Community Council Minutes 19/5/14
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 19 May 2014 at 7.30 pm.
A Anderson (Chairman) | V Bland (Vice Chairman) | R Craib (Secretary) |
P Copland | P Shafren | W Buchan |
E Hughes | M Ashworth | Cllr D Macgregor |
Cllr E Riches | Cllr J Docherty |
Members of the public: 4
Action / Person Responsible | ||
1 | Welcome and Apologies
The Vice Chairman opened the meeting. Apologies from: G Brown, E Scott and Sgt J Anderson. The Chairman sent apologies saying that he would arrive late for today’s CC meeting.
2 | Declarations of Interest
3 | Last Minutes and Matters Arising
3.1 Cemetery Stand Pipe R Craib said that she had received a reply from Liz Murphy regarding trying to make the standpipe at the cemetery operational again. In her reply Liz Murphy said that she was sorry, but she was given to understand that this is going to be an extremely expensive problem to resolve, as they believe the burst to be down at the bridge area and what is being suggested is running a new pipe up the length of the car park. She went on to say in her email that she was afraid that this will not be resolved in the immediate future, and, whilst the barrel is perhaps unsightly to some, there is a water provision available. She finished by saying that they will investigate what other alternatives are available.
A member of the public commented that she did not think that the barrel was unsightly, but it is unsafe, because there is no lid on it. R Craib said that she would contact Liz Murphy again to say that our concerns are regarding safety and ask for a lid. M Ashworth added that it would be far better if there was a tap on the barrel.
R Craib |
3.2 (8.2) Pavement over the Coalyard Hill to Ardross Farm
Cllr Riches said that when she was informed of the date for pavement linking St Monans and Ardross Farm to be done, she would pass this on to the Community Council.
Cllr E Riches |
3.3 Repairs to the Coastal Path
Cllr J Docherty said that he would report to the Community Council when there is any progress with flooding on the Coastal Pathhad east of the village.
Cllr J Docherty |
3.4 Cemetery Paths
V Salvage said that, when the problems regarding the Community Payback situation were resolved, she would get back in touch about the cemetery paths, through Archie Melville.
V Salvage |
3.5 (3.1) Community Payback – Missing Barrels
There was an offer of £150 for the missing barrels, and a comment was made that this would pay for 6 barrels – from Pathhead Nurseries. (A check had been made and Pathhead barrels were the cheapest.)
V Salvage |
3.5 (8.1) Tree Beside the Plerick
V Salvage reported that she had been in touch with Ian Barbour but he had not heard about anything being done about it.
R Craib said she had received an email from Cllr D Macgregor saying that this was being dealt with.
V Salvage |
3.6 The Plerick – Wobbly Steps
The situation regarding the wobbly steps at the Plerick has been reported. However, Fife Council had replied saying that they were really short of people, however it was on a To-Do List, but this could take several months.
V Salvage |
3.7 (3.8) (9.3) Railing at the Plerick
V Salvage stated that the Blacksmith (Alec Dewar of St Andrews) was going to meet her sometime this week. She asked the CC whether they wanted tubular, solid or half round railings. V Salvage said that she would ask for quotes for different types of materials – galvanized or aluminium compound.
V Salvage |
3.8 (8.3) Parked Vehicles – Bin Lorries going on Kerb
The Chairman said a point was raised when he had been talking about the parked caravan and the car in Hope Place – that we are still having problems with bin lorries going onto the kerb. He added that it does seem ridiculous that, when a local resident has reported the problem, that the Council are unwilling to do anything about it. P Copland added that if the refuse lorries are going past the school when the children are coming out it could be very dangerous, as the lorries mount the kerb and go straight along the pavement. Cllr D Macgregor said that he would report this to Waste Aware.
It was discussed whether the Bowling Club’s grassy bit of land could be used to improve the situation. The Chairman said that the Council probably would not be able to do this because of cost. However it was suggested that the bit of land in question might be Common Good land.
Cllr D Macgregor |
The Minutes of the previous Ordinary Meeting of the Burgh of
St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council, held on Monday, 21 April 2014, were approved.
