Community Council Minutes 18/01/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 18th January 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
R.Craib G.Brown A.Anderson T.Hughes
E.Hughes V.Bland V.Salvage W.Buchan
M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 4 members of the public present.
1)Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from E.Scott, Cllr Riches and D.Palmer.
Mrs Palmer informed us that she will be leaving her post of headteacher at St Monans Primary in March. The CC wish her well in her new job and would like to express their gratitude for her commitment to St Monans Primary and the community in general over the past few years.
2) Police Report
R.Craib read out the letter received from Chief Inspector David Brown which detailed changes in community policing via the Community Engagement Model (CEM). This should result in enhanced police presence in the area. Liaisons with the public will now take place on a bi-monthly basis with meetings at which members of the public are welcome. The CC will send a representative and all meetings will be advertised locally.
A.Nairn reported that there had been 8 (7 last year) recorded crimes since last month and 27 (21) calls to police. Some incidences of vandalism were being investigated at present.
V.Bland reported speeding by PO van. This had also been seen by others.
A.Anderson thanked A.Nairn for his support to St Monans CC over the years, as, with the new system starting, he will no longer be attending our meetings.
3) Beautiful Britain
W.Brown made a presentation to the CC on last year’s report on the judging of the competition and offered her ideas on how we can move forward this year to further improve our village.
Main areas for attention
- Improvements at Mair ( hopefully inc tennis courts)
- J.Braid garden development of eco garden.
- Addition of compost bins for public to use.
- Tidying of area in Station Rd around old fish shed and banking beside car park.
- Upgrading and addition of more street furniture.
- Drive to eradicate dog fouling, graffitti and litter.
- Addition of prominent floral displays at entrances to village incorporating
all- year plants.
- An environmental group to be established to work on the projects.
The CC thanked Win for all her hard work and assured her of their commitment to support the efforts to maintain and improve St Monans.
4) Public Questions
5) Matters Arising
2.2 Dog Fouling. To serve a fixed penalty, the dog warden requires 2 witnesses who both saw the dog foul and owner walk away along with the date, time and location, description of dog and identity of owner, including address. However, if there is only one witness, details can still be given to dog warden and a warning letter issued. Someone can also report a person who regularly lets their dog foul at a set time and place and the dog warden will try to arrange to be there at given time. Reporter can remain anonymous but must give the warden contact details.
3.7 Netherton Housing development. We received a letter from Kingdom Housing which expressed their disappointment at the CC’s decision to object to the proposed development. As members of CC do not think that there is anything mentioned to change our views, it was decided to make no response to the letter.
6) Chairperson’s Report
6.1 A.Anderson reported that he is still awaiting confirmation that the funding for Elm Grove road will be available this financial year.
6.2 Members of the CC have been working hard to prepare for the forthcoming Burns Supper and Senior Citizens Party and it is hoped that both events will prove successful
7) Secretary’ Report
Emails received:
- Dec 2009 edition of Councillors Briefing on Housing and Communities Directorate.
- Financial Guidelines for CCs. – Update of changes.
- Review of Community Council Scheme.
- January 2010 Planning Update document.
- Trust Reorganisation in Fife.
8) Treasurer’s Report
8.1 Some changes in Financial Guidelines may alter the date when our accounts need to be audited. G.Brown to contact L.Purdie for further clarification.
8.2 Various grants have been applied for.
Some discussion ensued on the method whereby application to the Common Good Fund now needs to be made.
In the opinion of Cllr Scott Hayward , the wording of the revised application form for Common Good Grants now means that G.Brown’s application for Floral Display funding would be greatly reduced from the amount requested. The reasoning behind this seems to be that proof of expenditure is required to be presented prior to the awarding of the grant.
Cllr Macgregor suggested a possible solution:- that the request be reworded to ask for “up to £3000” to guarantee that, assuming the application is accepted , the total amount would available if required.
9.1 G.Brown had received a complaint from a member of the public re dog fouling and glass on the Mair.
9.2 M.Ashworth expressed concern about the condition of the road between the Colinsburgh Straight and the Sawmill corner where there have been several accidents in the past few months. R.Craib to contact D.Smeaton and G.Hughes of Transportation.
9.3 Concern was expressed about Gas Board workers in Inverie Street depositing their rubbish on the road. Cllr Macgregor to contact housing officer.
9.4 Cllr Macgregor informed the CC that planning applications for the allotments and 34 West End were being considered on Wednesday 20th January. G.Brown will try to attend the meeting.
10) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 15th February 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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