Community Council Minutes 16/3/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 16th March 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan
A.Anderson Cllr Macgregor
No members of the public attended. PC Alan Nairn was present.
- 1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Riches and D.Palmer.
•2) Public Questions
There were none.
Police Report. PC Nairn reported that there had been 3 crimes in St Monans since our last meeting: 1 vandalism, 1 drink/driving and 1 theft from vehicle. There had been 17 calls to the police of which 6 were related to anti-social behaviour.
Overall the crime rate was down on the same period last year.
Transportation have confirmed that wall notices are not required to make double yellow lines enforceable. Enquiries into the positioning of caravan in Miller Terr are ongoing. Wheelie bin speed limit stickers are about to be delivered to residents in Elm Grove and Inverie Street.
V.Bland mentioned about the fire engine being unable to get into East Street on a call because of parked cars. Police will investigate possible parking problems here.
3)Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3(9.2) Work is about to start on resurfacing Queen Margaret Street Garages which should alleviate flooding problems.
3(9.3) A walkway with steps is to be built to make access to benches on braes easier.
3(9.4) Residents of East Street have now been notified how to apply for blue bins if they wish them.
3(6.1) A letter of support from St Monans CC has been sent for Climate Challenge Bid.
3(6.3) Fife Elderly Forum poster has been displayed.
3(6.7) CC has submitted their views on siting of possible allotments and desire for village boundaries not to be extended in any future planning.
3(6.91) Scottish Gas Central Heating Programme for elderly has been advertised in village and on website.
3(7) Cheques were presented to primary school, Sea Queen committee and RNLI following Burns Supper.
3(9.1) After contact with Duncan Gray, trees in Braehead will be trimmed in next few weeks.
3(9.2) RC contacted Mike Thorpe re safety concerns over Miller’s boatshed. Health and Safety were satisfied that there was no safety issue and dismantling of shed should be completed by the end of April.
3(9.3) Beach Clean Up is now registered with Action Earth and pack received.
3(9.4) As primary have only recently completed a Dog Fouling initiative it was decided to deliver notices at a later date. However, Cllr Macgregor, having had a meeting with local Dog Warden, would encourage members of the public to report any incidents of people letting their dogs foul in the village to the warden on 0845 1 555555 Ext 450870 or email
who will visit the inconsiderate dog owners.
3(9.5) Letters asking for donations for “Floral Display” ongoing.
3(4.3) It has been decided to send out questionnaires to give local residents the opportunity to give their views on the proposed allotment plan for St Monans.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown W.Buchan
•4) Chairperson’s Report
- 4.1 Letters of thanks have been received from the Primary school and RNLI following Burns Supper donations.
- 4.2 Poster from Dogs Trust has been received and will be put up on C noticeboard.
5) Secretary’s Report
Correspondence received since 16th February 2009-03-08
- From Cllr SH re Harbour Working Group and possible plans for St Monans slip after removal of shed.
- Fife Planning Update brochure
- Info on possible electricity Sub Station at Town Hall.
- Info from police on fraud scam in the area.
- Letter from Chris Ewing, Environmental Sustainability Manager, about potential changes to household waste.
- Community Pay Back- possible projects.
- National Spring Clean
- Scottish Natural Heritage – possible closure of National Trust properties in NE Fife.
- Changes in Scottish Planning System
- Response from Mike Thorpe on Millers Shed
- A copy of letter sent to FC from Vic Howie re condition of garages in Queen Margaret Street.
- East Fife Sports Council Annual Awards
6)Treasurer’s Report
Statement Issued
One planning application in St Monans- 11 George Terrace for an extension at the back of property. No objections raised.
8.1 T.Hughes had received a suggestion that a possible use for east harbour area be for boat mooring given that there is now a waiting list of 100 in Anstruther.
8.2 RC to write letter in support of keeping NT properties open in NE Fife.
8.3 The AGM of the East Neuk Preservation Society is on 27th March. E.Scott and V.Salvage will try to attend.
8.4 G.Brown asked if CC would consider sponsoring final event, the Ceilidh in the Mayview, on the final night of the Arts Festival weekend. CC agreed in principal but felt more information was needed re ticketing and ideas for catering before final decision could be made.G Brown to discuss further at next Arts Festival committee meeting.
8.5 V Bland raised problem of smashed milk bottles from milk float parked in car park at end of Hope Place. Cllr Macgregor to write to milk company to express concerns of dangers this could cause.
8.6 T.Hughes reported no developments on quotations for Football Pavillion. Cllr Macgregor to ask about progress.
8.7 A.Anderson had been asked by member of public about benches at cemetery. R Craib to contact Duncan Gray.
8.8 A.Anderson reported concern on the condition of the road at the back of Elm Grove. He had been previously told that it would be annually scraped and this is not happening resulting in many pot holes. There is concern that the road is being used by quite a lot of traffic including a bus picking up children from the school. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
9)Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 20th April at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
Community Council Minutes 16/3/09 — No Comments
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