Community Council Minutes 21/3/16
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday, 21 March 2016 at 7.30 pm.
P Copland (Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | V Bland |
M Ashworth | P Peddie | W Buchan |
E Hughes | B Allan | Cllr D Macgregor |
Cllr E Riches
Cllr J Docherty | E Porteous (Minute
Secretary) |
Members of the public: 7
1 | Welcome and Apologies
P Copland opened the meeting. Apologies: V Salvage and S Tarvit
2 | Declarations of Interest
P Copland reminded everybody to declare an interest if anything came up in which they had an interest.
G Brown declared an interest under Planning regarding the proposed changes to the property at 37 Braehead, as it is his neighbour’s property and he had received a Neighbour Notification. |
3 | Last Minutes and Arising
3.1 (3.1) (4) Scottish Water – Survey Forth Street Cllr Docherty said that he had not received any feedback from Scottish Water with regards to a report that we were to receive for a survey in Forth Street. Cllr Docherty said that he would chase it up the next day. |
Cllr J Docherty |
3.2(3.2) (5.1) (3.5) Miller Terrace
P Copland said that he had not had time to do anything about Miller Terrace, but that he would keep it on is to-do list. |
P Copland |
3.3(3.5) (13.2) Rusty Road Signs
M Ashworth asked if they are going to put dealing with rusty road signs into the next financial year. Cllr Riches replied that that is what they say. M Ashworth said that she had emailed regarding one at Sawmill Lane corner, where the sign is flat on the grass; adding that they nearly had an incident there. Cllr E Riches said that she would see if she could get something done under ‘Safety’. |
Cllr E Riches |
3.4(3.6) (13.4) Grass behind Miller Terrace – Parking
B Allan said that it did not seem to her that much work was being done on Miller Terrace. A member of the public said that they just park on both sides of the road, and there is still a lot of traffic in the mornings. P Copland said that the police will not do anything unless it is dangerous. The member of the public said that it is dangerous and someone has a tub outside their gate and that makes it worse. Cllr J Docherty said that there is a Private Members Bill regarding parking on the pavement, but it has still to go through Parliament. P Copland asked the Councillors if there was anything that we can do to try to alleviate the situation. Cllr E Riches said that you are meant to leave the width for a wheelchair. P Copland said that the parking people come along, but I don’t see anything they can do unless they go down the route of double yellow lines. A member of the public said that that does not stop them parking in George Terrace. Cllr J Docherty said that the Equality Act applies to pregnant and young mothers, and advised that, as a Council you can contact traffic management and highlight these issues and ask them to do something about them. Cllr J Docherty said that he could raise it. P Copland replied, “thank you, if you could”. |
Cllr J Docherty |
3.5(3.10) (13.7) Storage Container for the Heritage Collection
P Copland asked if there was any update on this. The Treasurer said that the CC had paid for it. P Peddie confirmed that it had been arranged and it was now on his farm. |
3.6(3.7)(13.5) Parking Inverie Street
P Copland said that, as V Salvage is not here we do not have an update on that. |
V Salvage
3.7(3.11) (13.8) Potholes
P Copland said that the issue of potholes was an ongoing thing at the moment, and said he had noticed that something had been done on the corner of Station Road and Braehead. B Allan said a repair had also been done at the school. P Copland asked all present to please not wait until the meeting if they saw any potholes – please contact the Council yourself. He added that there are various telephone numbers and email addresses you may contact. |
3.8 (7) Fees for Town Hall for Autumn Club
P Copland said that we asked at the last meeting if there was anything that could be done to reduce the fees for the Town Hall as the Autumn Club are finding that, with the drop in numbers, trying to pay for the Town Hall is becoming difficult. Cllr D Macgregor said that they had contacted someone, but they had not got back to him. P Copland said that we want to keep the Autumn Club going as long as we can. Cllr Macgregor said that he would try to contact the person (who has been off ill) again. |
Cllr D Macgregor |
3.9(9.9) Heritage Collection
P Copland said that at the last meeting G Brown was going to meet East Fife Mail. P Copland said he did not know if anyone saw the article in the newspaper. In answer to a question from P Copland about any feedback, G Brown said that that the Journalist did ask the Council for feedback and the Council said that they owned the building and that thy had no intention of throwing the Community Council out. G Brown went on to say that he then told the Journalist that the Council did not own the building, and she informed the Council of this.
G Brown said that the Scottish government has not yet confirmed the sale of the old Post Office building. A member of the p ublic said that the Land Reform Bill has been enacted, and wondered if it could be used in negotiations with Fife Council. G Brown said that because it was prior to the Act taking effect, they said, ‘No’. The member of the public said that you could argue that, as it has not been sold, and as the Act has come into effect, it is now current.
