Community Council Minutes 19/9/2011
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 19th September 2011 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown W.Buchan
E.Hughes T.Hughes P.Copland V.Salvage
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Scott Hayward E.Scott
There were 4 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
V.Bland opened the meeting.
There were apologies from A.Anderson, M.Ashworth and Cllr Riches.
2.Beautiful Fife
Congratulations were given to all who contributed to the achievement of gaining a Gold Award at the recent Beautiful Fife Awards. Ideas are already being formulated to take things forward towards inclusion in the Beautiful Scotland competition for next year. A larger request from the Common Good Fund will be made to help support this venture.
3. Water Mains Work
A list of concerns surrounding the on-going water mains work has been put together, with particular reference to health and safety issues. P.Copland and T.Hughes to arrange to meet representatives from Scottish Water and Morrisons Construction to discuss these concerns.
Following a request from the playgroup for assistance with funding to help them survive as they now have very low numbers and an inability to cover their on-going costs, the CC expressed its regret but agreed that we have no access to funding for running costs, only possibly capital expenditure. R.Craib to write to playgroup explaining this.
5. Last Minute and Matters Arising
5.1 (2) Payback Scheme. V.Salvage has received no further feedback to date.
5.2 (3.3) There has been further delay in the finalisation of the lease for the pavilion.
5.3 (3.4 ) No progress since last meeting on drainage work at end of Rose Street.
5.4(8.1) The right of way sign beside “Sea Tangles” has been paid for and replaced by the CC.
5.5 ( 8.2) Hedge has been cut.
5.6(9.1) The first bench has now been ordered. Information is now available for replacement bench scheme. It was pointed out that if a bench is requested for an area which currently does not have one, a site visit to assess viability will be needed.
A request has been made to improve surrounding area to benches at Plerick on Braehead to enable wheelchair access. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
5.7 (9.3) T.Hughes reported that improvements on various issues at harbour have been carried out.
He has been led to believe that action on rubble on east slip may follow soon.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown P.Copland
6. Chairperson Report
A.Anderson congratulated all involved in recent Community Arts Festival which was a great success .
He gave thanks to Win Brown and her small but determined army of helpers, reiterating the wonderful achievement of the village on obtaining a Gold Award in Beautiful Fife competition,especially considering some of the issues that the village has faced recently.
He commented on the disappointment felt by members of the CC on receiving an email from a visitor regarding the state of certain parts of the village when all the highlighted issues have been raised by the CC to Fife Council and, in many cases, received no response or delayed completion of agreed actions.
This situation has led to an objection being sent directly to the Chief Executive of Fife Council.
It is hoped a meeting with a senior manager can be arranged as soon as possible to allow the CC to air its grievances and agree a way forward.
Mr Anderson wished to assure residents that the local CC do care and are trying to effect change for the better and we are winning in many areas.
7.Secretary Report
7.1 A letter has been received asking if the CC could support a request that has already been put forward for the decoration and upgrading of the town hall to encourage more use of the facility for weddings and events. Support will be given although realistically it is unlikely that it will be made a priority at present.
7.2 Notification of Harbour Howff reopening on 23rd Sept and Energi AGM on 4th Oct have been received.No-one able to attend.
7.3 A letter received from Mr I. Reekie received re possible commemoration for Millers with an interpretive board on a stone plinth. Information could be gleaned from Heritage Collection and possible funding help from Preservation Society. Further action once slipway is ready.
8.Treasurer Report
Accounts issued.
Extension at 1 Inverie Street approved.
Explanation of changes to CC role in planning asked for. From Cllr Scott Hayward’s explanation it would seem that the most important issue is that CCs will require to ask to be treated as a statutory consultee within 7 days of the planning application being published if they wish the views of the community to be considered.
9. Public Questions
10.1 Broken bollards in West Street. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10.2 Broken lamppost in Station Road. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
10.4 Recycling bins at end end of Miller Terrace unlocked resulting in spread of rubbish.
R,Craib to contact Waste Aware.
10.5 Report of flooding in path beside school and concern of dangerous finish to new fence beside the path. Cllr Macgregor has contacted Education officer and is awaiting a response.
11. Close and Date of Next Meeting
V.Bland thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 17th October 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite. All members of the public are welcome.
The meeting will be preceded by the AGM at 7pm.
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