Community Council Minutes 15/10/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 15th October 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A. Anderson V. Bland G. Brown V. Salvage P.Copland E. Hughes T. Hughes W.Buchan M.Ashworth E. Scott
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches Cllr Docherty
There were 12 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A. Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from R. Craib and P.Shafren.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Garden Competition prizes
Win Brown presented the prizes for the best garden and the best container. Pathhead Nurseries again donated the prizes for which we are very grateful. Win said that the judges had a very hard job as there were so many good gardens. It was explained that they are looking for “wow” factor, good colour and long lasting plants. The containers were also very good despite the very poor summer weather.
Best garden Best Container
1st. Mr & Mrs Bland 1st. Mr & Mrs Walkinshaw
2nd equal Mr & Mrs Howie 2nd equal 46 Station Road
Mr & Mrs Allan 23 Gourlay Crescent
3rd equal Mr & Mrs McBain 3rd equal Mrs West, Midshore
Mr & Mrs Cargill Rena Ovenstone
The Mayview were presented with the certificates from Beautiful Fife and Beautiful Scotland for permanent display in the hotel. Also presented was the Jim Murdie trophy.
There was a special assembly at the school – all the pupils were involved and they were overjoyed at the results. The pupils also entered the Colinsburgh Flower Show with plants that they had planted and maintained in the Serenity Garden. Five prizes were won.
Two new gardens, the Lee and the Windward have already been formed. The third will be started on Wednesday 17th October. The school pupils have already planted 2000 bulbs in the triangle outside the Bowling Club. Win mentioned that there are web photographs of the “welly garden” on websites all over the world.
Andy Anderson gave thanks to Win Brown and all her helpers for all the work done for Beautiful Fife and Beautiful Scotland.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 Hope House, East Shore. Planning got in touch to say that the plans had been amended and that timber windows were to be installed. We withdrew our objection.
4.2 It was reported that Mr Meldrum has put his boat in the shed behind Virgin Square. It was suggested that the shed would now be lockfast.
5.1 V.Salvage to submit Community Payback wish list.
5.3 The defibrillators are now installed. A public awareness campaign will run over the next few months. A small amount of advertising has already been done, but more will follow.
5.5 No response from Liz Murphy as yet.
5.7 G. Brown has spoken to Kenny Smith who is to try to get a new map for us. G. Brown to follow up.
5.94 Cllr McGregor said that a report/review by Fife Council will be finalised by December. No public toilets will be closed until alternative arrangements are in place.
Common/Mair development. Marjory Ashworth met with Clair Hill. Could money be put towards drainage and some levelling? Iain Barbour will be doing some drainage work and some of the money can go towards play equipment. No fences will be removed.
Since the park is on Common Good ground can we not put up signs since the land does not actually belong to FC? Cllr McGregor to follow up and ask the Council. The swings at the playpark have been condemned.
10.1 The caravan has been moved to the other side of the road at Miller Terrace, back to where it was before.
Peter Copland to meet Stuart Goodfellow re signs and will then report back.
W. Buchan spoke to the P6 and P7 pupils regarding the CC. Bill reported that it was a worthwhile visit.
Planning Changes. Cllr McGregor reported that the proposed changes appear to be very finely balanced. Apparently there have only been 10 representations from the whole of Fife.
CGF. Families First – this will probably not go ahead.
G. Brown still to speak to Kate Hughes regarding the phone boxes.
Tom Hughes has had no response re the green sludge in Rose Street.
Proposer Seconder
P. Copland V.Salvage
5. Chairperson’s Report
Anti dog fouling campaign. Signs to be costed locally. Patricia Shafren asked West Port Printers but has had no response. A. Anderson to investigate getting posters/signs made. P. Shafren can get some made up as an interim measure at a cost of £48 for 11 signs. We should also get some on the coastal path.
A member of the public emptied a full dog bin into a bin liner and left it for the Council to collect. It should not be necessary for members of the public to empty dog bins. A. Anderson will contact Waste Aware for advice. There was also some dog fouling in the cemetery as the gate had been locked open. Cllr Riches suggested contacting the Dog Warden to get some action. Discussion of signs and what we need. A letter from Nick Berman was read out. A bench overlooking the Church was burned. V Salvage to contact I. Barbour regarding a bench short of the swimming pool play area.
6. Treasurer’s Report
G. Brown issued account report.
7. Planning
Hope House, East Shore. An application to replace windows and doors with UPVC replacements. Planning phoned A. Anderson and said that the plans had been amended and that the windows would be timber. Our objection was therefore withdrawn.
The East Pier Smokehouse plans been approved. It was noted that one of the conditions was that the opening hours would not be altered. It was also noted that the terrace has been in use but no stairs have been installed. There would appear to have been no Building Warrant application and certainly no Completion Certificate. Cllr McGregor to investigate.
8. Public Questions
Fencing at Inverie Street/ Newark Street has not been fixed. Fife Council say that this is a private fence and any work is the responsibility of the owner. M. Ashworth to get in touch with Allan Bisset and ask again. Kids in the park break the fence, so why should the house owner then have to repair it? Householder advised to look at the title deeds to see if there is a joint responsibility.
There was a discussion regarding the new waste collection system. A member of the public asked why some bins get emptied at the weekend and others don’t. A. Anderson to ask Waste Aware.
The playpark at Queen Margaret Street is now totally flooded. M. Ashworth pointed out that the water table is so high that this is inevitable until such time as we get a period of dry weather.
W. Buchan asked why the defibrillator was sited at the Fire Station when there are more people down at the harbour area. This was discussed before installation and we were advised that there were in fact more people in the Inverie Street area than at the harbour.
10. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A. Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 19th November.
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