Community Council Minutes 17/06/13
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th June 2013 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.(draft)
A.Anderson V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
P.Copland M.Ashworth V.Salvage W.Buchan
Cllr Macgregor Cllr Riches Cllr Docherty
Members of the public – 10
- Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from T. Hughes , E. Hughes, P Shafren and E.Scott
- Declaration of Interest
A.Anderson expressed an interest in one of the current planning applications.
- Proposal to Employ a Minutes Secretary
R.Craib intimated that she no longer had time to do both roles of secretary and minutes secretary. The CC unanimously voted to accept proposal to employ a minutes secretary but a member of the public, Mrs E Porteous, has very kindly offered her services to do it voluntarily for which the CC are most grateful. She will commence duties at the August CC meeting.
- Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 (9.2) CC received confirmation that Common Good application for the floral display funding was successful.
4.2 (13.2) Waste Aware replied that the bin in the Plerick had been moved around three years ago to try to prevent children rolling it down the steps. They believed the move had been successful with fewer reportings of problems and more use of the bin.
4.3(13.6) Waste Aware said that they would arrange removal of the dead trees. As this has not happened yet R Craib will recontact them.
4.4 (14.1) There has been a favourable resolution to the bin collection issue.
4.5 ( 14.2) V.Slavage reported that I.Barbour stated that there would be no funding available to purchase and install a railing in the Plerick.CC could make an application to Common Good to fund it but there could be issues around who is allowed to do the work and upkeep. V.Salvage to discuss options with I.Barbour.
4.6 (14.3) I.Barbour has tried unsuccessfully to contact Burnside resident re plant replacement. V.Salvage to contact Mrs E.Anderson.
4.7 (14.4) Some paths may get updated in January/ February if funds become available. Concern was raised about the condition of the path to church. R Craib will contact Deirdrie Munro of Fife Coast and Countryside and will also ask about overgrown steps up to Pathead. A new bin is to be installed beside the Salt Pans with the suggestion that it go beside the benches.
I.Barbour is still investigating who is responsible for making safe the old railway bridge.
Amendment to last minutes. Tel no for dog warden should read 08451550022
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland W.Buchan
- Chairperson Report
Wind Project Update – On further examining the task ahead and the timelines involved it has been agreed that the current working group do not have sufficient resource to take the project forward.
There have been a number of changes in the renewable energy market that have had an impact including:
• Reduction in Feed in Tariff on an on-going basis
• Lack of suitable turbines in terms of height / capacity
• Availability of funding – grants and loans
It is also evident that to progress the project in the medium to long term could establish a potential considerable debt and it is the view of the working group, echoed by the Trust’s Chair, that to progress the project to incur such a debt without a stronger chance of success would defeat the point of the project.
The working group therefore reluctantly advise that, unless there are individuals with the available time and knowledge / skills who have a desire to become involved, the project will be terminated.
Allotments / Bowhouse Farm Development – Formal pre-application application(?) has been registered with Fife Council. No other progress as yet.
Police Update –
2 Fixed Penalty Notices issued for Speeding
3 Vehicle Excise Offence tickets issued.
Several residents of Miller Terrace advised not to park on pavement.
Action day last week with VOSA and Road Fuel team – one person reported for illegal use of red diesel. Several other road traffic offences detected and 4 prohibitions issued.
Invite for CC members to visit the New Victoria Hospital and get a tour of its facilities – see AA for details.
6 Secretary Report
- Secretary Report
6.1There is currently a review of Fife Primary Care Emergency Services. Comments can be made via the online comments form at or letters can be written to The Head of Corporate Services, Hayfield House, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy KY2 5AH
6.2 Letter received. Following a Beautiful St Monans meeting it was proposed that Vic Bland would head a project to raise funds for grass cutting equipment for the area at the Lee and Windward Gardens. To this end it is proposed that an autonomous committee be formed under the auspices
of the Community Council, headed by Vic Bland, to raise finances for such projects. Interested parties should contact Vic asap.
6.3 R.Craib attended a meeting with Samantha Gillespie, the new Tenancy Sustainment Officer with Bield Housing. She is looking at projects to encourage residents to become more involved in community activities with special emphasis on local history, art and culture. R. Craib informed her of societies, events and activities currently going on in the area and she, after attending a Bield meeting at the end of June hopes to make further contact with the CC and probably attend our next CC meeting in August.
6.4 Public Convenience Review. This is no longer valid as a new one is being produced
6.5 East Neuk Forum.
Broadband survey. The link for residents to carry out survey is
Emergency Planning for Village. Dougie Potter from FC would come to help us put together an emergency plan should we wish. The plan may indentify a central location, important contacts, compile a list of volunteers and access to essential equipment in the event of an emergency. R.Craib will invite D.Potter to attend CC meeting in September.
6.6 Notification received that a footpath for road between Kilconquhar Road and Ardross is now in the plans for the Area Transportation Works Programme.
6.7 Public Consultation into North Fife Bus Services will run between end of June and end of July.
Comments to be sent in by July 1st 2013.
6.8 Letter received from Beautiful St Monans group. They plan to form an autonomous committee under the auspices of the Community Council, headed by Vic Bland, to raise finances for projects connected with Beautiful St Monans.Any interested parties should contact Vic.
- Treasurer Report
The only change to report is expenditure connected to floral display.
G.Brown informed the CC that there are now sufficient funds available to purchase a third defibrillator to be located at the harbour. CC agreed to support this purchase. G.Brown to follow up on purchase and exact location.
- Planning
CC voted unanimously ( A.Anderson abstained after declaring an interest) to support a letter being submitted to planning objecting to the fitting of UPVC windows at 39 Forth Street as the house is in the Conservation Area.
There were no objections to the proposal to install a dormer window at 9 Virgin Square.
- Public Questions
9.1 The question was asked if there was any update on possible upgrading of road behind Miller Terrace. As Cllr Macgregor did not have full details of FC response with him he will update at the next meeting.
9.2 Report that the pavement beside the Braid Court car park is very uneven. This had resulted in a bad fall to a resident. P.Copland to contact Transportation.
9.3 Report that a resident was unable to remove car from garage at the top of Queen Margaret Street due to a parked car. Can a “ no parking” sign be erected? P.Copland to follow up.
9.4 Report of car parked on pavement/grass in Braehead. It was suggested that residents who see this should either have a quiet word with car owner or ask the police to do so.
9.5 Report that rubbish is still left in cemetery. A.Anderson to follow up.
9.6 Report that there is flooding at new play park behind Queen Margaret Street and a broken fence behind fire station. M. Ashworth to follow up.
9.7 Question asked if we could get a new improved skatepark. Cllr Riches indicated that there may be “ Olympic Legacy” funding available. W.Buchan to arrange a meeting with Alan Bissett and interested parties to discuss further.
9.8 Question asked about progress with problem parking in Forth Street and at points on the shore which cause difficulties for traffic flow. P.Copland has been awaiting a response after an on- site meeting but will pursue it.
10.1 Report that, in Abercrombie a civer outside 2 Lawview is broken and the hole in the road at the corner has a cone over it.
10.2 There are more reports of dog fouling in play park. A,Anderson to contact A.Jones to ask if signs are to be forthcoming.
10.3 Report that polystyrene boxes have been blowing around causing a problem. W.Buchan to contact Mr Muir.
10.4 Report that a flower tub belonging to the village garden group was destroyed by a FC vehicle at the cemetery. A,Anderson to contact Bereavement services about replacement.
10.5 Notification that the judging for Beautiful Fife is on 25th July and Beautiful Scotland is on 5th August.
11 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 19th August at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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