Community Council Minutes 16/5/11
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie
Community Council held on Monday 16th May 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview
Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib E.Hughes
T.Hughes W.Buchan V.Bland V.Salvage
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 3 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from P.Copland and Cllr Macgregor.
2. Last Minutes
and Matters Arising
2.1 (4.1) Following contact from John Oakes and Barbara
Solway, a working group will meet with John Oakes to discuss possible funding
sources for harbour regeneration.
2.2( 4.3)Following communication from Harry Byers,a
meeting with the Area Supervisor to discuss cleaning issues in the village is
to be arranged by R.Craib.
2.3 ( 4.4) The owner of the privately owned house next
door to where FC reroofed a property has said that he feels it is too late for
any action. He would have appreciated being asked by FC first if he may have
been prepared to share the cost of reroofing both roofs together before work
2.4 (9.1) G.Brown met with Liz Murphy to discuss problems
in the cemetery. After his report and CC
discussion, CC voted by a majority to support plan to remove shed, erect a
fence to mask soil pile and arrange the installation of a bench. The CC will
ascertain if someone may wish to sponsor a bench as a memorial. If no one
wishes to do this then the CC will fund a new bench.
2.5 ( 9.2) E Hughes reported that drainage work has
resumed on the east braes area which will hopefully lead to an improvement in
its condition.
2.6 ( 10.3) R.Craib has received confirmation that repair
work on the Queen Margaret Street garages( south end) should be complete by the
end of June.
3. Planning
None this month.
A.Anderson commented on the success of the recent beach
clean and thanked all those involved for their support despite potentially
inclement weather. Particular thanks to John Thompson for his help with
Dog bins are being ordered for various sites in the
village and by the bathing pool and windmill.
The application to CARELS concerning funding for wind
turbine project has been accepted meaning that the next stage of suitability
testing can proceed.
5.Secretary Report
- Information received on “Cashback for
Communities” funding scheme. - Notification that HALCROW has been commissioned
by FC to carry out an independent review of taxis across Fife. Our CC had no
comment to make. - Notification that AGM of East Neuk First
Responders is on 30th June at 7.30pm in Craws Nest Hotel,Anstruther. - TAYPLAN information received. A.Anderson to
attend drop in meeting in St Andrews on 21st June.
6.Treasuer Report
The annual audited accounts were circulated and accepted.
It was agreed that there are sufficient funds to purchase
a new bench and a few bins.
7.Public Questions
7.1 Following a query about the whereabouts of a flower
tub, it was explained tat some are presently at Pathead awaiting filling.
7.2 Concern was raised about the road between the end of
the Colinsburgh Straight and the Sawmill corner, especially considering the
number of accidents there in recent times ( some 17). Cllr Scott Hayward to
follow up, stressing it is a matter of public safety.
8.1 M.Ashworth expressed concern that , with growth being
early this year, verges are overgrown and causing a hazard. She will contact
8.2 V.Salvage had received a suggestion from an ex
resident living in Canada that we could perhaps purchase, renovate and display
an ex Miller boat on the site of the boat shed. Although the suggestion was
discussed and would have been an attractive idea, it was unfortunately decided
that the costs for such a project would be prohibitive. A suggestion for
information boards on the past industry was made and this will be investigated.
8.3 Congratulations were offered to W.Buchan on receiving
an award nomination for his work with the bowling club.
8.4 T.Hughes reported about lack of progress over resolution
of defects needing repaired in the football pavilion. It was recommended that
he contact S.Grimmond.
9.Close and Date
of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 20th
June in the Mayview Hotel Function
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 16/5/11 — No Comments
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