Community Council Minutes 16/6/14
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 16th June 2014 at 7.30pm.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib P.Copland M. Ashworth V.Salvage
W.Buchan E.Hughes Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches Cllr Docherty
Members of the public: 5
1.Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
Apologies from: G.Brown, P.Shafren and E. Porteous (minutes secretary)
2.Declarations of Interest
3. Land beside 1 Virgin Square
The owners of 1 Virgin Square are keen for the area adjacent to their property to be improved.
They have been trying to clarify who owns the area and it would seem that there is some uncertainty.
A.Anderson advised that the CC are not a decision making body For Fife Council and our role in this matter is to act as a liaison between the owners and the local community to seek their views. He thanked the owners for bringing the matter to the CCs attention.
Cllr Macgregor to contact FC and enquire on ownership of land and if FC can advise on possible curbing and resurfacing of roadway.
It was also made clear that this matter did not pertain to any previous issue raised at CC about potential common good ground being adopted by a local householder.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 ( 3.1) Water barrel has not been replaced. R. Craib will contact Liz Murphy again.
4.2 (3.2) Work on pavement to Ardross Farm is now in progress.
4.3 (3.3) Cllr Docherty to pursue
4.5 (3.4) Work is progressing
4.6 (3.7) A quote has now been received for galvanised railings ( about £1000) Cllr Riches to enquire about ordering through FC procurement with funds to be applied for from Common Good Fund to pay for them.
4.7 (3.8) Bin lorries are still being seen mounting the kerb in Hope Place. Cllr Macgregor to report again.
4.8 (8.1) If no progress is made locally by end of June, V.Salvage to contact Cllr Riches.
4.9 (8.5) Hope Place has now been resurfaced.
4.91 ( 8.6) Drain still choked. M.Ashworth to pursue.
4.92 (8.9) Walkabout was postponed due to FC Officer being on holiday. Cllr Docherty to advise on rearranged visit.
4.93 (9.1) Antique Chairs were able to be used on Sea Queen Day. As an amendment to last minutes if insurance had been required it would have been arranged by Sea Queen Committee.
4.94(9.2) This item referred to a van in the carpark in Hope Place.
Amendment from last minutes. V.Salvage was present at meeting.
The minutes of the previous ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday 19th May 2014 were approved.
Proposer: W.Buchan Seconder: V.Bland
5.Chairperson’s Report
A. Anderson congratulated everyone who worked hard to produce such a successful Sea Queen Day on Saturday 14th June.
He also congratulated Win and George Brown on achieving Prestigous Awards at both the Chelsea and Ingliston Garden Shows and promoting St Monans so positively.
6. Secretary’s Report
6.1 Include Me – a citizen advocacy organisation would like to attend a CC meeting. It was suggested that this could be considered in the autumn.
6.2 An invite to WW1 Commemorative Service for Chair and/or Secretary to attend has been received. Secretary unavailable but Chair will check diary.
6.3 Update on FIFE Development Plan received and retained
7. Planning
7.1 9 Virgin Square – no physical alterations to front of property. No objections.
5 Hope Place – no objections.
8. Public Questions
8.1 Query about progress on new house build in George Street. It is believed that building is about to start.
8.2 Concern about night time noise and nuisance behaviour in the East Street area. Cllr Macgregor to investigate and discuss with Colin Gilbert the number of scatter flats in St Monans.
8.3 Grass cutting in Braehead. V.Salvage to ask I.Barbour if more can be done.
8.4 Request for a new seat be placed at the Mine on the Shore. Possibility of a bench swap if a new one is placed somewhere else.
9.1 Report of a broken bottle lying in West Street for over a week and weeds not being removed from pavements. R.Craib to contact Damien Woods.
9.2 Concern over broken bollard in West Street. P.Copland to follow up.
10. Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 18th August 2014 at 7.30pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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