Community Council Minutes 15/8/2011
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 15th August 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson R.Craib G.Brown V.Bland
W.Buchan V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes
P.Copland M.Ashworth E.Scott
There were 8 members of the public present.
- 1. Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Riches, Cllr Macgregor and Cllr Scott-Hayward
- 2. Report on Beautiful Fife by Win Brown
The judging took place on 29th July at 10 prompt. The judges were early which altered our arrangements and over the piece lost us time which is significant. There was a council driver with the judges whom I should have sent in to the Mayview for an hour for coffee and the newspapers as he lost us time as well. However the judges enjoyed their visit, meeting the team and the children who were able to be there. They enjoyed the children’s work, especially at the nursery garden. They were impressed at the community work in the village and were aware at the interest in the streets as we went round. They liked all the planting at the top of the village, at Wok ‘n’ Spice, the East Street Garden, Mary Wood’s community garden at the West End and the pontoon, wellies and children’s bits and bobs at the old winch house. There was no litter and only one dog poo had been deposited on the route that morning at the wee garden on Braehead. This will have lost us marks. We will hear the result on 6th September at the results ceremony.
St Monans looked really nice that morning in spite of the terrible rain on the Thursday which spoiled some of the flowers and left leaves around the streets. This was the result of a huge community effort with people contributing plants, lots of people weeding and sweeping the pavements and gutters at their areas on the streets, cutting their hedges and grass, weeding their gardens and going out and picking up litter. Mrs Aileen Reekie looks after the barrels at the Town Hall, another lady plants and looks after the barrel at her house on the front, Helen Marshall and Kitty the wee garden on the Braehead, Mr Chapman Mathers waters and feeds the East Street garden and Sheila Noble the West End garden. Many others look after wee bits near them and so many people have put out boxes, baskets and tubs which are a proper delight. Two ladies have taken on the dead-heading of the flowers in the barrels and boat, Mrs Isobel Armstrong and Mrs Rena Mathers and I would like to say a huge thank you to them.
Mr Colin Wilson waters the boat at the top of the village and the barrels when they need extra water or feeding and again I say a huge thank you to him. Three teenage boys have worked very hard, Cameron Marr, Korriey Adam and Rory Bowman. They have been punctual, keen, polite willing workers and have learned a lot which will be a good basis for them when they start college. I am going to write to the college and their school and let them know what they have done.
In addition to all the help from the community this summer we have had offers of help and support for next year. A holiday house resident has offered to bring another boat in the autumn, Mr Alan Stephen has offered to make planters for the Braehead which would be wonderful beside the existing seat up there and the proposed new ones.
I think it would be a good idea to have a working group to start thinking of things over the winter and starting some things this autumn eg winter planting of pansies etc. some people have already said they would like to do this. I would like the CC to advertise this, that is a working group not a committee, and if you would like I will write a note for Loaves and Fishes and put up some posters. It might be a nice idea to have some sea-side planters made with gabions, and/or blue/green painted treated wooden planters with permanent sea tolerant planting like grasses, pinks etc done in the autumn so they get established. Residents at the burn have asked for that area and St Monans cave area to be tidied and planted. The Jimmy Braid garden needs dug out, membrane laid and re-planted with appropriate salt tolerant easy-care low maintenance planting which would be quite possible with enough muscle power!
Report from meeting with Craig Pearson from Community Payback Scheme by V.Salvage
A very useful meeting took place earlier on Monday 15th August. Several possible projects around the village were discussed and many deemed possible. Within the scheme if the village can fund materials, work will be carried out under supervision by offenders under the Community Payback Project. Projects may include litter picking, gardening, painting of benches and barrels amongst others.
After some discussion it was agreed that a working party be set up to coordinate the various proposals above. W.Brown , W.Buchan and V.Salvage volunteered to be its first members.
- 3. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1(2.2) R.Craib and V.Salvage had a positive meeting with Sean Kenyon and Cllr Vettraino. We now need to assess what improvements have actually occurred and report back to S.K.
The CC have been led to believe that the toilets are due to be refurbished within the next week
or two.
3.2(2.3) The shed in the cemetery has now been removed and a fence erected. A.Anderson has
enquired if the boards can also be stored behind the fence. Liz Murphy to investigate.