Proposer: P Copland Seconder: V Salvage
4 | Chairperson’s Report
R Craib, on behalf of the Chairman, gave a big thanks to everyone who had been involved in the St Monans’ Beach Clean, and particularly to all the school children. V Salvage said that 37 members of the public had helped with the Beach Clean.
M Ashworth said that they had removed, along with a lot of other rubbish, a car seat, lots of ropes, creels and nets. She said that she had asked the Council for 2 skips and had filled more than one skip with rubbish, although there was not as much rubbish as the previous year. R Craib added the CC’s thanks to Toby Anstruther and Sam Parsons, and to the children who helped on Sunday who also worked really hard.
5 | Secretary’s Report
5.1 Seaweed in East Harbour R Craib said that Cllr D Macgregor had contacted Moir Gibson, saying that the cleaning out of the harbour was very successful and asked whether the East Harbour, where Miller’s sheds were, could also be cleaned out. Moir Gibson had replied saying that he had discussed this with the Harbour Master and the seaweed there is a lesser amount but very difficult to access due to the fact that the vehicles would have to try to drive through muddy silt to get to it. He went on to say, that they are hopeful that the big tides this week will disperse the seaweed, but should action be necessary beyond that he would see what he could arrange.
5.2 Mac’s Mobile Museum Touring Fife
Mac’s Mobile Museum, which is a free service which tours schools and community venues taking art and museum collections to the people of Fife is touring Fife. It is hoped that the bus will visit St Monans during the Arts Festival weekend in September. (For info and to book contact: 01592 583204; email
6 | Treasurer’s Report
No report |
7 | Planning
No report
8 | Public Questions
8.1 Village Map A member of the public stated that the map of the village was a disgrace, and had been like that for years. She added that visitors often had to ask where to get a cup of coffee in the village and for directions to toilets. R Craib said that G Brown had been trying to contact Kenneth Smith. In G.Brown’s present absence due to other village commitments, V.Salvage will ask K.Smith if he is able to redo map. If not we will approach an alternative contact in FC to be given by Cllr Riches.
V Salvage
8.2 Churchyard Gate
A member of the public reported that a spar on the gate at the new churchyard was split right down. R Craib said that she would get back to Liz Murphy.
R Craib |
8.3 Black Bag not Uplifted
A member of the public spoke about black bags which had not been uplifted by the refuse lorries along East Street on the left-hand side. She had asked one of the refuse collectors on the lorry, and he had said that he could not lift them because they were black bags. (Cllr Riches said that the refuse collectors only collected the grey bags issued to those households who did not have bins.) Cllr D Macgregor said that he would contact Waste Aware.
Cllr D Macgregor |
8.4 Toby Covers Missing
A member of the public complained that there were some Toby (blue) covers missing from some pavements in the village, which is a danger. Cllr D Macgregor said that he would contact Anne-Marie Dewar of Scottish Water.
Cllr D Macgregor |
8.5 Pothole in Hope Place
A member of the public asked what was happening regarding the pothole in Hope Place. P Copland replied that it was promised to be done in this financial year.
8.6 Drains Choked
A member of the public stated that a drain at 16 Station Road and one in Hope Place (at the corner) are choked.
8.7 Common Good Fund
A member of the public asked how much money is in the Common Good Fund. The Chairman answered that it is the interest that comes down over the year that is allowed to be used. The interest is about £20,000 per annum, but there are some set commitments such as Sea Queen Day, the Arts’ Festival and the floral display. The member of the public asked if it would be possible to get a new noticeboard out of the Common Good Fund – a proper one with a cover. The Chairman answered that it would probably be possible using matched funding.
8.8 Jim Braid’s Memorial Garden
A member of the public asked if there was anybody in the CC pursuing getting Jim Braid’s Memorial Garden dug over. The Chairman replied that, after we have resolved current issues with Community Pay Back that we can pursue this again. |
V.Salvage |
8.9 Messy Gardens
In answer to a member of the public’s question, V Salvage said that the garden with dog mess in it had been reported and, as far as she knew, nothing has been done about it. Cllr E Riches said that, the tenant would be sent a letter and then a second letter. It was suggested that the CC would have to wait to see if the tenant does anything in response.
The member of the public also complained about some of the gardens in the village being a mess, which she said was creeping through the village. It was suggested that the Housing Officer could be contacted and asked to do a walk round the village to take a look at the gardens to see some of the issues. V Salvage said that there would be 2 or 3 people who would happily go with the Housing Officer and Councillor(s) on a walk around the village gardens.
