Community Council Minutes 18/1/16
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 18th January 2016 at 7.30pm
Peter Copland, Vicki Salvage, George Brown, Bill Buchan, Vic Bland, Peter Peddie, Brenda Allan, Marjory Ashworth, Cllr John Docherty, Cllr Donald MacGregor and Cllr Elizabeth Riches.
- Welcome and Apologies
P Copland opened the meeting.
Apologies: Ena Hughes, Elaine Porteous.
8 members of the public.
- Declarations of Interest
- Police Report
George Brown read out the police report, as the officer couldn’t make the meeting. A male who was seen in the Mayview garden and in the Netherton Industrial Estate has been charged with trespass and has not been seen since.
Police have been carrying out speed checks on the Elm Grove to try to limit the speed of traffic along that stretch of road.
- Scottish Water
Mr. Steve Scott from Scottish Water came along to inform us of the results of testing they have undertaken on the sewage pipe that runs along Rose St and out towards the pumping station at Pathhead. The sewer has been dye tested twice and no dye has been found outside the pipe. In addition, CCTV cameras have been used to inspect the whole length of the pipe and no damage has been seen. Scottish Water is of the opinion that the water leaking out along Rose St and on the Coastal Path is ground water and not Scottish Water’s responsibility. A short discussion followed as to why the path remained wet even through the dry summer. Mr. Scott said that small movements underground can alter how and where water comes to the surface. Cllr Doherty asked for an email from Scottish Water with the results of their investigations so that he could pursue matters with Fife Council. P. Copland then thanked Mr. Scott for taking the time to come and speak to us.
- Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 (3.5) George Brown spoke to Fiona Mitchell re funding for resurfacing the track at the back of Miller terrace. She said there was no funding available for this year but that it would be worth getting a quote organized for next year.
Sponsored Benches. Vicki Salvage told the meeting that the price of Sponsored benches has gone up. The new prices are: £400 for a bench; £460 for a bench with normal-sized plaque and £470 for a bench with large plaque. She explained that FC will replace a bench without sponsorship with one that has sponsorship or they will put a bench down where there isn’t one already provided they own the ground and the new bench won’t cause an obstruction. It was pointed out that there used to be 2 benches on the Sandy Kirn, which are no longer there.
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer: George Brown Seconded: Bill Buchan
- Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to Report
- Secretary’s Report
Nothing to Report
- Treasurer’s Report
George Brown informed us that not a lot has changed since last month. A bill has been received from FC for rates on the old storeroom next to the PO. They have billed us up to the end of the financial year but we vacated the premises at the end of Nov, so George Brown has asked them to recalculate. He expects the bill will come to £50-60. He did reiterate the acute need for fund raising. In previous years, the Burns Supper in the Mayview has raised £900-1000 but for the last two years this has not taken place. Marjory Ashworth suggested running it again next January. Pete Peddie offered to help organize and pointed out that a date at the end of January or even in to February might make it easier to get speakers and entertainers. Marjory Ashworth pointed out that a later date might suit the Mayview better, after their New Year break and would give more opportunity for advertising round the village.
Vicki Salvage informed us that the Masonic Lodge has donated £100 towards the Old Folks Treat. The minister, Peter Mills, wishes the proceeds from his music evening in the Mayview on January 30th to be donated towards the cost of the 2016 Senior Citizen’s Tea Party.
George Brown offered to have a Band Night during April/May and suggested that Morven, Martin and Mills should be asked to take part as well.
Vicki salvage will organize a Coffee Morning for the beginning of February.
- Planning
Nothing to Report
- Public Questions
A member of the public asked about the lack of progress on the new houses. Nobody was aware of any changes. Pete Peddie had heard that Scottish Water were needing additional information before building could commence
East Neuk Community Action Plan. There is still little enthusiasm for getting involved with ENCAP at this stage. George Brown recommended leaving it be for 6months-1year to see if any projects come to light that might benefit from ENCAP involvement.
- Old Folk’s Treat
Peter Copland thanked the Masonic Lodge for their kind donation of £100. The cost last year was £300 so that donation, plus the £50 donated through Ruth Mathers, has made a great contribution to the cost of this event.
Entertainment: John McBain is going to show films of boat building at Millers and Vicki will speak to Morven about Harbour Lights
Pete Copland suggested Saturday 27th Feb as the date for the treat. This date has already been penciled in by Ena (as has 20th Feb).
It was suggested that sausage rolls would be preferable to soup
13.1 Heritage. George Brown has been in conversation with Helen Rorrison, head of Community Development at Fife Voluntary Action, about the way the sale/disposal of 8 West Shore and 6 Station Rd has been handled by Fife Council particularly in light of the Community Empowerment Act which came into effect in August, before the closing date for both properties. She advised that we should write to FC to ask them to reverse the decision. GB agreed to write to the surveyor who handled the sale to let them know our position and to let them know that we intended to appeal their decision. Cllr MacGregor suggested copying-in FC’s lawyer, Andrew Ferguson. Cllr Docherty said he would contact Roderick Campbell about the issue.
13.2 Rusty Road Signs. Marjory Ashworth pointed out that 2 FC road signs appeared to have rusted through and fallen over; one at the St Monans end of Abercrombie Rd and the other at the end of the Sandy Kirn. George Brown agreed that there were more signposts where the paint was bubbling due to rusting taking place in below.
13.3 Power Failure. In the wake of last Thursday’s extensive power failure, Cllr Riches brought to our attention the Priority Services Register, where people with special needs can register and be given extra help and information in the event of a power cut. The number is 0800 092 9290.
13.4 Grass Behind Miller Terrace. Vicki Salvage pointed out that cars were using the grass beside the track at the back of Miller Terrace to turn on and this was leaving the grass in a very poor state.
13.5 Parking on Inverie St. Brenda Allan questioned why the extra parking, which was promised for Inverie St, had still not made an appearance.
13.6 Faulty Street Lamp at Abercrombie. Despite Cllr Riches having flagged this up to the relevant person, the faulty street lamp, which Marjory Ashworth mentioned at last month’s CC meeting, was still not repaired. Cllr Riches will mention it again to the relevant person.
13.7 Local Community Planning Budget. Fiona Mitchell told George Brown that there were still funds available under the LCPB for this year. It was suggested that the CC buy a small shipping container to store the Heritage boxes. Someone suggested that a friendly farmer (if such a thing exists) might agree to store the container. Pete Peddie agreed to find prices for containers and to search the area for a friendly farmer.
13.7 Potholes. A member of the public mentioned potholes on the streets, especially near the end of Braehead. However, Peter Copland felt that there was little point in the CC bringing them to FC’s attention.
Date of Next Meeting
Peter Copland thanked everyone for coming. The next Ordinary Meeting will be on Monday 15th February 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Mayview.
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