Community Council Minutes 15/04/2013
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 15th April 2013 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite (draft)
A. Anderson G. Brown E. Hughes M. Ashworth
P. Copland T. Hughes V. Salvage W. Buchan
V. Bland E. Scott
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches Cllr Docherty
Members of the public – 45
1.Welcome and Apologies
A. Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from R. Craib and P. Shafren.
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Proposed housing/allotment site.
The main purpose of this item was to explain the thinking behind the alternative allotment sites, where known, and to gather the views of the residents.
A. Anderson outlined the position of the various sites that were mentioned in the spreadsheet supplied by Fife Council. The potential site at Netherton Industrial Estate was zoned for Industrial use only and could not be considered. The potential site west of the cemetery was ruled out due to the need for an extension to the cemetery among other reasons. The swimming pool, putting green and other areas to the east of the village were also discounted for a variety of reasons.
The potential sites owned by Balcaskie estates were the main focus of attention. The area to the west of the Inverie burn was discussed at length. The landowner had met with some CC members and explained his thinking. Basically there would be no fences and no sheds. It could be extended if there was a demand for more allotments. One shed could be sited at the railway bridge for all the allotment holders use. Fruit trees/bushes could be planted on the St Monans side of the burn to form a community orchard and to partially screen the site. Access would be from either end.
The potential site at Bowhouse Farm was discussed. One issue with this site was getting school children to and from it. It was suggested that the school had a minibus and a very willing driver and that there would be no problem with this.
Some of the points raised and comments made were; It was a shame that there were no Allotment Association office bearers present to voice their opinions. It was pointed out that if the Allotment Association couldn’t or wouldn’t agree to any of the alternative sites, then it could be done without their approval. It was stated that the CC had agreed to houses and allotments in the field west of the manse. A. Anderson said that this was if no alternatives were brought forward. It was pointed out that there had been a petition, signed by over 100 people against the field west of the manse.
What would happen to the field if no allotments were formed there? Probably more houses. Fife Council have not made it clear as yet.
One potential allotment holder was asked what she would like to see in the allotment site. A shed to store tools and a poly tunnel for extending the growing season.
At the end of a fairly lengthy discussion, where everyone had a good opportunity to air their views, a vote was taken on each of the potential sites. The overwhelming favourite was the site at Bowhouse as proposed by the landowner. It was in fact the only site that had no opposition. It was put to the meeting that the CC should enter into further discussions with the landowner, Toby Anstruther of Balcaskie Estate. There was general consensus that this should happen and will be taken forward.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
V. Salvage had received an email from FC regarding replacement bushes for the banking at the West End. So far there has been no response from the residents. Cllr MacGregor will pursue the matter on our behalf.
It was noted that the East Pier Smokehouse had been granted a full liquor license for the hours 1100 – 2100.
Proposer Seconder
P. Copland V. Salvage
5 Chairman Report
No response as yet from Liz Murphy – will try again. It was noted at the East Neuk Forum that St Monans had managed to get two defibrillators.
6 Secretary Report
In the absence of the secretary most information had been passed by email. The sewage pipework plans had been received and distributed. Big Lottery funding is available for qualifying projects. The annual beach clean will shortly take place. The St Monans Conservation Area consultation document has been received. It is non controversial and is, in fact, rather interesting reading.
East Neuk Foodbank posters are now available.
7. Treasurer Report
Written statement of accounts issued.
We are well on the way to having enough money for a third defibrillator, with sizeable donations having been received in the last month from the Community Choir, the Sea Queen Committee and the Arts Festival Committee. Our thanks to all
8 Planning
Nothing new this month. Notification received that approval has been granted for the house on the site of the Joiner’s Workshop behind George Terrace.
8. Public Questions and comments
Problems with molehills at the old cemetery. A surface water drainage pipe which discharges into the burn is not sticking far enough out and is causing the banking to be washed away. Fencing on the left hand side of the Church car park is falling down. We will have a look and report to the appropriate person.
A further request for railings at the Plerick. V. Salvage to pursue.
Would it be possible to have a couple of dog bins at the old railway bridge? A member of the public offered to empty them.
It was noted that the track along the back side of Miller Terrace was breaking up. Bins are put out on this side. Would it be possible to have this upgraded or repaired? Cllr MacGregor to pursue.
It was noted that several recent headstones in the cemetery have foundations that are above ground level. Liz Murphy to be contacted.
Garage area at bottom of Queen Margaret Street still not levelled out.
The path between the Manse and the burn has been looked at by FC who say that it is OK. V. Salvage will contact the council again on this matter as it is still unsatisfactory.
Could the steps down to the beach, before the castle, be replaced? G. Brown to send a grid ref. to Cllr Riches who will follow up.
There was also a report of a big hole beside the castle.
Complaint about the poor quality of the repairs to the Abercrombie Road and also the repair or alteration to the footpath at the field entrances. It was felt that this would break up as soon as a few tractors had passed over it.
Complaints about parking on pavements preventing wheelchair access. Phone the police.
It was noted that there had been no police presence at CC meetings this year.
Cllr MacGregor said that the potential footpath to Ardross was being investigated, with an assessment in June.
It was noted that the temporary fencing had been removed from the little park.
10. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A. Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 20th May at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. All members of the public welcome.
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