Community Council Minutes 17/9/12
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th September 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown V.Salvage
E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan M.Ashworth P.Copland
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches Cllr Docherty P.Shafren PC Campbell
There were 8 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There was an apology from E.Scott.
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Police Report
A community police representative will attend every second community council meeting.
PC Campbell highlighted the on-going problem of dog-fouling. The school/nursery are still awaiting funding to produce posters. A possible contact in Kinghorn may be able to advise on this.
Members of the public are again encouraged to report incidents to the Dog Wardens at 08451550022. If a particular time of day and place can be reported they will come out to investigate.
Police to monitor litter problems, particularly near bustop.
Volunteers are still needed to help with Speedwatch Campaign.
Question of parking at junction of Station Road and Gourlay Cres was raised.Police are monitoring the situation but residents should report offending vehicles giving make/model and registration nos.
It was reported to police about a door at old Miller’s shed in East St. having been kicked in and area used by local youths. They will follow up.
4. Planning
4.1 Hope House, East Shore. An application to replace windows and doors with UPVC replacements. As the house is in the conservation area, the CC voted unanimously to lodge an objection and request that timber frames should be used.
4.2 There has been a request for outline in principle to build 4 houses on the site of Miller’s shed in East Street. After discussion and submissions by members of the public, the CC voted unanimously to lodge an objection based on the lack of detailed information in the application and particular concern of access and egress within the Conservation area.
There is also concern at the present state of the shed re condition and security. Cllr Riches to follow up with the relevant FC officer.
It was noted that there had been prolonged dealings with the removal of the other Miller building and clearing of the slip,and T.Hughes acknowledged Cllr Macgregor’s support in achieving a positive outcome with that.
5. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
5.1 ( 4.1) V.Salvage to submit Community Payback wish list.
5.2(4.2) Surplus bins have been removed in Forth Street.
5.3 (4.4) The defibrillators are now installed. A public awareness campaign will run over the next few months.
5.4 (4.5) Representatives of the CC will meet with Iain Barbour about various issues concerning the park areas in the village.
5.5 ( 4.6) W.Buchan met with Liz Murphy re the cemetery.More red chips are to be laid on paths and a notice to keep the gate shut will be installed but not all answers he received were felt to be satisfactory by the CC and R Craib will write to her again asking for timescale on making lairs more even and why boards cannot be stored behind fencing.
5.6 (6.2) V.Salvage and W.Buchan met with Kamil Trzebiatowski. He was impressed with his welcome to St Monans.
5.7 (6.6) Ann Camus of Fife Tourism informed us that the tourist signs would be renewed in coming years and she will pass on our request to Ken Lawson, Chair of East Neuk area.
G.Brown has spoken to Kenny Smith who is to try to get a new map for us.G.Brown to follow up.
5.8 (6.7) St Monans Town Hall is soon to get a new disabled access and toilet.
5.9( 8.2) Some of Station Road has had its double yellow lines repainted.
5.91 ( 8.6) Some residents have received letters from FC about their untidy gardens .
5.92 ( 9.1) The lamppost stump in Station Road has been removed and new light is working.
5.93 ( 9.2) Overgrown bushes between Industrial Estate and Manse have been cut down.
5.94 ( 9.3) R.Craib informed Damien Wood about the imminent closure of the Harbour Howff and consequently of Comfort Break toilet.No reply received.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
The minutes of the extra meeting on 27th August 2012 were also approved
Proposer Seconder
P.Copland A.Anderson
6. FC Proposal for Mair Development
Plans have been received for a £10000 spend on the Mair. Members of the CC and public questioned the practicalities of many of the ideas. A small group from the CC will meet with Claire Hill of FC to discuss.
7. Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson congratulated all those involved with St Monans Community Arts Festival in running a very successful weekend.
Congratulations were also offered to all those who worked so hard to help secure the Gold Award from Beautiful Fife and Silver Award from Beautiful Scotland as well as the special awards for the Serenity Garden.
He has received a letter from Mike Hildray thanking the CC for their sympathy card sent at the time of his recent bereavement.
8.Secretary’s Report
The East Neuk CC Forum will take place on Thursday 11th October at 6.30pm in Mayview Hotel.
9. Treasurer’s Report
G.Brown reported that the Floral Grant has now been received. He also issued account report.
10.Public Questions
10.1 A resident expressed concerns about the caravan parked at the end of Miller Terrace and the fact that it is causing an obstruction and dangerous access to vehicles and pedestrians. FC and the police have been informed and police are due to investigate. A,Anderson will follow up.
10.2 Concern expressed about heavy traffic being directed along George Terrace and Forth Street. P.Copland to contact Colin S tirling about possible alternative signage.
11. AOCB
11.1 Primary school have asked for a CC rep to visit P6 and 7s.W.Buchan to go.
11.2 FC Head of Planning has put forward proposals to possibly change system in Fife.
Two of four suggestions would mean planning decisions would not be taken locally. All CC members as well as our local cllrs want planning applications to be decided locally and R. Craib will write to Cllr Kay Carrington to express our views.
11.3 An application for Common Good funding has been received from” Families First” The CC decided that they could not approve this application as it stands as there are no details on how much is wanted from St Monans and if the money would be used to benefit St Monans residents.
11.4 The Beautiful Fife group are interested in taking over unused phoneboxes in St Monans to make them more attractive. G.Brown to contact Kate Hughes to discuss.
11.5 T.Hughes has been in talks with Scottish Water about water and green sludge issues in Rose Street. They have said that are no problems there. FC are now to come to inspect. Cllrs will try to attend.
11.6 A.Stephens highlighted the potential uncertainty in the future of Anstruther and St Monans Fire Stations. The CC intimated that they would support the continuation of the fire stations and would make representation should it be necessary.
12. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 15th October.
The AGM will commence at 7pm followed by ordinary meeting at 7.30pm.
There will be the presentation to Garden Competition Winners at the start of the ordinary meeting.
Community Council Minutes 17/9/12 — No Comments
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