Community Council Minutes 21/12/15
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21st December 2015 at 7.30pm.
Peter Copland, Vicki Salvage, George Brown, Bill Buchan, Vic Bland, Peter Peddie, Ena Hughes, Marjory Ashworth and Cllr Elizabeth Riches.
1 Welcome and Apologies
P Copland opened the meeting.
Apologies: Cllr D McGregor, Brenda Allan, Elaine Porteous.
5 members of public.
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 (3.3) A meeting was held between members of the CC and Scottish Water. Vicki Salvage, Cllr J Docherty and Graham Hughes attended. Bill Buchan and M Ashworth were not notified of change of venue. Scottish Water have offered to put a tracer on the water. Cllr Docherty to communicate with Scottish Water in January 2016. Tests to be done on water on Rose Street before next meeting.
3.2 (3.6) Some money for the Old Folks Treat has been donated through Ruth Mathers. Thanks to the person concerned. The CC will try and get money for the OFT from the Common Good Fund. The OFT used to be on New Years Day and families took a table. John McBain asked to show video and Harbour Lights to entertain. Proposed Dates:- 20th or 27th February 2016.
3.3 (3.8) Fence at Graveyard. M Ashworth still to contact Liz Murphy.
3.4 (8.3) Sewers in Queen Margaret Street running clear but there is still a smell.
Customer Helpline Scottish Water :-0800 0778778. Anyone can report a problem.
3.5 (8.2) The track at the back of Miller Terrace. Ian Wallace has been contacted at Fife Council by P. Copland. A figure of £11,000.00 is the suggested cost.
It was mentioned that it is not just the heavy lorries that damage the road but the quantity of cars. If the council do the work there is no VAT. Cllr Riches suggested it is worth trying again in the new year budget. Put a bid in for funding. Match funding could be proposed. George Brown to speak to Fiona Mitchell.
3.6 (8.4) Mess at Johnstons Close okay now.
3.7 (9.3) Steps to Plerick to be investigated for a hand rail on the lower part.
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer: Vicki Salvage Seconded: George Brown
4 Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report
5 Secretary’s Report (George Brown acting secretary)
Police couldn’t come but sent a quick update. 2 break-ins, charge trespassing offence, sneak thief in Castle Street. Bill Buchan and his daughter took a wallet found in Castle Street to St Andrews Police Station. They were careful not to touch it but the police were not worried about that. Bus changes –George to put new timetables on website. Bill Welsh is seeking nominations for My Place Awards. First meeting of Community Council focus group chaired by Mary Bennett, it’s a bit like the forum, can Cllr Riches give us any more information? Everyone welcome. Information regarding proposed changes to library services. Emergency resilience team information from Emma Palmer. This was discussed a while ago and felt there was enough help in the village.
Pre application for new street lights 2 opposite new post office in West Street. New columns 1 at 20 West End, 1 at Duck Wynd and 2 on Station Road.
6 Treasurer’s Report
Not much change. A payment of £61.20 repairs to the roof of existing Heritage Centre.
7 Planning
Nothing involving us in the last month.
8 Heritage Collection
At the last meeting nothing had been heard about offer on 8-8a West Shore and 6 Station Road. Preference to 6 Station Road had been indicated in an email.
We received a letter 8th December 2015 regarding the offer on 6 Station Road – the highest offer had been taken and we were not successful. We do not have information to know if the building is sold? It is felt that the council have gone back on their word. Were they always looking for the highest bidder? It is questioned whether the highest offer will have benefits for residents and visitors alike.
George Brown suspects 8-8a West Shore will apply for a change of use into a flat. He reminded Councillors about plans to convert the old Feather Your Nest shop and planning threw it out. To lose another commercial premises would be bad, especially when there was another party interested in keeping it as commercial. Cllr E Riches takes note of the views. The CC thinks they have been mislead by Fife Council and the CC unanimously agreed. George Brown has offered to give back the only key for 8-8a West Shore, but no one has come to collect it.
The Heritage Collection is at the mercy of Mr Arnes the property owner. No notice to quit has been received with a 1 year lease running from November to November. Cllr E Riches suggested was there any room in the Town Hall. Could it be a solution for storage of the collection in the cloakroom area? The Library has interview room Cllr E Riches to investigate this option. The Heritage will struggle to open in the spring because of the stuff stored there.
The council have decided to put out annual reports on the various Common Good Funds.
St Monans has £605,000 in total made up of:-
Heritable Property £240,000
Investment £264,000
Advance to Loans Fund £111,000
Income in Rent £17,000 from Caravan Park, Bowling Green and Swallows, along with Interest and Gains from revaluation, giving a total income in year 14/15 of £37,612.
Out Goings are Heritage Collection and Floral Displays and grants to other organisations. Total expenditure in 14/15 was £25,636, which left a surplus of £11,976.
ENCAP has a new lead person appointed – Mia. She is trying to get communities interested and drawing up an action plan. No-one was interested in getting involved last time but it will be discussed at the January meeting as the paperwork was forgotten. ENCAP is looking for volunteers but there is also some paid work for a few hours per week.
A new company COINEF has been set up to try and get fast broadband to areas not covered by BT. Cllr E Riches, George Brown and Mrs Marilyn Workman are involved.
10 Public Questions
10.1 A mess on the pavement at 26 Station Road after the property was painted. This has been reported to the owner Flora Housten. ER to contact council if necessary.
10.2 M Ashworth asked how long to repair streetlights? Cllr E Riches said 5 days. It was noted that a light in Miller Terrace took longer to repair and Abercrombie lamp 3 has been visited but not repaired.
10.3 A member of the public asked who put the wood around the War Memorial? It was David Brisland to try and keep the poppy wreaths in place. There are still moles in the cemetery but when reported the council said there is little change from last time they inspected it. It was reported that the tracked digger used to dig graves is leaving a mess on other lairs. Peter Copland recommended that photographic evidence should be taken by anyone who sees it.
10.4 Bill Buchan reported that 34-36 Queen Margaret Street some of the council houses had been painted. Rusty water was coming out of one of the overflows of the council properties and damaging private property below. The council never did anything to remove the marks.
Date of Next Meeting
Peter Copland thanked everyone for coming and reminded us that the next meeting will be held in the Church Hall. The next Ordinary Meeting will be on Monday 18th January 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Church Hall.
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