Community Council Minutes 15/5/17
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 15 May 2017, at 7.30 pm.
P Copland (Chairman) | V Salvage (Vice Chairman) | P Peddie (Treasurer) |
M Ashworth | W Buchan | V Bland |
E Hughes | Cllr Linda Holt | Cllr J Docherty |
Cllr W Porteous | N Wallace, Headteacher, St Monans Primary School | |
E Porteous (Minute Secretary) |
Members of the public: 4
1 | Welcome and Apologies
Apologies: B Allan |
2 | Declarations of Interest
None |
3 | Resignation from the Community Council
Cllr W Porteous confirmed that he had stood down from the Community Council |
4 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (4, 3.1) MUGA (Multi-Use Games Arena) W Buchan thanked Maureen Lackie and Sandra Mayes. N Wallace confirmed that a report of the MUGA opening was going into the newspapers. (There had been an embargo previously due to the election.) |
4.2 (3.2, 3.4, 5) Dog Fouling and Rubbish Dumping
N Wallace said that a Safer Communities Officer came in to the school last week to talk about dog fouling. W Buchan said that he had had to contact Waste Aware because of people dumping rubbish at the back of St Monans. Two men from the Council came, and spoke to V Bland and W Buchan, but said that they could not do anything because it was over six months since they put the waste there. However, they suggested that we invite someone from Waste Aware (Roddy McCafferty) to the next meeting. W Buchan agreed to do this. |
W Buchan |
4.3 (3.3, 3.3, 3.4, 7) Abercrombie Potholes
M Ashworth reported that the potholes are still there, and said things had gone quiet regarding this, but that she would chase up the person we were contacting again. She added that they keep telling her that the potholes are not deep enough. Cllr L Holt said that potholes annoy her a lot. She said that there is an App you can get which allows you to take a photo of the pothole and it sends the photograph automatically to Fife Council. She said that she would forward the name of the App so that it could be inserted into the Minutes. Following further information from M Ashworth about how dangerous these potholes were, Cllr L Holt said that the potholes are making people behave oddly at the junction, so they are a special case. Cllr W Porteous said that he would send an email to the Council. |
Cllr L Holt Cllr W Porteous |
4.4 (3.4, 3.5, 8) Plerick Railings
V Salvage said that the Plerick Railings are up, but we have not yet received the bill. P Copland that we can perhaps make an application to the Common Good Fund. |
V Salvage |
4.5 (3.5, 3.6, 9) Abandoned Cars
P Copland said that the car was eventually removed. |
4.6 (3.6, 3.8, 3.11) Traffic at the Mini Market
The double yellow lines have been extended, but it has not made much difference to the parking. P Copland said that we are still waiting for bollards being put outside Scottish Fuels to stop people parking on that pavement. |
4.7 (3.6, 3.10, 3.13) Harbour Smell
Members of the public confirmed that the smell was still there. P Copland said that he would get back to Moir Gibson. |
P Copland | |
4.8 (3.8, 3.11, 3.14) Church Path Seaweed
V Salvage said that this was OK at the moment. |
4.9 (3.10, 7.1) Street Sweepers
A member of the public said that they have been twice with the mobile sweeper since the last meeting. She went on to complain that you see them in Anstruther picking up through the week, but they never pick up anything in St Monans in between sweeps, they just empty the bins. Cllr J Docherty reminded the meeting that he had contacted the relevant department about this. He said that they changed the routine for bin emptying. He said that you should have had leaflets explaining the changes. He said that he does bring up the fact that the street cleaning had not been done as often. The member of the public said that sometimes some bins were not emptied. V Salvage said that if this is the case on Sea Queen Day it will be terrible, and added that for 2 weeks in the last little while the Green Bins have not been emptied on the Friday, and we have had to wait until Monday. N Wallace said that in Anstruther we did have an issue with our bins and the plastic bin did not get emptied when it should have been. P Copland said that, again, we will keep an eye on it. |
P Copland |
4.10 (3.11, 8.0) Beach Clean
Reminder that the beach clean is this Sunday at 12.30 pm at the West End Car Park. |
All |
4.11 (3.12, 8.2) Sunday School Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone. |
4.12 (3.13, 8.3) Hawthorn Trees
Cllr W Porteous said that we will resurrect the Hawthorn Trees, but we need to find somewhere to put them so that we can get them planted. A member of the public suggested putting the trees by the old putting green at the windmill side of the beach. |
4.13 (3.13, 8.3) Off-road Motorcycles and Quad Bikes
P Copland said that unfortunately PC Elder was not in attendance at the meeting (nor was anyone else from Police Scotland). However, PC Elder had said – please do not wait for her to come to report any incident – no matter how insignificant it is, please report it. It is anonymous – Phone 0800 555 111 – you do not have to give a name and address. If there is any trouble that you witness you can also report it to Crime Stoppers as well. |
4.14 (3.15, 8.7) Cars Parked on Pavements
P Copland said that this is being monitored. W Buchan said that the car parked on the pavement in Castle Street has now gone, so it is now possible to get round the pavements with a mobility vehicle. |
4.15 (3.16, 8.8) Beautiful St Monans
Cllr W Porteous in his role as Chairman of Beautiful St Monans said that we will shortly be emptying the tubs and filling them up with compost, prior to planting. The hanging baskets are due to be put up by 24 June. A couple of donations have come in. He suggested that we will need to write through P Peddie as Treasurer asking for donations from those interested people and new people. |
Cllr W Porteous/ P Peddie |
4.16 (3.17, 8.10) Willow Trees Planted on Braes.
