Community Council Minutes 15/3/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on
Monday 15th March 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
R CraibA.AndersonG.BrownV.Bland
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 9 members of the public present.
Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from M.Ashworth ( arr 9pm) Cllr Riches and Cllr Macgregor.
Public Questions
2.1A member of the public reported that they had seen several FC employees sitting in a van at the cemetery for about an hour. R Craib to ask D.Gray for an explanation.
2.2It was reported that the burnside path between the bridge and the main road is overgrown. R.Craib to contact D.Gray.
2.3It was reported that there are several missing toby covers in Station Road. R.Craib to contact Transportation.
2.4The traffic lights used during Scottish Water repairs in Station Road are still lying there. R.Craib to contact Scottish Water.
2.5Reports of bins being left in the middle of pavements after emptying. Resident was responded toimpolitely when he asked if they could be put further in. R.Craib to contact Harry Byers.
2.6Members of public expressed concerns about speeding in Inverie Street. A.Anderson explained that the issue had already been raised with police but would be raised again at next Community Police meeting.
Residents were recommended to take vehicle details and report to police directly as this would prompt quicker action.
2.7There was a report of molehills in the cemetery. R.Craib to contact Liz Murphy.
2.8Subject of harbour smells was raised again. A.Anderson to pursue.
2.9Problem with broken milk bottles from milk float in car park in Hope Place has recurred. A.Anderson to raise with police ( Craig Aitken)
2.91Report of 2 unlicensed cars in car park beside toilets. R.Craib to notify Environmental Services.
2.92Youths have been spotted riding motorbikes around village. Craig Aitken to be asked about position on legality and safety issues.
Still general concerns being expressed on street cleaning issues. We will ask Harry Byers to attend next CC meeting and think about some press coverage on the issue.
A question was raised about the progress being made over removal of Millers shed and what would happen there afterwards. As explained in previous meetings , it is the responsibility of the owner, Mr Meldrum, to complete removal and makethe areasafe.
Meeting with EnERGI
An informationsheet from Elaine Fox was issued. G.Brown reported that he and R Craib had attended a meeting with Elaine Fox, Helen Rorrison and Fiona Mitchell. Elaine Fox wished it to be known that the café is a partnership sister
organisation with EnERGI, a Company Limited by Guarantee with charitable status. The CC will try to maintain links and offer to feedback comments from residents to the café management.
Last Minutes and Matters Arising
There is an amendment in 3.1 of draft February minutes. “24 Station Road” should read “14 Station Road.”
(9.2) Hall Closures. Views on possible community take over of hall. A.Anderson to contact Angus McKain for figures.
(3.1) The situation is now in the hands of Duncan Gray. CC have also stated that in future any issue that requires a member of the public being contacted over an issue should be handled by a FC officer rather than the CC.
( 3.2) Ownership of the land is proving very difficult to confirm . Cllr Scott Hayward indicatedthat even if ownership was proven little could probably be done to clear the land of vehicles.
( 3.4) There is no indication of when play equipment will be returned.
(3.5) Dog Fouling. Litter bins were possibly removed from lampposts because of problems servicing the lights. No bins will be put on coastal path because of servicing difficulties. More signs will be put up. If possible an extra standing bin will be placed in Station Road. Residents are reminded that any bin can be used for bagged dog waste.
(6.3) Environmental Wardens to visit the person alleged to have dumped plastic bottles and politely asked to stop doing so. Still difficulties in trying to clear up bottles.
(9.2) Double yellow lines have been repainted beside Top Shop.Transportation have explained why neither a mini roundaboutnor zebra crossing are suitable there.Police hope to patrol more regularly to enforce no stopping on the double yellow lines. Car owners should be aware of the dangers to children crossing the road there if they park or stop beside the junction.
(9.5) The CC has been informed that due to new legislation from April 1st 2010, the property can be placed under a demolition or compulsory purchase order. The owner will be given 3 months to arrange a sale before further action is taken.
Chairperson’s Report
5.1 A.Anderson reported on the community police meeting which he had attended. It was led by community officer Craig Aitken. As well as talking about a drugs initiative in the area, which also included an encouragement for locals to anonymously report any possible drug issues, he highlighted the three main target areas for our community.
1. Speeding and dangerous parking. Police will try to increase their presence and also involve traffic wardens. Members of the public are encouraged to report ( with details) incidents of concern to the police.
2.Youth loitering. Craig Aitken to try to engage with local youth.
3. Anti Social Behaviour.
Members of the community are encouraged to attend these police meetings. They are advertised locally.
5.2 A.Anderson reported on the recent East Neuk Forum where progress on theENLEN project was discussed, detailing how an increasing number of East Neuk residents have been helped with ideas on how to save energy.
5.3 A.Anderson explained that St Monans CC and Community Trust were still looking at a possible renewable energy project for the village. A fully- funded ( although not by St Monans) feasibility study is soon to be carried out which will then enable us to start a period of community consultation. Andy again reiterated that the project would then proceed to the next stage only with the support of the community.
5.4 A.Anderson commented on recent refusals for planning re 34 West End and Allotments and thanked our local cllrs for their support.
Secretary’s Report
Notification has been received that, following a successful pilot scheme, Fife will issue a fourth green bin to households over the next few years to encourage further recycling.
An email was received from a company( rd Energy Solutions) about a possible project in conjunction with Kingdom Housing to examine possibility of wind turbine development in Fife and keen on a possible joint venture with a community group. St Monans CC intimated that it is not interested.
Notification of Preservation Trust AGM on Friday 19th March
Treasurer’s Report
G.Brown issued an updated written statement.
9.1 A problem of flooding in the area between Rose Street and the bathing pool was reported with particular concern re the quality of the water. R Craib to contact Scottish Water.
9.2 Concerns were expressed over news of recent FC service cuts with specific reference to two:
The axing of the home shopper service for elderly and disabled residents unable to shop for themselves. The CC are to investigate the possibility of setting up a voluntary scheme within St Monans.
The severe cutting of Fife’s Music Service with the effect it could have not only on future generations of children but the cultural effect on the local community.
T.Hughes has received information on the Scottish Coastal Rowing Scheme in which young people, under the supervision of a local tradesman, are encouraged to build a rowing boat. The boats would then be used at galas etc
Beach Clean. A date is to be decided on once tide times have been looked at.
Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 19th April 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 15/3/10 — No Comments
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