Community Council Minutes 16/11/2009
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 16th November 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown
E.Scott V.Salvage M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 4 members of the public present.
PC Nairn was also in attendance.
1) Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from E.Hughes, T.Hughes, W.Buchan and D.Palmer.
2) Beautiful Britain
G.Brown issued copies of judging report. There were suggestions on how improvements could be made in certain areas. A plea for more resident participation for 2010 is being put in “Loaves and Fishes.” Cllr Scott Hayward thought that help from Locality Budget could be sought to help fund displays at the entrances to the village to help create a “Wow” factor.
Winn Brown will attend next meeting to discuss further ideas.
3)Public Questions
3.1 As the harbour is smelling badly, it is hoped that it can be cleaned out again. Cllr Scott Hayward to contact Moir Gibson.
3.2 34 West End. E.Anderson asked about present position. Situation now highlighted on website and the Courier has been in touch for information. A.Anderson to meet with a representative from Transportation Services on site to discuss our concerns over parking.
3.3 It was reported that a tree branch is jammed over the burn which could be a potential flooding risk. Members to have a look to see if it could be easily removed and if not R.Craib to contact D.Gray.
3) Police Report
Since October meeting there have been 6 crimes reported (2 last year) and 21 calls(28).
Speed checks have been carried out in Inverie Street but no-one caught. They will try in evenings this month. V.Bland reported that wheelie bins have now been put over cables leading to caravan sitting in Miller Terrace. PC Nairn to investigate.
Report of an unlicensed car in car park beside toilets will be investigated.
Problem of cars left in grass area at top of Forth Street highlighted again. There is uncertainty as to ownership of this land. Member of public believes she has evidence that it is Common Good land. Cllr Scott Hayward to look into this further. R.Craib to contact Harry Byers to check status of cars and have any illegal ones removed.
4) Matters Arising
4.1(2.4) Following contact with Scottish Water, the repair has now been completed with an apology for delay.
4.2(4.1) Fiona Mitchell has now set up a meeting with Elaine Fox of ENERGI along with a small representation of other agencies. G.Brown and R.Craib to attend.
4.3 (4.2) Tenants in house beside path between Gourlay Cres and school are receiving notification to have hedge trimmed or be billed by FC after they carry out the work.
4.4(4.5) New street cleaning arrangements will be on agenda at next East Neuk CC Forum. Area of concern in East Street and Johnston Close was checked last week by representative of CC and found to be ok. Grass area behind Spar was however a mess as was the Plerick. Braid Court also reported as a mess. R.Craib to contact H.Byers.
4.5(7.1) The harbour feasibility study will be discussed at Harbour Working Group meeting on 26th of November.
After contact with Moir Gibson, R.Craib was told that the shed area, once cleared,will be the responsibility of the lessee for ensuring safety at the area and concreting the slipway. It is FC Estate Services’ remit to oversee this.
4.6(7.5) R.Craib contacted D.Gray about the following:
- Fence posts at swimming pool – still being investigated.
- Missing beach steps – Ranger Service cannot do work. D.Gray can ask for 2 quotes for work but thinks it may be too expensive. R.Craib to ask him to do so as we would like steps rebuilt if at all possible as beach area popular with both residents and visitors.
- Cemetery benches – one bench available now. After several visits and discussions, CC will ask for this bench to be placed beside war memorial asap.
R.Craib to ask for second bench to be placed in a suitable site in or beside upper cemetery. Also ask about progress with screening area around hut.
- Area behind 18/20 Station Rd – as slope is over 30 degrees it cannot be cut.
There is also an area with debris which prevents the use of a strimmer. D.Gray has offered to meet with resident to discuss.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland A.Anderson
5) Chairperson’s Report
A.Anderson reported on Remembrance Day Service and thanked E.Scott for laying wreath on behalf of FC.
6)Secretary’s Report
A copy of the NE Fife Structure Plan has been received. We will consider and submit comments later.
- Public Consultation on Fife Sports and Leisure on Thurs 19th Nov.
- Vital and Vibrant Town Centre Conference in Perth Concert Hall on 25th Nov.
- Report from Cllr Macgregor on Scottish Water Public Meeting held on 9th November. One particularly interesting point made was as follows:
Nasty Tasting Water
“At the meeting the Scottish Water’s Board claimed that there had been a
50% improvement in customer service. To back this up, a new system for
dealing with any complaints about water quality (drinking water) has
been introduced. If you phone the Customer Helpline (0845 601 8855) and
ask for someone to come and take a sample of your drinking water, you
will be given an appointment time for a Scottish Water representative to
come to your house within one hour of the time requested (within
reason). ”
6.1 Plans have now been submitted for house build development beside Netherton Industrial Estate. As CC members had not yet had time to fully digest the comprehensive plans, including odour and noise surveys, members felt they could not make an immediate decision on whether or not we wished to comment to the Planning Department. Although the CC had backed the plans in principle last year, there have been some developments and changes to the plans since then which need to be looked at in more detail:- in particular, the size of the proposed houses and the potential threat to the Industrial Units.
6.2 “Toby tops” have gone missing in the Braehead. Cllr Scott Hayward to notify relevant authority.
7) Close and Date of Next Meeting.
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.Next meeting will be on Monday 21st December at 7.30pm in Mayview Function Suite.
All members of public welcome.
Community Council Minutes 16/11/2009 — No Comments
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