The member of the public said that there is also a series of short programmes on Radio 4 on Sundays regarding small museums throughout the UK and it seemed to get reasonable interest. |
3.10 Correction to Previous Minutes
G Brown said that there was a correction to the previous Minutes to a name on p4. The name should be changed to Laura McKean (not Mackie). |
3.11 (7) Common Good Fund
In answer to Cllr Riches question regarding the Common Good Fund, G Brown said that Laura McKean got back to him, but said that we still have not heard anything about the floral display. |
G Brown |
Previous Minutes Approved:
Proposer – M Ashworth Seconder – V Bland |
4 | Chairperson’s Report
P Copland said that the Senior Citizens’ Treat was a great success. Everyone who was there enjoyed it. The food was good and the banter was good. Thanks to John McBain for providing the DVD and to Pete Marr for providing the photographs. There was a surprising number of donations for the raffle including a donation from Wilma Fox. He gave thanks to E Hughes for the use of the Mayview and for her contribution of shortbread and coffee. He added the CC’s thanks for all the donations they received for the running of this year’s Senior Citizen’s Treat. G Brown thanked Cllr D Macgregor and Bill Porteous who both donated for the Old Folks’ Treat. |
5 | Secretary’s Report
The Secretary said he had nothing to report this month. |
6 | Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer said that the big movement of money has been the grant which came in last month for the storage container. That money has been spent and the container is now on a farm near here.
We have a few bits and pieces coming in from the Coffee Morning and for the Old Folks’ Treat, and we have now paid the Mayview for the Old Folks’ Treat.
Those are the only movements of money this month. |
7 | Planning
Proposed changes to a property at 37 Braehead for a triple car garage to replace a triple car port. G Brown said that it will have roller shutter doors, as opposed to being open. P Copland said that it is towards the back of the garden. M Ashworth said that it is not going to be visually noticeable from any road. P Copland said that you would have to be in the back gardens of Castle Street to see it. (No objections were raised.)
G Brown said that he did notice that Ardross have an application in for pitches for tents on what used to be the dump at Ardross, between the railway embankment and a big hole. He said that he did not know exactly what their intentions are and commented that it is outside our area. |
8 | Public Questions
8.1 Heritage Centre A member of the public from Abercrombie Court was concerned about a centre for the Heritage Collection. He had made some T-shirts of St Monans. He showed one of the T-shirts to all at the meeting. He asked if the T-shirts could be displayed and sold at the Heritage Collection. (Adding that they have a sample T-shirt hanging up at the Windmill.) He said that they have lots of little things that they do at Abercrombie. He said that if they cannot think about No 6 Station Road and we cannot think about the old Post Office is there anything that we can do.
G Brown said that, as he had said to the member of the public in an email, he did remember that several years ago when Jenny Miller produced her book it was advertised in the Heritage Centre, but it could not be sold there because of something in the lease. G Brown said that, as far as the Heritage is concerned, he personally did not see a problem regarding displaying and advertising. He advised the member of the public to speak to Ian Reekie and to have a notice saying that the items are available in Abercrombie Court. G Brown said that he was prepared to put on the website where to get the t-shirts and how much they cost etc. G Brown said that putting adverts for the t-shirts and other things on the website was fine, as long as it is not page after page of adverts. G Brown said that he thought personally that it is great that you are doing your bit. The more people who do their bit the better. P Copland said that the Heritage Centre is only open 2 or 3 times a week. He said that Ian Reekie organises the volunteers, and he also advised that the best thing would be to speak to Ian Reekie. P Copland said that the CC have no objection to what you are doing and said he thought it was great. |
8.2 Rubbish at Bus Stops, Churchyard and Bins
A member of the public complained about the rubbish at the banking at the roadside by both bus stops and said that it needs to be cleaned up, adding that the pickers never seem to come here. G Brown said that he had seen the pickers at Elie. P Copland said that it was not helping Bill Porteous with Beautiful St Monans. G Brown said that he would email the people who deal with Community Payback. The member of the public said it was the same at the churchyard, saying that people empty the buckets with the old flowers, but they do not pick up what they have dropped. P Copland said that it is the same if anything drops out when they do the bins in the street. P Copland said that they would contact Waste Aware.
G Brown said that when he talked last to Community Payback they were going to do a monthly pick up and they did a few times, but they seem to have forgotten again. |
G Brown
B Allan |
8.3 Bins
Cllr D Macgregor said that there have been objections to a 4-week pick-up. Cllr E Riches said that they have not finished the trial yet.
