Community Council minutes 15/11/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 15th November 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Bland
V.Salvage P.Copland M.Ashworth W.Buchan
E.Scott Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 5 members of the public present.
- Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting .
There were apologies from E.Hughes, T.Hughes and Cllr Riches.
- St Ayles Skiff
There is to be a meeting on Thursday 18th Nov for all interested parties. G.Bell of Harbour Users’ Association said that there is interest within the group to assist with building of the Skiff but he stressed that a specific group would need to be set up to run the project including building and rowing the boat.
- Adopt A Garden Scheme
Peter Duncan from FC made a presentation on FC’s ideas for developing a garden share scheme. The proposed plan is to ask for a review of FC housing to identify gardens which are not currently being maintained, as well as looking at areas within towns and villages which belong to FC and could be developed as
” Community Growing Spaces.” Areas, or parts of gardens, could then be leased to interested members of the community. He would envisage an Association being set up for each community to manage and monitor the system.
The CC hope to pursue the idea further should there be interest within the village as it would seem a good way to improve the appearance of the village as well as give those who seek more garden space the opportunity to acquire this sooner than perhaps more formal allotment sites can become available.
Peter Duncan is happy to discuss further with interested individuals. He can be contacted at
- Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (3.3) W.Meade reported that all appeared to be in order with housing allocation. Any further concerns should be reported directly to Local Office.
4.2 (3.4) Issue being passed to Iain Barbour.
4.3 (5.2) Harry Byers met with V.Salvage and V.Bland.
Bins at Braid Court – HB recommended approaching Housing and Communities or Transportation to fund a bin recess. Cllr SH will raise issue at Locality meeting.
Holiday Home Rubbish – seagull proof bags will possibly be made available to landlords.
Bins – CC will consider buying more bins for village.
Mechanical Sweeper – HB noted suggestion that if residents knew when sweeper was coming parked cars could be moved to allow access.
Public Toilets – No plans to refurbish following being vandalised. R.Craib to write to express CC’s great concern about this and urge a rethink.
Dog Fouling – a considerable problem.
4.4(5.6) Play Equipment. Cllr Macgregor checking on legality of CC purchasing equipment for FC.
4.5 (5.8) Leaflets asking residents to give contacts for receiving information from CC have been distributed. 36 replies received to date.
Anyone else wishing to be added to list should email or phone R Craib on 730741.
4.6 D.Gray reported that he had inspected the wynd behind Station Road and found area to be clear of obstruction.
4.7 D.Gray will discuss with T.Hughes the best situation for football pitch to help protect the new changing rooms.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown M.Ashworth
5.Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson laid a wreath on behalf of CC at Remembrance Service.
6.Secretary’s Report
6.1Plans are well ahead for Burns Supper on Sat 29th January and Senior Citizens’ Tea on 5th February.
6.2Harbour Development.
R.Craib received a reply from Moir Gibson that there had been delays on FC report going back to Scott Wilson’s because of staff holidays and heavy work load but would hopefully happen soon . He also commented that report from Scott Wilson’s was late in reaching them.
6.3Ann Little, Dementia Advisor for NE Fife will make a presentation at our December CC meeting.
7. Treasurer’s Report
No changes to account status.
8.1 There is a retrospective application at Seaspray in West End for decking and patio doors. No objection.
8.2 Provisional planning has been granted for the waste site in West End. No particular stance was taken by local cllrs in this application.
8.3 A planning application has been made for 2 wind turbines at Largoward. St Monans CC feel that it is up to individuals to object if they wish. It was noted that there had been a problem with consultation within Largoward re this project and it was stressed that any potential wind turbine project in St Monans would be subject to full village consultation.
9. Public Questions
The problem of speeding traffic was raised again with particular reference to Abercrombie. A.Anderson to raise at Police meeting and P.Copland to contact Transportation about possible signage.
10.1 Report of dangerously parked car at corner of George Terr/Forth Street. Cllrs suggested contacting police with reg number to ask them to speak to owner.
10.2 Seats in grass area beside bowling green need repair FC worker said they might be removed. W.Buchan to contact Iain Barbour.
10.3 Cllr Scott Hayward thanked E.Scott for laying wreath on behalf of FC at Remembrance Service.
10.4 Report that potholes in Abercrombie have still not been filled. P.Copland to follow up.
10.5 Still no progress with flooding issue at the end of Rose Street.
There have also been concerns about low water pressure. Cllr SH suggested individuals contact OFWAT.
10.6 Suggestion that we could possibly apply to Community Pay Back scheme for help with necessary projects in village eg toilet refurbishment . Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
11.Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting .
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 20th December in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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