Community Council Minutes 18/8/14
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 18 August 2014 at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) | M Ashworth |
E HughesV Bland | P CoplandE Scott
W BuchanCllr J Docherty
E Porteous(Minute Secretary) |
Members of the public: 6
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and ApologiesThe Chairman welcomed everyone.
Apologies: V Salvage, Cllr E Riches, Cllr D Macgregor, P Shafren and Sgt Anderson |
2 | Declarations of InterestA Anderson declared an interest in the Planning Application for
50 Station Road, St Monans, and left the Chair for the discussion of the Application. |
3 | Planning50 Station Road
The proposal is to put a second storey onto the garage which is on the back of the garden at Inverie Street between Station Road and King David Street. G Brown circulated the plans and invited comments. There was a query from a member of the public at the meeting asking why on the plan there were windows in the extension (which made it look just like a house), when it stated on the plan that it was for storage. It was suggested that it did not look as if it was for storage, and it is believed that contractors had been asked to fit out the extension for an office. Neighbours present at the meeting complained about possible loss of privacy and light and there was also a discussion about the problem with parking. It was suggested that the proposal was not being honest about its purpose; that it was not intended for storage; and if the extension was for an office that the plan should state that, and the applicant should apply for change of use. Neighbours were advised that if they wish to put in objections that they should do so individually to both planning and NE Fife Councillors. R Craib offered to get a note of the Councillors email addresses for them. P Copland suggested that the finish and construction were not in keeping with what is considered to be required for storage, and said that we feel it is for office space and it should be put in for change of use. G Brown will ask Planning for Statutory Consultee status and note our concerns. He will also “ object” until the concerns of the CC are addressed.
The Chairman returned to his seat as Chair. |
4 | 4.1 Water Barrel in ChurchyardA Anderson said that he contacted Liz Murphy. There is now something in place of the water butt with a tap on it. Liz Murphy was also going to chase up a more permanent solution, however the difficulty might be money – and there is a dispute whether this is the responsibility of Scottish Water or Fife Council. | |
4.2 Pavement beside the ManseW Buchan reported that the pavement west of the manse was covered with weeds. A member of the public said that it needed to be dug back, which was a shame because it is a nice walk.
A Anderson said that the CC would push for that. |
A Anderson |
4.3 (9.1) Rubbish on West Street and Weeds on PavementsR Craib said that she got a response apologizing for the broken bottle which had not been removed from West Street, and said if a situation like that occurred again to get in touch.
Some areas had been sprayed for weeds once and some areas had been sprayed twice. R Craib sent an email asking if they had been hoed, but received no reply. |
4.4 Walkabout to see state of GardensIt was noted that there had been a noticeable improvement in several gardens and it is believed that tenants had been contacted by FC. | ||
4.5 Coastal Path Cllr Docherty said: that he had taken photographs of the local coastal path; there has been no improvement, and that he would chase this up. |
Cllr Docherty |
4.6 (9.2) Broken Bollard in West StreetP Copland reported that he had not received feedback following his enquiries regarding this. | ||
4.7 Choked DrainM Ashworth said that the feedback was that it will have to wait its turn. | ||
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh ofSt Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 16 June 2014, were approved.
Proposer Seconder P Copland V Bland |
5 | Chairperson’s Report5.1 Letter in Praise of Village
A letter had been received through the website from a visitor who said how lovely the village was and how friendly everyone had been. 5.2 Beautiful St Monans Thank you to everyone who had done work for Beautiful St Monans. 5.3 Arts Festival The Arts Festival is the weekend of 12-14 September. (E Hughes added that there would be a Wine-Tasting event on Friday night – 12 September, at the Mayview Hotel, at 7.30 pm.) |
6 | Secretary’s Report6.1 New Bus Timetable
The CC received an update that the bus timetable had changed that day. (Moffat and Williamson won the contract for provision of the local bus service.) In reply to a member of the public’s comment regarding problems with the changes, R Craib stated that the “Go-Flexi” service is available for people to access Earlsferry and Inverie Street ,St Monans. She went on to say that it is basically like a taxi service and there is a ‘phone number. Poster will be displayed on CC notice board. Cllr J Docherty said he would be interested in any information about problems with the condition of the buses, because there have been a few reports of broken down buses (particularly Stagecoach buses – despite their having been given funding for new buses). |
6.2 Update Map Planned for St MonansR Craib reported that the updated map she had received has not really changed from what it was, other than the where the allotments were planned to go has moved and has moved again. Also for the cemetery extension there was a note saying there would need to be an archeological investigation for historical remains.