A member of the public queried the fact that there was still whinstone lying behind the fence but CC members felt that we should perhaps accept the improvements that have been made for now. Liz Murphy was thanked for her assistance to date.
3.3(2.7)The lease for the pavilion is due to be finalised in next week or two.
3.4 (2.8) Drainage work at end of Rose Street still not completed.
3.5 (8.2) Further work has been carried out on wall between Braehead and Station Road to make
It safe
Proposer Seconder
A.Anderson V.Salvage
- 4. Common Good Fund Application from Bowling Club
An application from the bowling club ( through St Monans Community Trust) for £8854 has been received. This is for a new roof and repairs to the toilet and floor and a new window . It now appears that further floor repairs are needed which will cost another £1218. After discussion it was suggested that the bowling club committee should meet to ascertain if they can fund the extra amount. Once this is confirmed the CC will intimate their acceptance of the main application.
5.Chairperson Report
5.1 Police liaison meetings. A.Anderson expressed his feelings that the meetings were not really working with very poor attendance by members of the public. ‘It was agreed that he would contact the community police officer and inspector and request that the current liaison meeting programme be abolished and we return to some form of police attendance at the local community council meetings, even if this were every second month to reflect the current liaison meeting frequency.
5.2 Both A.Anderson and R.Craib have been contacted about the overgrown state of the braes
below Miller Terr. It is believed that the Council had agreed to clear the area on a twice yearly
basis but this does not appear to be happening. A.Anderson has contacted I.Barbour and is
awaiting a response.
6.Secretary Report.
6.1 Notice of Improving Public Services meeting in Kirkcaldy
6.2 Notification of Flytipping Small Grant Scheme
6.3 Notification of Water mains Upgrade in St Monans
6.4Harbours Mid Year Progress Report
7.Treasurer Report
G.Brown reported that local sponsorship for the floral display has been good ( almost the same as last year)
Other than that there is no change to the CC finances.
At June’s CC meeting the planning application for a carport at 5a Braehead was discussed but could not be voted on as full plans were not available and we were awaiting confirmation that 5a Braehead is in the Conservation area. Shortly after the meeting the full information became available and CC members were contacted by email and members voted to submit an objection due to the carport being considered inappropriate in the Conservation area. The CC was unable to wait to discuss and vote in the August meeting as it would have been past the cut-off date. Planning has now rejected the application. The planning applicant was present at the August meeting and relayed their dissatisfaction that the Community Council had objected to the application after the June meeting and that planning permission was ultimately refused by Fife Council. It was explained that the final decision on planning matters is taken by Fife Council and not the Community Council. It was evident there was some confusion over the current conservation area and the Community Council undertook to obtain the latest version of the relevant document detail what building in the village were included in this zone. This was distributed to the relevant parties after the meeting.
It has been reported that “ Craig Millars” restaurant has carried out renovations without planning permission, listed building consent or building warranty. G.Brown will contact Planning on behalf of the CC to find out if this is correct.
Enquiries will also be made re East Pier Smokehouse where it is believed changes have been made without planning permission
A.Anderson is to enquire about the date of the planning meeting to consider the change of shop
(beside café ) to residential house.
8.Public Questions
8.1 A question was raised about the missing right of way sign beside “Sea Tangles” R.Craib to
follow up.
8.2The hedge in the path between Braehead and Church is overgrown. R.Craib to follow up.
8.3The grass verge in front of 19 Miller Terrace has been cut away and new turf laid resulting in
a dangerously uneven surface which could cause an accident. A.Anderson to contact I.Barbour.
8.4Town Hall roan overhanging the pavement is broken, causing rain water to pour out.
Pedestrians are having to walk on road to avoid, which could cause an accident. R.Craib to follow up.
9.1There has been 1 confirmed donation of a bench and 1 further possibility.
9.2A query was made as to how long it takes to fill empty council houses.
There are currently 2 vacant: 28 Queen Margaret Street and 3 East Street. R.Craib to ask cllrs.
9.3Report of faulty harbour light and missing cover. T.Hughes to follow up.
10 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 19th September 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. All members of the public welcome.
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