of the public welcome
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