Cllr J Docherty said that at the end of the Planning Committee Meeting last week it was decided that the place planned for allotments would change again to be the strip at the road, and added in response to a member of the public’s question that at this stage it is not set in stone. |
6.3 Police ReportPolice report was received saying that in the last 3 months there had been 6 crimes in the area. Four had been detected. Three were connected with one particular incident. Another crime has been investigated and all but concluded.
A member of the public said that she knew of another ‘problem tenant’ who was moving into St Monans. There was some discussion saying there does seem to be quite a few people who have been known to cause problems in other areas who have been moved to St Monans, and asked Cllr Docherty if that was brought up at the locality meeting E Hughes said that this policy was not helping the reputation of her hotel, or the village. She cited an incident which had developed in the hotel after a young man was refused service because he had not brought proof of age. A Anderson stated that it is something that really has to be taken on board when they put youngsters into scatter flats. It is a problem because we have less police presence. E Hughes said that the young man became violent and it had been half an hour before the police arrived, causing much upset to customers and staff. A member of the public stated that there was someone in the Maltings who throws furniture out of the top floor windows, endangering people walking on the pavement below. The Chairman said that the member of the public should report it; and that we can start to build up a dossier of what happens. Cllr J Docherty suggested that the CC emailed Jim Anderson before the next meeting. A member of the public concluded that the Council is not helping by putting too many such people into one small village where there is nothing here for them to do. A.Anderson also made the point that there is far less policing in this area if trouble does errupt. |
7 | Treasurer’s Report7.1 Heritage Collection Donation
One thing of interest is that the Heritage Collection got a donation from someone from Australia who wants the money to go towards the production of a book titled “Willie Miller – This is Your Life”. 7.2 Outgoings The only real outgoings are for the floral display for watering and feeding of the baskets which will come to an end fairly soon. |
8 | Public Questions8.1 Cemetery
A campervan near the cemetery was seen to have washing being dried on the cemetery gates. A Anderson said he would contact Sgt Anderson. Cllr J Docherty, after having ascertained that these were holidaymakers rather than travelling people, said that he would contact the Council and copy Liz Murphy. W Buchan added that some items which had been put beside the graves in sympathy have gone missing. A member of the public added that flowers put on graves, including plastic flowers had to be picked up after the strimmer had been. A Anderson that he would contact Liz Murphy and ask her to ask the employees with the strimmers to take more care.
Another member of the public said that a Tablet that she had put by a grave had been moved and could get damaged. Also a member of the public asked that Liz Murphy be informed of a large headstone which is leaning over and likely to fall. |
A Anderson
Cllr J Docherty
A Anderson |
8.2 Tent on the PlayparkIn reply to a question about this, the Chairman said that he saw the tent and that half an hour later he had gone to speak to the person, but the tent had gone. | ||
8.3 RoadsweeperIn answer to a member of the public’s question regarding why we were not getting the roadsweeper in St Monans, R Craib answered that it could be because of the holidays and not having back-up staff to take over but would contact FC to ask. | R.Craib | |
8.4 NoticeboardIn answer to a member of the public’s question the Chairman said that the CC have given a certain amount of time for this to be done, but that time has passed, so we are now moving on to another option. | ||
8.5 MosaicsThere was discussion regarding what was happening about putting these mosaics up in the village. R Craib said she would email Samantha Gillespie to ask what is happening. |
R Craib |
8.6 Toby Covers Missing in Forth StreetP Copland said he would check what is happening regarding this. | P Copland | |
8.7 Burn OvergrownA Anderson said the he would send an email to Ian Barbour. | A Anderson | |
9 | AOCB9.1 Awards
P.Copland said that it was great that we got awards at Ingliston and Chelsea. There is a copy of the Ingliston Certificate, but we have not seen a copy of the Certificate for Chelsea. It would be good to have a copy in the village. G.Brown said that Keith Jackson was obtaining it. Cllr Docherty said that he would chase it up. |
Cllr J Docherty |
9.2 PedestrianW Buchan reported that he had observed a pedestrian who had, despite the road being very busy, walked out in front of moving cars on Station Road, almost causing an accident. | ||
9.3 Attempted Break-inW Buchan said that he had been told there was an attempted break-in at the garages at Station Road end of Inverie Street. | ||
9.4 Dog FoulingW Buchan said that he had contacted the dog warden regarding a person who regularly allowed their dogs to go off the lead who did not pick up the mess. The dog warden had said that it would be impossible for her to get out at that time. She said that she would send a letter to the person. However, the dogs continue to foul at the back of the fish sheds. A Anderson said that he was not sure that the CC could do anything, as this was private ground, but added that the CC would ensure we get the signs put up at the playpark. |
A Anderson |
10 | Close and Date of Next MeetingThe Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 15 September 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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