Community Council Minutes 17/8/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th August 2015 at 7.30pm
P.Copland ( Vice Chair) R.Craib (Secretary) G.Brown ( Treasurer)
V.Salvage W.Buchan E.Hughes
M.Ashworth Cllr Riches Cllr Macgregor
Members of the Public: 6
1.Welcome and Apologies In absence of the Chairman the Vice Chair welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the meeting.
Apologies: A.Anderson, V.Bland, P.Peddie, E. Porteous ( mins sec) and Cllr Docherty
- 2. Declaration of Interest
- Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 (4.3) Notice board is now finished.
(4.10) Benches have been refurbished by the Community Payback team and returned.
3.2 (9.9) Road surfaces in East Street. P.Copland received the reply that safety defects were not bad enough to warrant intervention. ( ie not 4cm deep)
After discussion about several areas of concern inc Gourlay Cres and the road at Abercrombie, a site visit is to be requested as the problem is deemed a health and safety issue.
3.3 ( 3) Cllr Riches is still awaiting a response on lighting but will persue.
3.4 ( 4.3) It is believed that A.Anderson received a response from Jim Birrell but not one that would change any outcome in the planning decision.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown W.Buchan
- Chairman’s Report
- Secretary’s Report
5.1 A consultation on proposed changes to Fife’s library service is ongoing until 6th November 2015.
Although St Monans library is not under threat people may wish still to comment about possible closures. To do so forms are available in all libraries or go to
Both Cllrs Riches and Macgregor pointed out that they were not in favour of the changes.
5.2 Anyone who is possibly interested in becoming a Childrens Panel member should visit Applications close on 30th September .
- Treasurer’s Report
£1760 has been collected in Floral display sponsorship from the village so far this year with some pledges still to be honoured.
John Hill is, despite difficulties following his accident, making progress with the next vinyl information sign. The cost is likely to be around £1600.
- Planning
Nothing new.
A query was asked about the housing development to the West of the Manse. G.Brown confirmed that a statement raising concerns following the last meeting to discuss the planning application was submitted from the CC. He did also state that no individual objections from those concerned at previous meetings were submitted.
A member of the public said that they thought it was sufficient for the CC statement to be submitted but R.Craib did remind people that the Chairperson had explained at several meetings that it was important that individuals also made representation to Planning as the number of submissions was looked at.
If any member of the public still wishes to give their views they are encouraged to write to or email Councillors on the NE Fife Planning Committee who will be considering the application.
- Public Questions
8.1 Waterside Cottage – FC planning have stated that as planning permission was given there is no more that can be done.
8.2 Report over overflowing bins in East Street with report of not being emptied over past 2 weekends. R. Craib will contact Waste Aware and also ask if hidden bin on West Pier could be reassigned to the Station Road/East Street vicinity.
8.3 Question on lack of grass cutting at Salt Pans. V.Salvage will contact Ian Barbour
8.4 Question on development with upgrade of road behind Miller Terr. No update as yet.
8.5 Improvement of Craigiewell footpath. P.Copland to ask for update.
8.6 Question about hedgecutting at junctions. Cllr Riches informed us that hedgerows in NE Fife have only had one cut this year but are due a second.
8.7 Complaint about poor quality grass cutting job in cemetery. A.Anderson will be asked to contact Liz Murphy.
9.1 A dreadful mess was left by partygoers at the beach near Newark Castle. It has now been cleared up. Something with identification on it has been submitted to the police so it is hoped those responsible may be found.
9.2 The closing date on bids for a possible new Heritage Centre was 14th August. A response is still being awaited.
9.3 MUGA. A fund raising Race Night organised by Bill Buchan raised £ 3197 which included a donation from the owners of the caravan park.
There is however dissatisfaction in the delay on the work being put out to tender meaning that, as well as not knowing when the project will ever be finished, an exact figure for the project is unknown and potentially costs will rise. If no word is heard imminently Cllr Macgregor will persue on our behalf.
9.4 Harbour Regeneration Project. A viewing of latest plans will be held in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite on Wednesday 26th August 6 – 10pm.
9.5 Whiskey Galore Filming. The filming company donated £ 250 to Balcaskie who then donated it to the Floral Display/Wellie Boot Garden.
9.6 Report that poppy wreaths laid last year are still there and looking worn. It was understood that they were left longer this year because of several Commemoration Dates.
9.7 Cllr Riches reported that the work to build the new Waid Academy has now started.
9.8 Cllr Riches reported that police detection rates in NE Fife are very low – 3%. Cllrs are asking for a report on this from Police Scotland.
9.9 Elie’s bank will soon close. Mobile opening times will be as follows:
Tuesdays 11.30 – 12.30
Thursdays 10.30 – 11.00
- Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Vice Chair thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 21st September 2015 at 7.30pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite
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