Community Council Minutes 15/2/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 15th February 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
R.Craib A.Anderson G.Brown V.Bland
V.Salvage W.Buchan M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 11 members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from E.Scott, T.Hughes, E.Hughes and Cllr Riches.
2) Hall Closures
Angus McKain explained that Fife Council were looking at the future of all halls across Fife. He gave us a short history of the hall situation across NE Fife and how some towns and villages had already ( or were now looking to) take over their halls via Community Trusts. Communities could look to purchasing the hall via various grant schemes and subsequently have direct control of rentals and running costs. It was stated that FC would still responsible for external maintenance. No rates would be payable.FC would still provide a minimum caretaker cover with extra events/overtime being paid by the community.
In St Monans, the fact that the hall is a Common Good property could make our situation different.Cllr Macgregor said that if St Monans were interested then negotiation would be crucial. Cllr Scott Hayward pointed out the issue of the importance of sustainability through sufficient use of the hall. If the hall is not adopted by the community it will receive basic maintenance by FC although some halls may be shut.
Mr McKain urged the CC to investigate the possibilities further through an expression of interest to Joe Fitzpatrick of FC.
No decision was taken at this stage.
3) Public Questions
3.1 Duncan Gray had met with the owners of 14 Station Road over the concerns over the area at the back of their house in Station Road. He had asked the CC to write to the owner of the property where a build up of rubbish seems to be preventing access for grass cutting, asking them to clean it up before further action is taken. R.Craib to write letter from CC.
3.2 It was asked if there had been any progress in ascertaining the ownership of the land at the top of Forth Street where there is still concern about its appearance. The CC have offered to write to Registry Office to try to clarify who owns the land.
3.3 Questions were asked about the present situation and it was explained that the planning application had been continued for a site visit and more information on drainage issues and possible crop contamination. CC are to write to planning to clarify their views on the idea that allotments could be sited in a possible proposed housing development to the west of the Manse.
3.4 We were informed that some play equipment has been removed from play parks by FC.Cllr Macgregor suggested that it may have been on order of Health and Safety following an accident in another part of Fife. R Craib to contact D.Gray for clarification and to find out when the equipment is likely to be replaced.
3.5 Concerns on the level of dog fouling were again expressed. R.Craib to contact E.Ramsay ( dog warden ) and H.Byers on availability of more bins and more regular emptying of bins.
3.6 It was brought to our attention that several bins in the Braid Court area and end of Inverie Street are not being put out regularly for emptying. Cllr Macgregor to contact housing officer.
4) Matters Arising
9.2 R.Craib received a reply from Mark Wilkie of Traffic Management informing us that he has asked Dave Smeaton to assess skid resistance on B942 and they will then consider possible measures.
Minutes were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
5) Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson reported that the Burns Supper had gone well with many comments on how much it had been enjoyed. It was a great success, raising much needed funds and contained a truly original presentation of Tam O’Shanter.Thanks go to Brian Craib for his musical arrangements and Alison Burns and Jayne Shearer for their added accompaniments.
The Senior Citizens’ tea party was also a success, although we would have liked to see a bigger turnout. All who attended appeared to enjoy themselves. The children from Waid Junior Operatic were fantastic, as were St Monans’s very own Community Choir, who performed at both events.
Events like these demonstrate what a strong community we have and Andy thanked his fellow CC members for the time they had given up to organise and participate in them.
6) Secretary’s Report
6.1D.Gray has contacted R.Craib to say that fence at swimming pool will be repaired asap and that a bollard will be erected at the end of the path beside the burn in Inverie Street to try to prevent vehicular access.
6.2 A local community safety fund is available until end of March 2010 to spend on local projects. Anyone with an idea for a possible project should contact R.Craib asap. Suitable projects are aimed at helping to reduce crime or the fear of crime in the community.
6.3 Cllr Macgregor has been alerted to a problem of bottles being dumped on the slope beside church by a certain member of the community. He is to ask FC to clear bottles and liaise with Social Services over the problem.
6.4 Our new Community Police Officer, Craig Aitken, has made contact with the CC and posters are now being displayed around the village on the local meetings which will be held. A.Anderson to attend the first one on Thursday February 18th.
6.5 Notification has been received about the forthcoming sitting of the Scottish Parliament Public Petitions Committee in Waid Academy on Monday March 15th. This will be open to members of the public.
6.6 We have been notified of certain bus changes in the area. The main one affecting St Monans residents is that the 95 will now stop in the town centre as well as the bus station and the community hospital.
6.7 Both seats in the Sandy Kirn are beyond repair. D.Gray hopes to receive funding from local officer to replace at least one. Many benches are donated in Memoriam but are usually requested for area by the sea or in parks.
6.8 CC has received a letter from a local resident suggesting Mike Hildrey receive recognition for his work in filming/ archiving St Monans’s life and history. CC members agreed with these sentiments and will consider an appropriate token.
7) Street Cleaning Issues
The CC now have a copy of St Monans weekly street cleaning schedule. We will issue details of this on website and on CC notice board so that members of the community can see when areas should be covered. Anyone then feeling that this is not being adhered to can contact a member of CC.
It was reported that street area without adjacent pavements did not appear to be being cleaned, possibly on Health and Safety grounds. Harry Byers to be asked for a comment on this.
8) Treasurer’s Report
G.Brown reported that, after expenses, £755.50 had been raised for CC funds from Burns Supper.
9.1 It was reported that the harbour was smelling badly again. A.Anderson to make contact over this.
9.2 Deep concerns were raised again about safety issues of the crossing at the Top Shop in Station Road. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
9.3 W.Buchan asked, on behalf of the bowling club, if some money could be made available from the Common Good Fund. Cllr Scott Hayward advised to apply and it would be considered.
9.4 Cllr Macgregor currently pursuing the issue of the removal of the boatshed and to see if the process can be accelerated.
9.5 V.Bland expressed concerns on deterioration of the gable end of 32 Station Road. Cllr Macgregor to contact Fiona Mitchell.
9.6 A.Anderson asked possible clean up in burn. Because of dangers of working in the area, this will probably require to be done by FC workers.
10) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 15th March 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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