Community Council Minutes 26/10/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 26th October 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
E.Scott A.Anderson R.Craib V.Bland
V.Salvage T.Hughes E.Hughes W.Buchan
There were 5 members of the public present.
PC Nairn was also in attendance.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from G.Brown, Cllr Macgregor, Cllr Scott Hayward,
Cllr Riches and D. Palmer.
2) Public Questions
2.1 An update on 34 West End planning application was asked for. CC have submitted a new objection. The number of objections should mean plans will go to area committee for consideration. Following an indication from Transportation that they will approve plans re parking and traffic issues, CC to submit a further response to this expressing our concerns.
2.2 Report of unlicensed vehicles on grass area at top of Forth Street. A.Nairn to investigate who owns land and R Craib to contact Cllrs.
2.3 Bins are being left lying out at end of Miller Terr.( 2 possibly without owners) R.Craib to contact Waste Aware.
2.4 Water Board have left hole in Miller Terr which could be a danger to children.
R.Craib to make relevant contacts.
2.5 Reports of excessive vehicle speeding in Inverie St. A.Nairn says police will target area again.
2.6 Update on situation in Johnstone Close – small improvement.
3) Police Report
Period in 2008: 24 calls,10 crimes reported (8 detected)
Period in 2009: 38 calls, 4 crimes reported.
Since September, several crimes inc vandalism at bowling club and school,and car crimes cleared up – 16 year old and under 16 year old charged.
£20 fraud notes detected. Cannabis plantation found in Anstruther.
Speed Survey carried out in Elm Grove showed 34.5mph to be average speed, rising to 40mph around 7.30pm. Van will be put out at problem times.
Fire at windmill is being investigated.
4)Matters Arising
4.1(4) Elaine Fox of ENeRGI has written suggesting that she attend a CC meeting to answer queries and discuss issues surrounding the café. After discussion, CC members felt it might be more productive at this stage for CC to meet in a forum including other interested parties. R.Craib to contact Cllrs and reply to Elaine Fox.
4.2( 5.3) Grass cutting to be addressed by D.Gray. Problems still exist behind 18/20 Station Road and tenant side of Gourlay Cres/school hedge. R.Craib to notify.
4.3 ( 5.4) Possible plans for a wind turbine are still being explored. A.Anderson stressed that nothing would proceed without the support of the community and what the CC felt would be in the interests of the community.
4.4 (11.3) The school garden area, owned by FC, has now been tidied up after contact with J.McLaughlin.
4.5 (11.4) R.Craib contacted H.Byers over concerns about dropping street cleaning standards since new system introduced. He is confident that new system will work but for us to keep him updated. Following further complaints, he will be informed of these and R.Craib to ask for the issue to be on next East Neuk Forum Agenda to gauge opinion in other villages.
4.6(11.6) Bus shelter at caravan park cannot be reversed because of visibility problems for drivers exiting nearby garages.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland A.Anderson
4) Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
5) Secretary’s Report
CC Correspondence received since 21st September 2009.
1.Copy of letter by John Swinney on the Common Good from Tom Minogue.
2. Copy of NAS catalogue re Common Good from Tom Minogue.
3. Minute of Community Council Support Working group meeting of 10th September 2009.
4. Data Protection Scotland conference on 25 November.
5. Windmill key system of being left at Spar is being continued. The Spar will be asked to record details of those asking for the key along with the deposit. There were 85 visitors on Doors Open Day this year.
6. Notification that Fife Council Land audit 2009 is available on Fife Direct website.
7. Notification of East Neuk Emergency Trust AGM on Thursday, 29th October.
8. Copy of Scottish Government consultation – Education legislation
9. Balancing the Books – Fife Council drop in session in Anstruther Town Hall, Friday 6th November, 3-7pm.
- Community Councillor journal- Autumn 2009 edition.
- Lightways brochure – Festive lighting.
- Scottish Natural Heritage magazine – Autumn 2009
- STUC literature on Rebuilding Collective Prosperity campaign.
6) Treasure’s Report
In order to maintain the floral display at this year’s level in 2010, extra funds will need to be acquired via fundraising or other sources. We will be short of around £1000.
7.1 Harbour development. R.Craib to contact Cllr Riches on update for harbour feasibility study. R.Craib to contact Moir Gibson on safety issues beside slip once shed has finally gone.
7.2 Beautiful Fife sign for village will be installed, with publicity, once W.Brown returns from holiday.
7.3 Pathead has offered prizes for a possible reinstatement of resident’s garden competition. Categories would be issued and rules as to how often the prizes could be won would be agreed upon in advance.
7.4 A.Anderson will lay wreath on behalf of CC on Remembrance Day.
7.5 R.Craib to contact D.Gray re broken fence post beside swimming pool and ask for update on beach steps and cemetery benches.
7) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 16th November at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of public welcome.
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