Community Council Minutes 21/12/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 21st December 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
R.Craib G.Brown A.Anderson T.Hughes
E.Hughes M Ashworth V.Bland
V.Salvage W.Buchan Cllr Macgregor
There were 6 members of the public present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from D.Palmer, E.Scott and Cllr Scott Hayward
2) Public Questions
2.1 Subject of grass cutting and rubbish behind 18 Station Road was raised. R.Craib to ask D.Gray to contact residents to discuss concerns.
2.2 Extent of dog-fouling problem in village was raised again. Cllr Macgregor to clarify the correct procedure for reporting incidents with dog warden.
2.3 Parked cars on grass area at the top of Forth Street have been investigated – all
but one is taxed or SORN. The one untaxed vehicle has been removed. R.Craib
to contact authorities re a new vehicle which has now appeared over tax status.
3) Matters Arising
3.1( 3.1) Update on cleaning of harbour.
3.2(4.2) G.Brown and R.Craib met with Norma Johnston of ENERGI, Helen Rorrison of VONEF and Fiona Mitchell. Discussions about past events and a possible way forward to help build more transparent links between ENERGI, re the café, and the local community were held. It is hoped that more open dialogue between the parties can lead to members of the community becoming board members.
3.3 ( 4.3) Hedge in lane between Gourlay Cres and the school has now been tidied.
3.4( 4.4) New street cleaning arrangements were discussed at East Area CC Forum. Some villages are happier than others re the new system. It would appear that the villages with hills and narrow wynds are experiencing more problems. Perhaps the system does not suit these areas so well. General situation to be monitored and could be revised in some areas if not resulting in acceptable standards.
3.5( 4.5) Harbour feasibility study update.T.Hughes has offered to be involved in consultations.
3.6 D.Gray reported that cement plinth is now ready for bench.Grave diggers are being asked to store equipment in shed and funding is being sought for a fence and gate at the side of the shed.
3.7(6.1) The CC have lodged an objection to the proposal to build houses in Netherton Industrial Estate. This is based on concerns of a possible threat to the existing industrial units and also with the knowledge that a housing development west of the village is planned for in Fife’s Structure Plan.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Bland
4) Chairperson’s Report
4.1.Three members of the CC, A.Anderson,G.Brown and R.Craib, have become members of St Monans Community Trust. They, along with T.Hughes, have formed a working group to look at the possibility of a renewables project for St Monans.
Working with other interested village CCs in the area, they are to organise a feasibility study. Once this has been carried out there will be full community consultation.
4.2 After consideration of the St Andrews and East Fife local plan it has been decided not to lodge any objections.
4.3 A.Anderson asked G.Brown to report on the recent ENLEN launch. The CC heard how the event publicised the chances for householders in the East Neuk to find out possible ways to save money and make their homes warmer.
In January an infrared survey will be carried out in St Monans to help establish which homes are most in need of help.
5) Secretary’s Report
- Tayplan- Strategic Development Plan for the Tayplan area.
- Christmas card from Clair Baker MSP
- A copy of Fife Structure Plan 2006-2026
6) Treasurer’s Report
£81 was spent from cash flow account on funeral flowers, wreath and data protection, and £83 from the Heritage collection account was spent on flowers and door repair.
7) Planning
No planning applications.
8.1 W.Buchan reminded the CC that the AGM for the Bowling Club is on Sunday 31st January at 2pm. It is hoped that support from members of the village will be in evidence there as, without a significant number of new members, the bowling club will not survive.
8.2 Cars have been seen driving up the path behind houses in Inverie Street, beside the burn. R.Craib to contact D.Gray to ask if something can be erected to prevent this.
8.3 Many concerns on speeding traffic in the village have been reported. Police to be contacted for advice.
8.4 T.Hughes expressed concerns about water quality. He will contact Scottish Water.
8.5 T.Hughes mentioned possibility of Community Trust leasing the playing fields from FC. Issues of upkeep of the grass need to be negotiated with FC before any decision can be taken.
9) Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 18th January 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 21/12/09 — No Comments
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