Community Council Minutes 19/3/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 19th March 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
P.Copland T.Hughes E.Hughes V.Salvage
W.Buchan E.Scott Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches
Mrs Shafran
There were 11 members of the public present.
1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from M.Ashworth and Cllr Scott Hayward.
2. Declaration of Interests
3. Defibrillators
Two locations have been approved in principal: the fire station and the town hall.
CC members welcomed Gillian Duncan who explained a bit more about the project. It is likely that the machines will be made of plastic, may need access to a power source and be out of direct fulltime sunlight. They will probably be fitted with a high pitched alarm which would dissuade potential vandals and alert attention in the event of being used in an emergency.
As mentioned previously, training will be offered to residents in their use.
St Monans has nearly raised the full amount for 2 defibrillators but entry donations for a Community Choir on 6th April will also go to the fund, and anyone else can donate via a CC member.
4. Primary School Pupil Report
Three P6 pupils, Leah Stevens, Niamh Syme and Lily Forsyth, presented a full report on what the school had been covering over the past term. It included learning about Rights and Responsibilities,looking after their environment ( litter, dog fouling and a forthcoming beach clean) and their adopted child in Kenya. Next term they have a health week, including a “Ready Steady Healthy Cook” with chef, Christopher Trotter. Olympic theme potted sports and a celebration for the school being 25years old along with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on 25th May.The Eco Group has been working hard and will soon be involved with planting. World Book Day a success and £600 raised from Book Fair. P7s have worked at “ Broomglee” with other cluster schools to raise funds for P7 camp and the Police- run Cinema Nights have been a success.
A.Anderson thanked the pupils for well-presented and informative report.
5. Sponsored Benches
Most bench orders are now progressing well. There were some problems with one to be sited in the cemetery, but this is now hopefully resolved.
There are now new benches in the following locations: 2 in Braehead which have replaced old benches, 1 new one in Mid Shore and 1 in the garden at the entrance to the bowling club as part of a “Contemplative Garden”. 3 more benches are awaiting finalisation.
6. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
6.1 (4) Gordon Hughes (Transportation) is examining options to improve visibility at entrance to caravan site.
St Monans soon to get electronic speed signs.
Cllr Macgregor reported that NE Fife is ( if accepted) to get A Speedwatch kit and Speed Guns which volunteers can train to use and villages can borrow.
6.2 (7.1) Following a visit from Countryside Rangers, it seems that ground on the path between Braehead and the Church will be resurfaced.
6.3 ( 7.6) The cherry picker has been deemed unfit for use so will be stripped for parts and scrapped.
The east slipway has now been cleared of rubbish.
6.4(7.2) The footpath has been raised 6 ins and grass seed sown. Grass will also be sown on upper slopes which will hopefully help prevent water lying. This will be monitored over the coming months.
6.5 (7.8 ) There is possible resurfacing of east slipway for parking in next financial year.More investigations needed before any work can be done at west slip.
6.6 ( 12.2) Cllr Macgregor has reported on more than one occasion but repair not yet carried out.
Proposer – G.Brown Seconder – V.Bland
7.Chairperson’s Report
The CC has received a donation from Peter and Myra Marr ( PO) of £500 from sale of calendars to go towards the floral display in the village. Members of the CC expressed their grateful thanks to the Marrs.
8. Secretary’s Report
An application for Common Good funds for Sea Queen Day of £1000 was unanimously agreed by members of CC not on the Sea Queen Committee.
Local plan sites for housing and allotment expansion to the west of the manse have been received. This was agreed previously by the CC.
List of possible Community Payback projects received and retained.
Lisa Coles ( research student) has looked at the running of St Monans CC and has suggested a few points.
- · Add photos to name list of CC members
- · A suggestion box available for residents in village
- · She will give us a contact for a possible youth worker
- · Training to use a digital website
- · List of possible funding sources for village groups.
Beach Clean Day has been confirmed as Sunday 29th April at 12noon.
9. Treasurer’s Report
Report issued to CC members.
10 Planning
There was some discussion on the application for alterations to the Smokehouse on the East Pier.
CC members felt that without Mr Robb’s attendance to answer certain questions, no decision could be taken. CC to ask for an extension to consider the application and an extra meeting is planned for Thursday 29th March at 7.30pm, to which Mr Robb will be invited and members of the public who would like to know more or have views are encouraged to attend.
11. Public Questions
11.1 It was reported that a fence is down in small park between Inverie St and Newark St. M. Ashworth to be asked to pursue.
11.2 The area around the seats overlooking the church on Braehead is overgrown and almost inaccessible.This is a possible Community Payback project ( V. Salvage to contact)
11.3 There are reports of dying/dead rabbits to the east of the village. RCraib will contact relevant depts. about removing dead rabbits. Members of the public are recommended to contact SSPCA if they see sick or dying rabbits.
11.4 Concerns expressed again about condition of cemetery. R.Craib will collate all complaints and send to Bereavement Services, Steve Grimmond and Cllrs.
12. AOCB
12.1 Cllr Macgregor reported that it is hoped that following two suggested projects will be accepted for the area from extra available money.
1) Employment of 3 dog wardens for Fife on a temporary 1 year contract.
2) Under Green Space Strategy, St Monans’s Mair could receive £10,000.
Possible funding may also be available for St Monans from the Coastal Community Fund.
12.2 There are no “ NO DOGS ALLOWED” signs at play area on the Mair. M.Ashworth to be asked to pursue.
12.3 Blue bottles have been seen in burn again. R.Craib to contact Iain Barbour.
12.4 Light at the northern corner of Station Road and Hope Place has been reported as weak. P.Copland to enquire if extra light possible.
12.5 Lights at pavillion and toilets are on constantly. Cllr Macgregor to enquire if lights can be put on timer or sensor.
13. Close and Date of Next Meeting
Interim planning meeting is on Thursday 29th March 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
Next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 23rd April 2012 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A. Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
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