B Allan asked if nobody checked on the bins and asked whether people can leave them out all week. W Buchan said that he had received a phone call from Housing regarding bins in the street. Various streets in St Monans were mentioned where bins were not taken in. W Buchan suggested that Housing should be contacted. Cllr E Riches said that they will chase tenants who do not take the bins in. She suggested that people should email Waste Aware. P Copland suggested that when contacting Waste Aware to say that it has become very common for people to leave their bins out. |
B Allan |
8.4 Serenity Garden Seat
B Allan said that there was a fungus growing out of one of the seats in the Serenity Garden. G Brown said that he would go and have a look at it. |
G Brown |
8.4 Development at 15 Station Road
A member of the public asked who she should contact to find out what is happening regarding this. P Copland said that they were aware of this development 18 months-2 years ago. A couple are doing a private enterprise of work spaces for artists and architects. It went through planning objections and eventually it got the go-ahead. He suggested that information could be found on Fife Council website; and said if you go back about a year you can see the Application. |
8.5 Building Work on George Terrace
A member of the public said builders there are putting stuff against people’s property and the rockeries are broken. P Copland said that this had been discussed before, and that you have to catch them at it, otherwise there is nothing you can really do. The person has been given the go-ahead and it is up to him to monitor his development. G Brown said that if they are not complying with the conditions of Planning they could and should do something (but we all know that they won’t). P Copland said that it is up to the people who are being affected by it to complain to the Developer. |
9 | AOCB
9.1 Beautiful St Monans Progress Report Bill Porteous said that all the tubs and the pots have been cleared and are ready, apart from those that have flowers in them. We got a good response about our efforts with the Welly Boot Garden. At the top of Station Yard we have removed 2 of the flower beds and tidied the other one. We need to speak to G Brown to see if we have done enough for Muir’s to take over the grass cutting there. Bill Porteous went on to thank Sandra for the tidying she did at the bottom of Elm Grove. He said that we put some spring flowers in at the top of the village and 3 boxes have now been put to primula in Braehead. He said that if you are going past the Serenity Garden the bulbs and crocuses look very nice. Helen has been tidying the garden at the Plerick and that looks neater. He said that the general consensus this year is that we will not go in for Beautiful St Monans. We can maybe use this as a year to work hard to re-apply for 2017.
B Allan said she had plans regarding the Jimmy Braid Garden. She said that she would like to have gorse and wild roses. She said that she would fund this herself but asked if we could get Community Payback or the Council to cut it and clear it, so that we can plant it.
Bill Porteous said that the next stage was to get the hanging baskets and tubs organised in conjunction with Pathhead and Tony Chater, and he said that we will be sending a note round to ask for your help or money to support Beautiful St Monans.
A member of the public asked people not to leave bags up at the church yard. |
?? |
9.2 Muir Homes Development
W Buchan asked what was happening with the Muir Homes development. P Copland said that he did not know. W Buchan said that the farmer was spreading general purpose fertilizer on the ground. P Copland said that it sounds to me like they may be reconsidering what they need for that bit of land regarding eg water and sewers. B Allan asked whether there could be a reassessment of the allotments. |
9.3 (9.8) Community Beach Clean
M Ashworth said that she had had a look at the tide times and the most suitable date is Sunday 8 May at about 12.30 pm. She said that she had contacted the Primary School, and that she would contact the Council and get litter pickers, bags and hopefully a skip this year. She said that she would need volunteers to man the Car Park on the day and that she would do a Risk Assessment. |
M Ashworth
M Ashworth |
9.4 Missing Sign
V Bland said that there used to be a sign where the old Bakehouse used to be, but it was not there now. |
9.5 Cars Parking Across Driveways
V Bland said that there was nearly a war on Station Road because cars were parked across the driveways, and people from the houses could not get in or out. P Copland said that he did not think lines had ever been suggested for there, and that said that it is the stopping people getting out of their property that is illegal. P Copland said he would email Colin Sterling in Transportation and report back. |
P Copland |
9.6 Health Care and Social Integration Board
Cllr J Docherty said that the Health Care and Social Integration Board will be starting to contact CCs. He said that he had been asked by Stephen Gethins MP to give contact details if anyone needs their local MP to do anything for them. |
9.7 MUGA (Multi-Use Games Arena) Update
G Brown said that, as you have probably seen, the work on this has started. The schedule he had been given is that the drainage will be completed this week, then there will be a gap. The fence will be delivered on 4 April. It will be edged and tarmacked, then there will be a delay for 3 weeks to allow the tarmac to oxidise. Then it will be painted and it is due to open in May.
W Buchan said that he had heard from the workmen that the lights may not go ahead, as the cost is seemingly going up. G Brown said that, apart from anything else, they did tender for the work, and the tender specified what the lighting was. W Buchan said that, seemingly they are not doing it; it is the Council. G Brown to contact Alan Bisset to get clarification.
A member of the public asked if there were any plans for events at the time of the opening of the MUGA. G Brown said that, again, this is something that the Trust has to decide on. |
G Brown |
Close and Date of Next Meeting
P Copland thanked everyone, and closed the meeting.
The next Ordinary Meeting will be on Monday, 18 April 2016 at 7.30 pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. |
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