Community Council Minutes 19/8/13
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 19th August 2013 in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A Anderson | V Bland | G Brown | R Craib |
P Copland | M Ashworth | V Salvage | W Buchan |
Cllr Macgregor | Cllr Riches | Cllr Docherty | |
E Hughes | P Shafren | M Ashworth |
Members of the public – 8
Action / Person Responsible |
1. Welcome and ApologiesThere were apologies from T Hughes. |
2. Declaration of InterestThere were no declarations of interest. |
3. Presentation by Samantha Gillespie, Bield Tenancy Sustainment OfficerS Gillespie gave a brief talk. Bield Housing has housing schemes for older people in East Fife including retirement houses in St Monans. S Gillespie explained that her job was to help tenants sustain their tenancy; to try to improve community engagement and prevent social isolation for their tenants. A creative activity group has been set up within Bield which has meetings with tenants to ask them what they want to do. The tenants have come up with fantastic ideas, and this year they are going to do a mosaics project at the Arts Festival. S Gillespie intimated that they applied for a small grant from within Bield and had been successful. They are doing a workshop with their tenants to get them interested, and are going to ask the community to get involved in putting pieces of mosaics together. Bield Housing were going to ask the community for permission to install the mosaics in St Monans. A Anderson advised to approach Fife Council with this request. |
S Gillespie explained that Bield has a bigger plan, involving other communities in East Fife, and hoped to make up a map and ask the community where they would want the mosaics installed.When asked by R Craib, whether this question should be posed to the community during the Arts Festival, S Gillespie agreed.Cllr Riches stated that, if it was decided that the mosaics should be installed in the conservation area, the appropriate permission would have to be sought.
S Gillespie said that there was likely to be a series of 3 mosaics produced and when asked about size suggested that it would be nice if there was a larger one (about 2 ft x 1 ft). There were some suggestions regarding where the mosaics should be sited, and it was decided that the Community Council will produce a list of suitable sites for the mosaics, prior to the Arts Festival, so that the community could be consulted during the Arts Festival. Community Council members to send ideas regarding siting of the mosaics to R Craib. Samantha Gillespie will send ideas of Biel residents to R. Craib. A Anderson thanked S Gillespie. |
CC Members
S Gillespie |
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising4.1(4.5) Regarding the questions related to the proposal to purchase and install a railing for the Plerick, V Salvage stated that she has not had any communication from I Barbour. V Salvage to contact I Barbour again. |
V Salvage |
4.2(9.1) Regarding the possible upgrading of the road behind Miller Terrace, Cllr MacG had heard from Ross Walker. Two sections of unmarked track were in poor condition. Cllr MacG said that he had contacted housing.A resident said that the road does not get any better and is used on a daily basis by large refuse vehicles. He went on to say that there will come a time when it will not be able to be used, and asked the Community Council how to move this forward; and also asked if the Community Council saw this as a valid request.R Craib suggested that after the Community Council received a reply from housing they might have a better idea of how to answer the resident’s question.
A discussion followed regarding what might be required to improve the road. Gravel chips were suggested as a solution, but it was thought that these could just disappear. The resident pointed out that all access takes place to the rear of the Terrace. A further discussion took place confirming that the land was common ground.
A Anderson suggested that the Community Council should find out the cost. M Ashworth said that the cost would depend on what it is wanted to be used for; and that the Council heavy vehicles use it. A Anderson replied that it needs to be substantial. Cllr MacG stated that he would go to the Common Good person to find out if money is available, then approach Dr Bob McLellan the Chair of Environmental Services, to ascertain cost.
Cllr MacGregor |
4.2 (9.3) Regarding the uneven pavement beside Braid Court. P Copland passed this on to Stuart Goodfellow, who has passed in on to Roads Management. | P Copland |
4.3 (9.2) Regarding whether a “no parking” sign may be erected. P Copland intimated that he would approach FC re possibility of “ No Parking” sign. | P Copland |
4.4 (9.8) PC presented signage for end of George Terrace at Hope Place junction re “ Unsuitable for HGV’s”. This was approved by CC | |
4.5 PC presented proposals for Double Yellow lines by FC at Mid Pier which was approved by CC.PC to pursue the issue of Double Yellow lines at junction of Forth Street/George Terrace
4.6 (9.7) W Buchan intimated that he had spoken to Alan Bisset and some of the young people regarding the proposed skatepark improvements. W Buchan suggested that there was a need for improvement as ramps need to be taken down as they are dangerous when damp and rivets are coming out. A plan of the new skatepark was produced and an estimated cost of £95,000 was mentioned. Alan Bisset is going to see what funds he can get from the Council, possibly from the Olympic Legacy.Cllr Riches suggested that the young people need to do some fundraising, and that it would be good to get them involved.W Buchan said that the young people had explained the plan to him. There was discussion saying how well the skate park was used and of the benefits to the young people who used it. | W Buchan
4.7 (6.8) Regarding letter received from Beautiful St Monans group. G Brown stated that the subgroup cannot be set up in the way it was set up as they would not be covered by CC insurance. It will consequently alter its setup to comply with rules. | Beautiful St Monans Group
4.8 6.5) R Craib asked the CC to confirm that they still want to invite D Potter to the next CC meeting to advise on having an emergency plan for the village. This was confirmed.
