Community Council Minutes 17/10/11
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th October at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown V.Salvage
E.Hughes T.Hughes M.Ashworth P.Copland E.Scott
Cllr Scott Hayward
There were 3 members of the public present.
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from W.Buchan and Cllr Macgregor
2. Report of Sub Group on meeting with Kate Hughes
In general it was felt that the meeting had been positive. Some issues are still on-going and we await further information from KH on developments. However, it has been agreed, subject to funding, that we will get “slow down” road signs at both entrances to the village, the gullies have now been cleared out on the Abercrombie road and the public toilets have now reopened. We had asked to be able to have a volunteer resident to open and close toilets in order that the opening hours could be lengthened. However, it seems that whoever does this must have new enhanced disclosure so will have to be investigated further.
3. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 ( 4) R Craib wrote to playgroup explaining our decision and regret that financial assistance could not be given. We now have heard that the playgroup will regrettably close in December.
3.2 (7.2) R.Craib had received an email suggesting that some money may be found to do some upgrading of the town hall, but no confirmation as yet.
Proposer Seconder
P.Copland V.Salvage
The minutes of extra CC meeting of 26th September 2011 were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
A.Anderson G.Brown
The minutes of extra planning meeting of 4th October 2011 were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland A.Anderson
4.Chairperson’s Report
The Chair advised there would be a Health Day at Waid Academy on Sat 12th Nov 2011. Heartstart will be present and names will be taken for future classes.
He re-iterated information about the project to establish a Community Defibrillators in each of the East Neuk villages which would hopefully be partially funded by the Council, offering a personal donation to assist this. A brief discussion took place on how the CC could provide the additional funding required.
Volunteer Centre Fife who are based in Cupar and share an office with VONEF are looking to strengthen links with voluntary groups in North East Fife and create a database of community based organisations in East Neuk who may require volunteers
Police Liaison meeting – Only two members of the public Attended, both from St. Monans CC. We are still waiting on details of local reported crimes and responses, these will be reported once received.
The meeting with the Fife Council representative to discuss Services Concerns and Issues was very productive. Many of the issues identified have been resolved or are now in process. We now have a single point of contact through which to escalate issues encountered with Council Services if required. We are to be provided a list of direct contacts at the various Council Services and departments for CC members to report issues and seek feedback.
As a result of the meeting it has been recommended that the Village gets electronic traffic ‘slow down’ signs if funding can be agreed.
A Complaint has been received regards CC handling of a planning application and potential conflict of interest. To ensure impartiality I have asked Cllr Scott-Hayward to undertake an independent review and the outcome of this will be fed back at an extra CC public meeting on Monday 7 November at 8pm
5. Secretary’s Report
Notification has been received about the proposed constituency boundary changes. No action to be taken.
6. Treasurer’s Report
The accounts were issued.
Skiff Project. Members of the community who are still interested in taking the project forward are asked to contact the Community Council as soon as possible. Otherwise it will be necessary to hand donated funds back to the donors.
Beautiful Scotland 2012. It will be considerably more expensive to enter this competition next year and a suggestion was made to apply for up to £6000 from the Common Good Fund to help cover the costs. G.Brown will meet with the group working towards the competition to find out how much money is likely to be needed. He knows that our present hanging baskets will soon need to be replaced. The total for this is likely to be in the region of £2700 but it could perhaps be done in 2 stages.
This year, as well as money from Common Good Fund, we received £500 floral grant and £1670 from local sponsorship as well as donations of items and time.
A.Anderson added that the whole project benefits the community in general and encourages positive attitudes. He also asked if the working group could provide a monthly report for the community council.
The CC will look into the possible purchase of some extra bins, after checking where bins will be emptied. A.Anderson to check details with Kate Hughes, including cost.
7. Planning
There is one application for an extension to a house in Gourlay Crescent. No comments required.
8. PAS (Protected Area Status )
Areas with PAS cannot buy their council houses under Right To Buy legislation, and 30% of all new housing has to be “affordable”. This has enabled quite a lot of housing to be built and helped to protect our housing stock, which is in very short supply. As the demand in St Monans for council house purchase has not been great recently, the village has not been included in PAS. If residents wish the CC to make representation on this issue please let us know.
9.Public Questions
10. AOCB
10.1 It was reported that some council house gardens in Gourlay Cres are very untidy. Cllr Scott- Hayward to follow up with housing.
10.2 The fence post at the fence running at right angles to the swimming pool is broken. Cllr Scott-Hayward to follow up.
10.3 There was a report that the bin outside the Top shop, which was full and had extra black bins beside it was not emptied on Sunday 16th October because of extra bags. A.Anderson to contact H.Byers and K.Hughes.
10.4 Wreath for Remembrance Day to be ordered by G.Brown.
A.Anderson will lay wreath on behalf of CC and Cllr Scott- Hayward on behalf of FC.
11. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Monday 21st November 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
In addition to this, there will be an extra public meeting on Monday 7th November 2011 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite at 8pm.
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 17/10/11 — No Comments
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