The willow trees have been removed by the Council. |
4.17 (8) Water at the Cemetery
A member of the public reported that there is still no water at the cemetery. The member of the public asked – will they not even put a stand pipe at the bridge? She said that every couple of weeks we have to phone up. They will not mend the water pipe. Cllr W Porteous said that there was a suggestion that it is too expensive to replace it all the way. He asked if putting a stand pipe at the bridge would be a sensible alternative. It was suggested that there would be some people who were incapable of carrying the water from the bridge to the cemetery. The member of the public said that something needs to be done at the cemetery, adding that the tap at the water butt is also stiff. J Docherty said he could contact Moir Mitchell. Cllr Docherty suggested that the CC could get some partial funding, perhaps through the Common Good Fund. Cllr Docherty said that he would be happy to chase it up. P Copland said that it would be interesting to find out what it would cost to replace the pipe. P Peddie commented that the water needs to be piped in. |
Cllr J Docherty P Copland |
4.18 Weeds in the Cemetery Paths
A member of the public commented that the weeds in the paths are ridiculous. Cllr J Docherty said that he had in the past arranged a meeting with the officials concerned, and asked if he should do that again. P Copland said that yes, the CC would arrange for someone to come and meet him. V Salvage said that if Cllr Docherty gets someone to come along that she would invite the people who had raised this problem to also come along – to have people who are concerned there. |
4.19 Amendment to Previous Minutes
P Peddie pointed out a typing error in the previous Minutes at Matters Arising 3.2 ‘Fowling’ should be changed to ‘Fouling’. |
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer: W Buchan Seconder: V Salvage |
5 | Chairperson’s Report
The Chairman said that firstly he would like to welcome our new Councillors, Linda Holt and Bill Porteous. Bill, he said, we know. Cllr L Holt said that she had been a member of the Community Council years ago, but she said that she did not know St Monans. She said that she had done some leafleting and was very impressed by the Welly Garden. P Copland said that he hoped she would enjoy her stay with us for the next 4-5 years. He also welcomed Cllr John Docherty back for his second term. |
6 | Secretary’s Report
P Copland that the CC still had no Secretary, but, V Bland had passed him a flyer from North East Fife Tenants and Residents Federation (NEFTRF) to him. It said that its main aims were to:
Open Hours 10 am- 1 pm Monday and Friday Address: The Cosy Cabin, 25 Blalowan Park, Cupar, Fife KY15 5EN TEL: 0784 075316 Cllr J Docherty said that he had attended their AGM last year. He said that they are very effective in promoting what they say. P Copland said that we have about 1300 people within the village and there must be some who would benefit from contacting this organisation. |
7 | Treasurer’s Report
P Peddie said that he had handed round a copy of the accounts for the year up to the end of March. He said that all the accounts are looking significantly healthier than they were in the last year. He said that this was nothing to do with him but rather to do with the work of G Brown our previous Treasurer. He said that regarding Cash Flow, (because of different things – Calendars, Welly Boot Garden and Burns Supper) there is £800 more in the accounts than there was last year. The Floral Accounts ended up at the end of last year in a bad way, which is why G Brown organised £5,000 out the Common Good Fund. The Heritage just ticks along without too much going in and out. Cash Management ticks along with just a little bit of interest being added each year. So, he said, basically everything is in good fettle. P Peddie invited any questions. Cllr L Holt was curious to know why the CC did not get a Locality Grant this year. P Peddie said it was because we got a container to hold the things from the Heritage Centre. It was a one off. M Ashworth asked why this Grant was shown in the Floral Display Account and not the Heritage. P Peddie said that that it must have been paid into the wrong account. Cllr W Porteous said that he should maybe point out that Mr Arms, the owner of the building, has had the Heritage Collection building repainted. Also, Cllr Porteous said, through Mr Arms we have new padlocks, which he has agreed he will pay half the cost of. W Porteous said that in due course the grills will have to be replaced, but again Mr Arms had said that he would be happy to go 50:50. P Copland said that the CC are liable for repair and maintenance of the whole building, which includes the grills. W Porteous said the painter has quite a bit of the back top of the building still to do, but added that the building looks great. |
8 | Planning
P Copland said these only came in today. J Docherty asked if he should remind people that the Councillors in attendance cannot give a view on planning issues.
