Community Council Minutes 16/2/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 16th February 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage T.Hughes E.Hughes W.Buchan
K.Jones A.Anderson Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches
Cllr Scott Hayward
No members of the public attended. PC Alan Nairn was present.
- 1) Welcome and Apologies
V.Bland opened the meeting.
There was an apology from D.Palmer.
- 2) Public Questions
There were none.
Police Report. Alan Nairn intimated that there had been 3 crimes and 4 anti social calls since last meeting. ( 6 and 5 last year)
There is presently an anti drug initiative being carried out in the area and members of the public are encouraged to phone CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800555111 if they have anything to report.
Speed detector vans will be targeting schools in the area and speed guns will continue to be used in Elm Grove. Speed limit wheelie bin stickers are to be issued to residents in Elm Grove and Inverie Street.
Following an enquiry from V.Bland, transportation will be contacted to replace wall notices to reinforce double yellow lines in village.
Police to investigate caravan parked in Miller Terrace which could cause an obstruction for emergency vehicles.
- 3) New Member
There was one application to fill the vacancy on the Community Council. Existing members welcomed Andy Anderson as a new member.
4) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
(3) Revised allotment plans have been received.
(4.1) A letter of apology has been received from Water Board confirming payment has been made for Heritage Centre.
(9.2) Flooding in Queen Margaret Street garages: there has been a delay in work being organised for this because of illness but now on “to do list” at FC.
(9.3) Benches on braes: still ongoing.
(9.4) Blue bins in East Street: Waste Aware have said that residents can have blue bins. Information leaflets to be delivered to East Street residents explaining this.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown V.Salvage
•5) Chairperson’s Report
Nothing to report.
•6) Secretary’s Report
Correspondence received since 20/01/09
6.1 Climate Challenge Fund bid support. Positive response emailed to F. Mitchell.
6.2 Community Council and Scottish Government Planning Consultation Publications. We will register.
6.3 Fife Elderly Forum Poster. Will be displayed on CC board.
6.4 Info on Rural Priorities Scheme funding. Retained.
6.5 Notification on remedial work having been carried out on St Monans cemetery
6.6 Cultural Strategy for Fife- press release. Retained.
6.7 St Andrews and East Fife Local Plan. Response to be sent.
6.8 Licensing Board notice for Mayview and Seafood Restaurant. No objections.
6.9 ICO info on data protection. Retained.
6.91 Scottish Gas Central Heating Programme for the elderly. To be advertised.
6.92 Letter from Richard Toole asking for sponsorship or other help/publicity on sponsored walk around Coastal Path. T.Hughes to investigate about possible accommodation for him whilst in St Monans on June 16th.
- 7) Treasurer’s Report
Statement issued.
Following Burns Supper we will be donating £415 to RNLI ( from Grouse whisky raffle) £320 to school funds and £320 to Sea Queen funds. Presentation to be arranged.
- 8) Planning Matters
- 9) AOCB
9.1 V.Salvage read out letter from Braehead residents requesting trimming of trees which are getting entangled with wires. Cllr Macgregor to contact Duncan Gray.
9.2 K.Jones has been approached by member of public with concerns on safety of Miller’s shed as it is being dismantled, with specific reference to roof panels. R Craib will email Mike Thorpe expressing concerns.
9.3 Beach Clean Up. After consulting tides date has been decided as Sunday 17th May at 12.30pm.
9.4 E.Scott has received ” Dog Fouling ” leaflets to be delivered around houses.
R.Craib will ask D Palmer if school wishes to be involved.
9.5 G.Brown and V.Salvage to prepare letters requesting money for this year’s Floral Display.
9.6 T.Hughes gave update on St Monans Trust, Following a letter being sent to FC leaders it seems very little money is presently available. There is still support from local cllrs and Steve Grimmond from FC has agreed to spearhead possible support from various FC depts.
Possible plan is now looking like being in 3 phases . 1) New Football pavillion 2) New Bowling pavillion 3) Replacement of town hall.
A website is being set up which might prove a good vehicle for communication and attracting funds.
10)Close and Date of Next Meeting
V.Bland thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 16th March at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 16/2/09 — No Comments
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