Community Council Minutes 19/4/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 19th April 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
R.Craib A.Anderson G.Brown V.Bland
E.Scott V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes
M.Ashworth Cllr Riches Cllr Macgregor
There were 14 members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from W.Buchan and Cllr Scott Hayward
2) Street Cleaning Issues
Harry Byers from Environmental Services attended the meeting to explain about the new system for street cleaning in St Monans and to try to address concerns of the residents in the village. He explained that there is now a team of 5 men with 1 large and 1 small cleaning machine to cover 8 villages. Areas in the village are cleaned according to a weekly timetable, sometimes by 1 man on his own and at other times with back up from the team.
Areas of concern expressed to Mr Byers included
- Small pathways not being cleaned
- Machines not getting to verges or round cars
- Insufficient number of litter bins around village
- Refuse bins being left haphazardly after emptying
- Broken glass in parks ( although this is responsibility of Community Services)
- Cleaners in other villages seen using barrow and brushes but not here.
Mr Byers will investigate all the above issues. He was also asked to supply information on a comparison of man hours before and after the system change for St Monans and said he would do so.
He admitted that there may be some problems with the new system and that the Council was open to ideas for improvement. He would welcome communication from the Community Council and residents, both with concerns and ideas on improvements, and any residents can contact the department on 08451550022.
Our local Councillors also stressed that they were happy to take up issues residents had on this and any other subject, and their contacts are as follows: 01334474282 01333310688 01334655040
CC thanked Harry Byers for taking time to attend our meeting.
3) Public Questions
3.1 Concern about problems with sewage unit at the end of Braehead/Inverie Street. Cllr Macgregor to contact Ann Marie Dewar at Scottish Water.
3.2 Storm damage at bridge beside church and sea wall along from it – Cllr Macgregor to contact Fife Coast and Countryside and see if FC could carry out a survey on damage.
3.3 Tennis Courts. The Community Trust are currently looking into a possible project for area which estimates suggest would cost approx £70,000. Funding is being investigated.
3.4 A resident expressed concerns at lack of facilities for young people in the village. She is keen, with some friends, to set up some kind of youth club.
R.Craib to contact Gus McKain to make contact with the person mentioned to discuss further.
4) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
Amendment to last minutes: Ena Hughes was present at March meeting.
4.1(2.1 and 2.2) D.Gray investigating.
4.2 (2.3) No reponse yet.
4.3( 2.4) Lights have been removed.
4.4 (2.7) Liz Murphy is contacting pest control company about molehills in cemetery.
4.5( 2.6,2.9 and 2.92) All reported to Craig Aitken, Community Police Officer.
4.6( 2.91) Unlicensed cars reported and now removed.
4.7 ( 2.94) Cllr Macgregor has written to person responsible for removing boat shed to encourage progress and a speedy resolution to the issue.
4.8(9.1) Scottish Water inspected area to east of Rose Street and confirmed that flooding is not from main sewer network. Problem is responsibility of FC. Cllr Scott Hayward trying to arrange an onsite meeting with representatives of FC and Scottish Water to try to address issue.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown A.Anderson
5) Chairperson’s Report
5.1A.Anderson reported on last Community Police meeting. An action plan for St Monans has been set up concentrating on speeding/parking issues, antisocial problems and engaging with youth.
Police have been targeting the corner of Station Road/Inverie Street beside the shop regarding speeding and illegal parking, and stress that strong action will be taken with offenders.
5.2 Harbour smells. Seaweed has been dragged away and the sand dredged. Weather and tide conditions have made situation worse and will not be easily remedied.
5.3 Cllr Scott- Hayward has resigned from St Monans Community Trust because of not supporting a possible wind turbine project. A.Anderson addressed Cllr Scott-Hayward’s criticism of lack of community consultation by again stressing that, once full facts are to hand, there will be full community consultation and no decisions taken without the support of the community. The CC and Community Trust are totally opposed to any possible private developments.
Cllr Macgregor has offered to join the Community Trust.
6) Secretary’s Report
6.1 Information received on the Tayplan will be considered at a future meeting.
6.2 Information received on Outdoor Fitness Gym equipment. Discuss later.
6.3 Fife Access Seminar. No one to attend.
6.4 Scottish Health Council – “Connect ” magazine. Retained.
7) Treasurer’s Report
G.Brown issued statement.
8.1 G.Brown reported various cases of coastal erosion in West End following storm. Will be considered with other cases (3.2)
8.2 T.Hughes informed the CC about the Swallows 50th Anniversary Dinner on May 2nd with several prestigious guests having been invited.
8.3 Cllr Macgregor is involved in producing several books at present, including a booklet of poetry by John Davidson, Crail ,with profits to charity, and a book called “1813 Pedestrianism” . Contact Cllr Macgregor for further details.
8.4 St Monans Heritage Collection will be open on May 1st. At 11.30am there will be the hand over of an Arncroach Gossip Chair by Wheeler.
8.5 St Monans Beach Clean will take place on Sunday May 2nd. All interested participants should meet at the car park beside the Seafood Restaurant at 11.45am to receive equipment. Refreshments provided.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 17th May 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 19/4/10 — No Comments
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