A member of the public commented that it is quite in keeping with the next door property. P Copland said that it was in keeping with some of the East-Neuk vernacular. It has a block paving driveway. The outline is the wall which runs at the side of the footpath. He said that we have a fortnight to make any comment. Cllr W Porteous asked if it is using the existing access. P Copland replied that the existing opening is retained. |
9 | Public Questions
9.1 Drain Covers Missing A member of the public said that drain covers are missing outside number 26 Station Road. Cllr W Porteous said that he would take that up. |
Cllr W Porteous |
10 | AOCB
10.1 Road at the Back of Miller Terrace W Buchan said that he was asked what was happening about the road at the back of Miller Terrace. He said that he drove along it. It is in a terrible state, and said that both sides should be the same. P Copland said that it has died a death, and said the reason for the bad state of the road was that the bin lorries need to use that road to go round the back. A member of the public commented that on a Saturday, when there is a football match on, people are parking cars there, and said that the park is going to be some mess. V Salvage said she would speak to Iain Barbour about this. Cllr J Docherty said that it may be worthwhile contacting Kevin Smith about the road at the back of Millar Terrace. P Copland said that the problem with this was finance. It was £25,000+ the last time we looked at it – and you cannot get anything for that. |
V Salvage P Copland |
10.2 Blocking of Cemetery Gates
A member of the public said that when there is a wedding or anything big at the church they park right in front of the cemetery gates. If anyone needed to get in or out they would not be able to use them. V Salvage said she would contact Liz Murphy to put up a “No Parking” sign. A member of the public said that also the turning point is often used to park cars. |
V Salvage |
10.3 Cars going over ground towards Windmill
V Salvage said that at the end of Rose Street there is a bollard that has to be put down with a padlock. She said that cars have been using it. It was mentioned that a CC member has a key for the padlock, but that she only uses her car when she is taking something along (to tend the Jimmy Braid Garden). It was mentioned that someone in the Coastal Watch has a car. Several people who are using that area and driving along, but V Salvage said, if the rain starts this will cause quite a bit of damage. Really no-one should be driving along there on a regular basis. P Peddie said that he would speak to John Kinsman to see if he can throw any light on it. Cllr W Porteous said, correct me if I am wrong, but there are only 2 keys: Brenda Allan has one and John Kinsman has a key. Cllr J Docherty said it might be Fife Coast and Countryside. |
P Peddie |
10.4 Permission to have a Car Boot Sale?
A member of the public asked if it was possible for their group to have a car boot sale on the Mair in August. P Copland said that you would have to get permission from Fife Council. He added that we have to contact Fife Council to use the Mair for the Sea Queen day. |
10.5 Report anything Suspicious or Dangerous regarding inappropriate use of School Playground
A plea was made by N Wallace, Head Teacher of St Monans Primary School. She said that they had had a bit of an issue with our playground. She had spoken to Tracy Elder. She advised to phone 111 if you see anything suspicious or dangerous to report it. A member of the public said that a woman from Forth Street had had window boxes with pots and flowers in broken at the weekend. V Salvage reiterated – if you see the person again to advise them to phone the police. |
Close and Date of Next Meeting
The meeting was closed. The date of the next Ordinary Meeting is Monday, 19 June 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. |
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