R Craib | ||
5 Chairman’s Report5.1 Thanks to Win Brown and her team for all their work. The CC are currently awaiting the results of Beautiful Fife and Scotland judging. |
5.2 Apologies to the East Neuk Centre Trust, as the Chairman is unable to attend their Annual General Meeting on 3rd September. | A Anderson | ||
6 Secretary’s Report6.1 Consultation – Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Strategic Plan 2013-2016
Views being sought on draft strategic plan, which can be found at – look within the “about us” section under planning and performance. (Views sought – please view and make comments if you wish.) |
R Craib
All |
6.2 Fife Licensing Board is currently consulting on its draft Statement of Licensing Policy for period November 2013-16. It can be viewed at (Please comment on this document if you wish.) | R Craib All | ||
6.3 3 Consultations:
These may be viewed at
R Craib All
6.4 Common Good Application – National Trust for Scotland. A request from the National Trust for Scotland has been made for £2050 from St Monans’ Common Good funds to help fund repairs at Kellie Castle After discussion it was decided, as it was not considered an appropriate use of Common Good money, to politely decline this request It will be suggested to them that they could contact the 700 members that they claim to have in the St Monans and Pittenweem area to ask for donations.
R Craib |
7 Treasurer’s Report7.1 The CC has received its annual grant, but Fife Council have put it into the wrong account. | |||
7.2 A sum of £955 has been raised towards a 3rd defibrillator. It was suggested it could be sited on the wall of the Heritage Centre. There has been some difficulty ascertaining who this building is leased to. However, the Treasurer has been given the name of a person to contact – who may be able to provide the information. Two other possible sites for the defibrillator would be the Winch House or the Harbour Master’s Office. | G Brown | ||
8 Planning8.1 Planning Application for an extension to Waterside Cottage. No objections to this application were raised. |
9 Public Questions9.1 A question was asked about the bench by the Basla dyke near the Harbour Master’s office. It was discussed whether it could be repaired, as it was a heritage bench (it came from the railway) and it would be nice to have it restored. However, there was a view that it was beyond repair and a suggestion that if someone came forward who was able to donate a bench in that area that that may be the best option. | |
9.2 A question was asked about the railing down the Plerick. V Salvage advised that Iain Barbour said that Fife Council would not pay for it, but would give us a costing. | |
9.3 The potholes beside the garages at the end of Queen Margaret Street were brought to the attention of the meeting. R Craib will contact housing again. | R Craib |
9.4 The fence between Craigie Wells and the Burn is broken down. M Ashworth will contact the Factor. | M Ashworth |
9.5 Mounds of earth in the cemetery were discussed. A Anderson will check on this. | A Anderson |
9.6 Parking on Elm Grove, and the difficulty of seeing past the hedge was discussed. P.Copland said that the CC will put a tentative question to Stuart Goodfellow as to whether the double yellow lines could be extended. | P.Copland |
9.7 It was reported that refuse vehicles were observed going from East Street to Virgin Square – going the wrong way up the one-way system. W Buchan commented that there was no excuse for this as there is signage there. A Anderson advised to report this if it happens again.A resident suggested that the refuse vehicle may have resorted to this due to parked cars causing difficulties in getting access; and went on to say that vehicles had problems getting round the corner in many streets due to parked cars. |
10 AOCB10.1 P Copland commented – regarding defibrillators – that he has still not been contacted by Gillian Duncan regarding being a guardian for the defibrillator at the Town Hall – regarding weekly checks. G Brown will contact Gillian Duncan. | G Brown |
10.2 A Anderson and R Craib discussed some thefts, vandalism and drinking of young people in the village, and also stated that young people had caused the alarm to go off on the defibrillator. | |
10.3 A member of the public commented that drink is being supplied to young people in the village. A Anderson advised in these circumstances to ring 101 to inform the police. | |
10.4 M Ashworth advised that the siever in Abercrombie outside No 2 Lawview is in an unsafe condition, and there are new potholes at the lamp-post in Abercrombie. | |
10.5 V Bland asked if the big metal rings in the harbour could be removed as someone fell over. Various people commented that this would not be possible as they were still used by yachts. | |
10.6 G Brown stated that a member of the Beautiful St Monans’ group had asked him about trees. He stated that when he came to St Monans there were elm trees from Station Road to Elie. G Brown went on to say that the member would like the elm trees to be reinstated. There were no objections to this proposal. | G Brown |
10.7 G Brown also said that he had been approached by a member of the public who complained about disparity of treatment by planning as he had had great difficulty getting his plans to make changes to his house approved, whereas his neighbour had gone ahead and made changes without seeking planning approval, and had not suffered any recourse. Cllr MacG will write to Planning to ask them to be more consistent. | Cllr MacGregor |
10.8 A Anderson asked if the Locality Plan was still out for consultation. R Craib replied that she had not had anything on the Locality Plan in the last 2 months. A Anderson commented that discussions were still ongoing with Toby Anstruther. | A Anderson / R Craib |
10.9 A Anderson asked – regarding dog fouling – if the CC could put a ‘no dogs’ sign on the playground. A member of the public commented that she would not want to be barred from parts of the playground that are not fenced. A Anderson stated that the sign would only apply to gated playgrounds. M Ashworth will order a sign. | M Ashworth |
10.10 A member of the public asked if a bin for rubbish could be put halfway up Station Road. A Anderson said that FC had already indicated that this would not be possible as there was no space on the pavement, but said that the he will ask again. | A. Anderson |
10.11 A member of the public complained again about the car on Braehead parking on the grass at the front. G Brown replied that there was nothing the police can do in that situation. | |
11 Close and Date of Next MeetingA Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 16 September at 7.30 pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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