Community Council Minutes 20/4/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 20th April 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan
A.Anderson Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches
2 members of the public were present.
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were apologies from Cllr Scott Hayward and D.Palmer.
2) Public Questions
Ian Anderson informed the Committee that the East Fife Allotment Society now intend to submit their proposal to establish allotments in the field south of the Sandy Kirn to planning ,as they now believe that the village questionnaire responses show a majority in favour.
CC members were anxious for Mr Anderson to give more details of projected costs, both capital outlay and ongoing maintenance, and asked him to return with a detailed report. CC members informed Mr Anderson that they still have concerns about the proposed site.
Mr Anderson requested further details of the questionnaire. It was agreed to give him any details which are not considered confidential i.e. names and addresses of respondents.
3) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
9.2 Work is well ahead with repairing garage grounds at end of Queen Margaret Street. W.Buchan requested padlock and keys for garage users. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
9.1 Trees in Plerick now trimmed This has a left a problem with exposed trees in adjacent gardens. Cllr Macgregor to ask Duncan Gray if any help can be offered.
He will also ask for an update on missing benches in cemetery.
9.3 Plans well ahead for Beach Clean Up on May 17th.
9.5 Floral display letters requesting financial support: still ongoing.
4.3 Allotment Questionnaire. 15% of residents responded. 9% in favour and 6% against.
8.1 Harbour development post Miller’s shed. Cllr Riches intimated that a report is being produced on possible uses of St Monans harbour area by Dr Bob McLellan and Mike Thorpe
8.2 R.Craib wrote to Sir M.Campbell and Kate Mavor of NTS expressing our concerns about possible closures of Kellie Castle and Hill of Tarvet. Replies have been received explaining the difficult state of their finances but that attempts are being made to find help to keep them open.
8.5 Problems with the milk float in Hope Place seem to have improved since business owner received letters from Cllr Macgregor and the police.
8.8 A.Anderson reported that a temporary, although not really adequate, repair has been carried out to road behind Elm Grove. There will hopefully be a fuller scrape and repair done in the school summer holidays. A.Anderson will attend a Transportation meeting in Anstruther on 21st May to reiterate the necessity of curing the problem.
8.6 T.Hughes now had costs for replacing football pavilion. Although preference would have been for a brick built building, because of immediacy of need and uncertainty of future funding, the Trust have decided to accept a modular build. Between money the Trust already have and finance from FC, this project should go ahead this year. St Monans CC approved the plan. T. Hughes said that the Trust hope to eventually add two further units, one for the bowling green and an additional hall. He asked if some Common Good money might be available. Cllr Macgregor has been asked to ascertain the present value of the Common Good Fund and how much annual income is presently being accrued.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown R.Craib
4) Chairperson’s Report
E.Scott has received a letter from the residents of 1 Hope Place complaining about the state their garden was in following a party held in the Town Hall on Saturday 11th April. They wished to know who was responsible for monitoring behaviour around the premises and checking on underage drinking, and drinking in the vicinity around the town hall. Cllr Macgregor to make enquiries with booking officer and Frank Jensen.
5) Secretary’s Report
CC Correspondence received since 16th March 2009
- Letter from Karen Jones offering her resignation to St Monans CC due to heavier than expected work commitments.
- Police Community Link Newsletter
- Community Service payback scheme.
- Instilling Civic Pride seminar in Falkland on Thursday 21st May
- Queen Margaret Hospital Development leaflets.
- Fife Access Seminar – 11 June in Rothes Halls
- Replies from Sir M Campbell re NTS closures.
- BMA Scotland – consultation document: General Practice in Scotland: the Way Forward
- Updated transport contact list.
- Fife Elderly Forum’s Spring Letter
- Street Name Plates renewal
- ASCC appointment of new National Development Officer
- Confirmation that Climate Challenge for East Neuk has been successful.
- Community Events Fife Grant scheme.
PC Alan Nairn submitted a report stating that there had been 12 crimes recorded since March meeting. ( 10 detected – 6 of these crimes committed by three juveniles) This compares to 5 in the same period last year.
6)Treasurer’s Report
Statement issued.
5 King David Street- modification and extension to outhouse. No objection.
8.1 Muir site beside Industrial Estate is reported to be in a mess with weeds.
R Craib to contact Muir to complain.
8.2 Workmen in St Monans have been complaining about lack of toilet facilities
Unlikely to be resolved as toilets have been shut due to vandalism.
8.3 As notices still advertise toilets in the village, Cllr Macgregor to investigate changing of signs. Also how costing of signs is worked out.
9)Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 18th May at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of public are welcome
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