Community Council minutes 15/09/08
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council
on Monday 15th September 2008 at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
T.Hughes E.Hughes W.Buchan D.MacEwan
Cllr Macgregor
4 members of the public were present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from V.Salvage, D.Palmer, Cllr Riches and Cllr Scott-Hayward.
2) John Brewster
Following the success of the Poetry Competition earlier this year, John put forward a proposal for a two day Community Arts Festival in Sept/Oct 2009. The overall theme would be Homecoming, linked to the Scottish Government’s Homecoming Scotland 2009 promotional banner. John plans to advertise his ideas to the community and form a committee to move forward with organisation and funding. The CC were supportive of the idea in principle.
3) Public Questions
Mrs Elinor Anderson expressed her continuing concerns over the sea wall adjacent to her house. The problem of coastal erosion in East Neuk villages is now being considered by East Neuk CC forum with a view to more joined up policy and approach, and further information may be available after next forum.
Mrs Anderson also expressed concern about condition of steps and path to church. D.MacEwan has been assured that Fife Council are planning to work on this shortly.
Mrs Maureen Lishman asked if a date had been set for removal of boat shed at harbour. G.Brown had contacted Mr Meldrum who could give no details of immediate plans. Under planning regulations he has 5 years to complete the job.
4) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
2.0 Grass will not be cut on banking below Braehead as new health and safety rules mean machines are not allowed to be used there.
3.8 Car has been removed from 21 Inverie Street but further problems of inappropriate parking and fence replacement still need attention.
5.1 CC have agreed at present to make an improvement to notice board rather than replace at great cost.
5.5 Data Protection .R Craib hopefully to get advice from Frank Jensen at East Neuk CC Forum in September.
5.7 We are delighted to hear that St Monans is now the winner of Best Kept Medium Village in East Fife. Our great thanks go to the hard work of Vicki Salvage and Win Brown whose positive promotion of St Monans has been truly admirable. Congratulations also to the ” Harbour Howff ” for its special additional award. We plan to build on this success next year.
8.1 D.Palmer asked if a CC member could attend Parent Council meetings. We will endeavour to send a representative. The new nursery is to be open for viewing on Tuesday 23rd Sept at 3.30pm. P5/6 are currently organising an anti dog fouling campaign. W. Buchan to liaise with school to add our support.
8.6 Anyone living in Kingdom Housing can approach different fuel suppliers for competitive rates or ask Scottish Power to assess energy efficiency. If a problem then exists contact Kingdom.
8.7 Following a disappointing response from the Lottery for Regeneration Project funding, the CC wrote a letter of support for the project but to date have received no response.
8.8 St Monans Website, is now up and running. Articles will gradually be added. Minutes and other CC news will be displayed there.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted
Proposer Seconder
D.MacEwan G.Brown
5) Chairperson’s Report
E.Scott commented on the success of this year’s Floral Display.
St Monans Fire Brigade require 2 new volunteers.
6) Secretary’s Report
6.1 G.Brown attended last East Neuk CC Forum. Minutes retained. R.Craib and G.Brown will attend next meeting on 25th September.
6.2 Fife band “Manikees” offering gigs for villages. Information retained.
6.3 Mr Sandy Mackie has agreed firstly to tidy up, and then to renovate for occupation property at 32 Station Road.
6.4 A proposal for allotments on land north of Elmgrove was discussed. Several members of CC have concerns over various issues and more discussion will happen when full plans are available.
6.5 Cllr Scott Hayward is still trying to ascertain who owns grass land at top of Forth Street before improvements can be looked at.
6.6 An approach will be made to ” Cleaner Tidier Fife” for possible funding for further planting in public areas.
6.7 Following problems over billing for water charges at the Heritage Collection, we believe the bill has now been paid by Fife Council. Scottish Water are due to be installing a meter within the year which will hopefully reduce costs.
6.8 Children’s Panel recruitment notices to be displayed in village.
7) Treasurer’s Report
7.1 Entrust literature has been retained.
7.2 Treasurer statement issued.
8) Planning
None to discuss
9.1 R.Craib to report to transportation concerns about state of electrical wiring cover on lamppost on corner of Station Road and Gourlay Crescent.
9.2 Waste Aware to be notified about problem of bins being left lying empty in Queen Margaret Street. They will have a word with occupants.
9.3 Further concerns over state of cemetery have been received. R.Craib to notify relevant authorities.
9.4 D.MacEwan hopes that a local Community Planning Budget Fund may be able to help pay for additional lighting on outside ( sea side) of church.
9.5 A Burns Supper is being planned for Sunday 25th January in Mayview Hotel and the Old Folks Treat will be on Saturday 31st January. A sub committee will be formed to organise these events.
10) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 20th October at 7.30pm in St Monans Church Hall.
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council minutes 15/09/08 — No Comments
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