Community Council Minutes 15/9/2014
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) | M Ashworth |
E Hughes | P Copland | W BuchanCllr J Docherty | V.SalvageCllr Riches |
Members of the public: 4
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and ApologiesThe Chairman welcomed everyone.Apologies: Cllr D Macgregor,V. Bland, E.Scott and E.Porteous | |
2 | Declarations of InterestA Anderson declared an interest in the Planning Application for50 Station Road, St Monans, and left the Chair for the discussion of the Application. | |
3 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising3.1(4.5) There is to be an inspection by Deirdrie Munro and Robbie Blyth.3.2(4.6)Bollard has been removed
3.3(8.1) A. Anderson is still awaiting a full response. Situation on overnight parking beside cemetery is being monitored. 3.4 (8.3) Our manual roadsweeper has been off sick and FC have no funding to employ cover so only roadsweeping vehicle is being used. Following comments on this machine emitting dust behind it, Cllr Riches said that she would ask about this. 3.5 (8.5) The mosaics are soon to be erected at Abercrombie Court and the primary school. 3.6 (8.7) Still being pursued 3.7 (9.1) This is in hand 3.8 (9.4) Ongoing.
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 18 August 2014, were approved. Proposer Seconder G.Brown W.Buchan |
Cllr Riches
4 | Chairperson’s ReportThe Chairperson thanked all who had worked hard to organise and support the recent Community Arts Festival which had been a great success, especially in attracting so many visitors to the village.He had received an invitation for a CC representative to attend a meeting about Emergency Planning. Our CC had already had a visit from someone on this topic and, following an article in Loaves and Fishes, it was ascertained that there was not sufficient interest in the village to form such a group. He will therefore decline the invitation. | |
5 | Secretary’s ReportLast East Neuk Forum meeting.1.G.Brown gave a slide presentation on St Monans’s involvement at Chelsea Flower Show.
2 ENCAP. We were given a presentation by Lesley Campbell and Colin Roxburgh of Star Development Group looking at ways of supporting East Neuk Communities in developing projects which could help sustain our communities in the future. LC and CR will visit St Monans on Monday 22nd September to meet with representatives of various groups in St Monans. R.Craib and A.Anderson to contact and invite those not already spoken to.
Following information received: Invite to East Neuk Centre Trust Annual Meeting on 30th September at 7pm in Anstruther Town Hall Fife Access Evening Seminar in Fife House on 7th October.
East Neuk First Responders have offered to hold further public awareness training. R.Craib will enquire about a suitable date to hold it in Church Hall and report back.
R.Craib |
6. | Treasurer’s ReportAccounts issued. Only significant change is to the floral display fund. Flowers will be removed soon as the funds will not allow for further watering. | |
7. | Planning7.1 Bowhouse ( Balcaskie Estate) They have appealed against an 8am – 8pm restriction as this would not suit all businesses such as the bakery.7.2 50 Station Road. ( A.Anderson left the CC) The amended plan was looked at. It now has no large window, there is a height reduction of approximately 0 .5 metres and the double doors will be single.
As yet there is no landscape plan of the garden provided. The CC decided that there were not sufficient amendments for them to withdraw their objection. ( A.Anderson returned to CC) |
8 | Public Questions8.1 CemeteryMoles have been reported in cemetery. A.Anderson will include in his next communication to Liz Murphy
8.2 Building to West of Manse. CC were asked if they had had any updated communication as some ground testing has started. None at this time. 8.3 Update on scatter flats in St Monans was requested. Cllr Riches to confirm number 8.4 Bus timetables. Complaints about close timings of 95 and X60 and also school A1 coaches running late for school delivery. Cllrs reported that there are ongoing talks between FC and bus companies. 8.5 Road repairs are about to start at the top of St Monans. 8.6 Drains on Abercrombie Road are sinking. P.Copland to follow up. 8.7 Query about lack of grass cutting on the banking at the Station Road end of Braehead . R.Craib to contact Ian Barbour 8.8 Concern raised about safety issues at Top Shop junction on Station Road. Cllrs to ask for safety suggestions from relevant authorities. |
A Anderson
Cllr Riches
Cllr Riches |
9 | AOCB9.1 A bollard has been removed from the end of Rose Street allowing vehicular access to the park area and potentially causing even more damage to the grass area there. Cllr Docherty to investigate
9.2 A report that the public toilets are not being opened every day. R.Craib to contact Damien Woods 9.3 Report of overflowing bins and rubbish lying. W.Buchan to contact Waste Aware. A reminder was given that anyone can contact Waste Aware and it is better to do it as soon as the problem is spotted. Our experience is that Waste Aware respond quickly and efficiently to requests. 9.4 Question about defibrillator at harbour. G.Brown reported that he is still trying to find a suitable spot with a power supply. Some extra suggestions were given to him to look into. 9.5 Heritage Centre. Since the lease for the Heritage Centre building ran out last year, we are leasing it on a yearly basis at currently £2300 per annum. As there is a possibility that this lease could be terminated if the owner decided to sell the property, other options need to be investigated. The Green Door café is Station road is currently being put up for sale by FC. G.Brown is to contact FC to ask if there may be a chance of leasing that instead as a home for the Heritage Collection 9.6 Village Information Map replacement. A graphic designer who has a house in the village has offered to make a new map for £857. He could also redo boards at the Salt Pans, Windmill and a potential new board about Miller’s boatyard. Samples of his work were circulated and received positively. G. Brown will now ask him to provide drawings. 9.7 Cllr Riches reported that some 450 holiday homes in the area are now being classed as business properties. Their FC bins will soon be removed and, as business owners paying business rates, will be told to organise their own rubbish collection. 9.8 Cllr Docherty reported as a Board member of the “ Health and Social Care Integration Board” There is joint working between NHS Fife and Fife Council to promote
Cll Docherty has asked that a monthly update be sent to all CCs.
Cllr Docherty
W.Buchan |
10 | Close and Date of Next MeetingThe Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 20 October 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite preceded by the AGM at 7pm
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