Community Council Minutes 18th September
St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council
Minute of the ordinary general meeting held in the Church Hall, Station Road St Monans
On Monday 18th September 2023 at 7.30 pm
Present: Vicki Salvage (Chair), Marjory Ashworth (Vice Chair), Billy Morris (Treasurer), Eileen
Montador, Morven Syme, Niamh Syme, David Robertson, Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Alycia
Hayes, Mervyn Blank
Apologies: Richard Croker, Cllr Fiona Corps
Members of the public: 9
Welcome and apologies
V Salvage welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
- Ruth Brown from Footprint East Neuk. A Community tree planting grower that has been setup for 5 yrs come the winter. Organize funding and community events.
VS suggested that more bushes than trees might be a better option for planting on the Mair (common). Better to decide on area to be planted as The Mair is used for football. The new housing estate along the burn could use hawthorns and rosehips which are native varieties. DR suggested planting on Elm Grove, but this needs to be checked as it may be owned by the Coal Farm. The bathing pool area has poor drainage with Willows being planted there before and only half survived, it all depends on soil type – may be worth testing? Other potentially suitable sites are ~ the Inverie Burn on the Balcaskie side of the new estate. Elm Grove between the proposed multi use path and side of road. The football club do not want any around the edge of the pitch, but perhaps a hedge to shelter the caravan park? Maintenance by FEN for first 5 years then Fife Council. Any ideas from the community welcome ~ Niamh Syme to publicise.
- Hugh Wallace Memorial Garden. Hugh gave the history behind the idea and estimated
Between £5000 – £10,000 will be needed to create the garden. There have already been some donations. Discussions ongoing on planting and pebble area, wave mirrors for reflection and more.
2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising
6 Richard Croker investigated the right of way/path linking Station Road and Braehead. There was a query by the adjacent property owner on Station Road about a statement made and minuted last month. The owner did not build a proposed extension to the building due to the anxiety of neighbours about the project, as the wall between both properties was already unstable. The owner was concerned that the project potentially would require that the new wall adjacent to the path would need to become a retaining wall. The property owner states the path was unstable before they bought the property in 2016. Fife Coast and Countryside Robbie Blythe and Sarah Johnson of RoW state the path is not part of the property. The path belongs to the Baron of Elie but no one has been able to contact him. Cllr A Hayes said there is funding for public rights of way. Closing date for applications 31st December 2023 Scotways. The right of way is important to the history of the town. Fife Council had agreed if the funding can be found it might then be possible for this old right of way to be repaired and preserved as part of the story of St Monans. Morven to look into it.
3. No police in attendance 31 calls and 4 crimes.
5. Chairpersons Report
New Community Council will have its first meeting in October.
Doors Open Days at the Church was very successful with 360 visitors. The Heritage lent SMAKE Communion token maker and many fine old plans and photographs.
Arts Festival was a great success with great weather.
There are only 5 Community Councillors from October so there will be vacancies.
6. Treasurers Report
Cash Management account has been closed.
Heritage has a water bill for £27.
Floral Account
Cash Account
Niamh Syme looking to at fundraising and posters for the floral display. Drafted letter for
Businesses and emailed the school and waiting on reply.
7. Planning Report
2 Forth Street : Replace windows, doors and roof.
40 Miller Terrace Porch extension + rear extension and internal alterations.
8. Councillors Reports
Cllr Alycia Hayes:- Looking for options on Playpark strategy Newark Street and East Shore
Park areas to be naturalized by 2029.
Fife Council to return any common good property to the boroughs. Policy devised to push the restrictions are not too onerous. 3 councillors have to work together. Items are available on request. Scottish Enviroment Heritage may provide grants.
Cllr Sean Dillon:- Guttering at West End Council to look at. Abercrombie speed survey will
Be done after 6 months of speed signs being installed. Ground maintenance meeting next.
Schools closures due to strikes 26-27-28/09/2023. Levenmouth railway consultation. Post
Office provision in Ansturther from 7/11/2023 at Abduls Shop. Last pick up 2.30 pm.
Sean asked if the Post Office van could visit St Monans but that doesn’t seem possible but
He is going to write to the post office and ask again. Police could put CCTV camera’s in the
Ward. Would we want it and where? They have been in Roland Street Before. Community Would like top of Station Road. Police should have statistics. CCTV is invasive but it is useful to the police.
A member of the public praised Darren who sweeps the streets for his good work and
using a hoe to keep St Monans tidy. Councillors to look into seeing if there is any Fife
Council Awards.
Memorial Tree for Bill Buchan. Marjory Ashworth to give Mervyn Bland the contact details for Val.
The Serenity Garden was suggested and a Rowan Tree.
9. Public Questions
Bench at J Braid garden needing repaired and painted. Cllr S Dillon
Hope Place kerb stone needing repaired. Reported in Jan/Feb 2023. Cllr S Dillon
Report of neighbours living next door to a semidetached building site with no break at weekends. No. 23 Braehead is having extensive work done and no planning permission seems to have been sought for Replacement windows and a new door where a window used to be. Work started in February and is still going 5 days a week – at least. Cllr S Dillon to email planning.
Garage being turned into a house between Rose Street and East Shore No. 21 no one has
seen any planning.
Electric Vehicle Charge – 1 car blocking space. You should only use space for the time the
car is charging. Signage could be improved. Anstruther has signs for charging only.
Charging point in the new houses at the Kingdom Houses people are parking overnight.
Cllr F Corps tried to put a proposal to Fife Council about this but Fife Council said they
couldn’t do anything.
A member of the public commented that it was a positive meeting.
Vicki Salvage thanked the Community Council members and Councillors for all their help and support during her time as chair.
Date of next meeting 16th October 2023 in Church Hall at 7.30 pm.
Community Council Minutes 18th September — No Comments
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