Cllr J Docherty will arrange a suitable date and time and intimate later. |
Cllr Docherty |
9 | AOCB
9.1 Antique Chairs – for Sea Queen Day V Salvage said that St Monans owns or is the holder of 3 antique chairs, and a replacement chair which were the old Council Chairs. (They are currently held in the Preservation Society rooms in Station Road.) The CC had requested the chairs for Sea Queen Day for the Sea Queen and her attendants to sit on when they were crowned. The reply was that the Archivist of the Preservation Society said that we cannot have the chairs as they were too valuable and because of insurance issues. (Evidently the Council had wanted to take the chairs away from the Preservation Society Rooms in Station Road, but the CC argued against that.)
V Salvage went on to say that the chairs belong to St Monans, so she did not see why it should be a problem for them to be used by St Monans on Sea Queen Day.
Cllr Riches said that the CC have their own insurance and suggested that the CC should let the Preservation Society know that the CC insurance would cover the use of the chairs.
Cllr J Docherty suggested that a letter should be written on behalf of the CC to the Preservation Society Chairperson (Peter Aitken), asking to alert their Insurance Company that you will have the chairs on the day. The Chairman stated that he thought the CC should follow Cllr Docherty’s suggestion asking to use the chairs on the day, and also ask the Preservation Society how much they have the chairs insured for. Cllr E Riches said she would pass on Peter Aitken’s email address to the Secretary.
The Chairman stated that he thought the chairs should go to the Heritage Collection so that people could see them.
V Salvage / R Craib
Cllr E Riches
9.2 Car in Inverie Street
V Bland reported that the car at the end of Inverie Street is now Road Taxed. The Chairman added that he had reported it but had never heard anything back.
9.3 Patch of Ground beside Wok and Spice
B Buchan said that he and Bill Porteous had been spraying weeds on the bit of ground beside the Wok and Spice. He asked who the ground beside the Wok and Spice belonged to. R Craib said that she thought it was the Wok and Spice’s own land. V Salvage said that she would contact the Wok and Spice’s original owner.
B Buchan went on to say that Bill Porteous suggested that we put a small planter on the corner of the ground outside the Wok and Spice. P Copland replied that the CC had put a barrel there before and people were using it as a seat. R Craib suggested that this should go to the Beautiful St Monans people to consider.
V Salvage
B Buchan |
9.4 Dangerous Parking on Inverie Street
B Buchan when he was driving past badly parked vehicles in Inverie Street, because one vehicle was parked half way across the street, he narrowly missed being hit by a police van (which did not stop). The Chairman said that he would talk to Sgt Anderson.
A Anderson |
9.4 95 Bus No Longer going down Inverie Street
Peter Copland said he had been asked by a lady who uses the 95 regularly, to complain about the change of route of the 95 bus which will no longer pick up passengers in Inverie Street. R Craib stated that the 95 bus route was being taken over by Moffat Williamson. Cllr Riches commented that if the passengers are stuck they could go ‘flexi’.
A member of the public asked if Moffat and Williamson had buses that were suitable for disabled people. Cllr E Riches said that you would have to hope that that would be the case. She went on to say that they are also cutting back where they are going elsewhere, for example, they will not be going to the far end of Crail.
9.5 Harbour Trust
A member of the public asked if there was anything happening with the Harbour Trust regarding the pontoons. B Buchan stated that they were trying to get funding for it. The Chairman stated that they were putting through applications, and they had got more money to do more feasibility studies.
V Salvage added that a skiff is being built.
9.6 Bollards
A question was asked about bollards which had been left at shore. No-one knew anything about them. |
9.7 School News
Commonwealth Party P Shafren stated that the school was having a Commonwealth Party this Friday afternoon, and that everyone was very welcome to come along.
Marathon P Shafren told the CC about the achievements of one of the school pupils, Colin McKie, who did a Marathon in 8 days and raised about £600, then went on to win the Waid School Cluster Talk.
10 | Close and Date of Next Meeting
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting. |
The next meeting will be on Monday, 16 June 2014 at 7.30 pm in the
Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
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