Community Council Minutes 15/6/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 15th June 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes A.Anderson
W.Buchan Cllr Macgregor D.Palmer
3 members of the public were present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Riches and Cllr Scott Hayward.
2) Public Questions
2.1 Grass on verges and round head stones is not being strimmed. Cllr Macgregor to contact Duncan Gray.
2.2 Need for cemetery bench – already reported.
2.3 Phonebox in Inverie Street vandalised. Cllr Macgregor to notify relevant person.
2.4 Present road sweeper is allegedly being reassigned to a new post. Concern that new system will be detrimental to the village. Derek has been held in high esteem in St Monans and there are fears he may be replaced by someone less committed to his work. Cllr Macgregor to contact Harry Byers. Also will express concerns over lack of public toilet facilities.
2.5 There were complaints about the state of pavements, particularly in Inverie Street. Cllr Macgregor to check how far up St Monans is on improvement plans.
Also concern over lack of footpath on St Monans/Elie road between the “Loan” and Ardross farm.
3) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
Amendments to last minutes.
(2.1) In ” it is believed that the gate was asked for by a resident” – “gate” should read “bollard”.
(2.2) It should have been added that it was made clear to Abercrombie residents that the CC, whilst supporting the idea of allotments, did not support the proposed siting.
(2.4) Fiona Wright is chairperson of the St Monans Playgroup ( not playleader)
(2.1) Due to holidays and consequent extra demand on the service, no progress has been made on situation at Queen Margaret Street garages to date. However, tonight we heard that a site visit is now planned for June 17th at 11.30am. We believe that, although both Cllr Macgregor and the CC asked for involved residents to be communicated with, no such contact has been made. The CC will consequently inform the residents who left their contact details at the last meeting about this site visit, and a representative from the CC will also attend.
(2.2) A notice board for Abercrombie will be at least part funded from the locality budget. R Craib to contact Fiona Mitchell with price of board from GPSigns.
( 2.3) The “cave” area has been weeded by FC gardeners. Following a letter from Mrs Anderson with ideas on how groups may be interested in finding out more on the cave and its history, D.Palmer said that there may be possibilities for school pupils to be involved in a small project with a possible visit from Ian Bradley of St Andrews University.
(5) R Craib has asked for browns signs re toilets and coach route to be updated.
(5.1) D.Gray reported that flat grass areas on the Braes in Miller Terr are being cut but slope is more problematic. A tractor- mounted – flail may be possible but access through the caravan site would be necessary. There is as yet no solution for the rabbits.
(8.1) Adverts have now been posted asking for gardening help at the primary school. Billy Buchan has already started helping, for which the school is very grateful, but more assistance would be very welcome.
(8.2) The Heritage building is now painted inside and out.
From past minutes:
- Extra benches for St Monans should be able to be funded from Cleaner Tidier Fife budget.
- D.Gray has been given more detailed description of where missing steps to beach were and will now investigate further.
- Frank Jensen reported that ages will be asked for when an event is being booked at Town Hall in future. He confirmed that it is the responsibility of the licensee to monitor the area during an event. Rules are due to change on Sept 1st, which should result in tighter controls.
- The screening of the recycling bins is due to start on June 15th.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted including amendments
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland G.Brown
4)Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
5) Secretary’s Report
Correspondence received since 18th May 2009.
- Choosing Scotland’s Future – a public meeting with Ministers of Education and Culture in Kirkcaldy High on Tuesday 16th June.
- Renewal notice of CC Insurance
- Notification of Approval of Fife Structure Plan
- Letters from Menzies Campbell clarifying future for Hill of Tarvet and Kellie Castle.
- Letter from ENQUIRE
- Police Community Link newsletter
- Letter from Mrs E Anderson on ideas for development of ” St Monans Cave”
- Application to St Monans Common Good by St Monans Community Arts Festival.
It was agreed that the loan of £500 given to St Monans Arts Festival should become a donation. This will be used to fund the final ceilidh under sponsorship of St Monans Community Council.
Police Report
Since 18th May. Callcards-25(35),Recorded Crime – 3(9)
A P7 Transition Blue Light Disco held on 5 June attracted 73 pupils. Hope that some of them will attend Blue Light Disco in August once in S1 at Waid.
Street Football- held recently in Bankie Park. Unit will visit St Monans on Thursday 30 July.
5-a-side ( Police v Youths) last Thursday of every month at 8.45pm in Waid Sports Hall.
PS Doriano has started a boxing/fitness club at East Neuk Centre every Monday evening.
A leaflet issued to answer concerns public may have on convicted sex offenders living in the community.
6) Treasurer’s Report
Statement issued. Over £600 of donations for the floral display have now been received.
8.1V.Salvage reported on discussions at a recent Sea Queen meeting about the ownership of the chairs used on Sea Queen Day. These are the old Provost and Baillies’ chairs which we believe to be the property of St Monans village, but are at present stored in the Preservation Society. R Craib to write to Lady Dorothy Stewart in hope of clarifying the situation.
8.2 V.Salvage also pointed out that the common area between Miller Terrace and Elm Grove was historically called the “Mair” . D. Palmer would be keen for Vicki to come and tell the schoolchildren about this and it is hoped that in the future a sign could be erected somewhere in the vicinity.
8.3 G.Brown mentioned about outside metal stairs having been added to the property at 34 West End. It is thought that no planning permission has been granted for these. Cllr Macgregor to check with Lyall Smith.
8.4 A.Anderson had attended transportation meeting. A costing ( £40,000) has been done for upgrading of road behind Elm Grove. The problem now is deciding who will pay for it. D. Palmer, although appreciating the desire for an improved road surface there, is very concerned about whether that might actually exacerbate the problem of speeding cars around the school. She is generally alarmed at the lack of respect motorists, including parents of children, are having in the area over dangerous parking and excessive speed when young children are going to and from school. Despite several campaigns and letters there is little improvement. Cllr Macgregor to contact John McLaughlin, education officer to highlight all of our concerns on this issue.
8.5 It has been decided to suggest to Fife Council that “St Monans Community Council” become known as “St Monans, Abercrombie and District Community Council”.
8.6 T.Hughes had received information on the sponsored walk organised by Jim Leishman which would be in St Monans on 19th June.
8.7 V. Bland commented on a council property ( 19 East Street ) which has been empty since November 2008. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
8.8 It has been decided not to have a break from Community Council meetings over the summer period so that on going business can be kept up to date with.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 20th July at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome
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