Community Council Minutes 16/9/2013
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 16th September 2013 in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A Anderson (Chairman) | V Bland (Vice Chairman) | G Brown (Treasurer) | R Craib (Secretary) |
P Copland | M Ashworth | V Salvage | W Buchan |
Cllr D Macgregor | Cllr E Riches | T Hughes | E Scott |
E Hughes | E Porteous (Minute Secretary) |
Members of the public – 3
Action / Person Responsible | |||
1. Welcome and ApologiesApologies from Cllr Docherty and Patricia Shafren. |
2. Declaration of InterestThere were no declarations of interest. |
D Potter thanked the Community Council for inviting him to the meeting. The idea of having Village Emergency Plans came about after the severe winter of 2010, when many small communities were cut off particularly from the provision of emergency services. The Community Emergency Plan is a way for the community to get together to think about what it could do if an emergency did occur. What is needed is a group of people who are willing to get together to help people in the event of an emergency, (eg Kilconquhar was without electricity for 5 days). As well as putting this organisation in place, there will also be a need to identify who is likely to need help. Leslie Plan has a list of handy numbers. Fife Council is trying to promote the partnership aspect of this between local Communities and Fife Council, for example when there is severe weather Fife Council can keep in contact to find out what each local community are doing M Ashworth said that when there is a problem in Abercrombie such as a power cut, because it is smaller they know who the vulnerable people are. Vulnerable people will be more difficult to identify in larger villages like St Monans D Potter agreed and added that someone who is not usually vulnerable may become vulnerable, and went on to say that we need to build community intelligence. What you need is people strategically placed round the community eg Postmaster, shopkeeper who might know someone who might need assistance. There was discussion regarding whether an appeal to people who would be willing to be part of a group – to make up the Emergency Team – should be put in the “Loaves and Fishes”. D Potter replied that as well as a list of those in the Community Emergency Team, it would be useful to consider having eg a stockpile of shovels, etc. D Potter also said that Fife Council had a 24/7 emergency number. Cllr Riches added that the Communities do not have to do this from scratch. Leslie has already done this and it may be possible to make up a template from their Plan. Leslie has a website and a Twitter feed. Others, eg Kettle may only have the Plan published within Fife Council. D Potter thanked the Community Council for inviting him to the meeting.
A Anderson asked to get an article in the “Loaves and Fishes”, posters in shops, local businesses, Post Office and library. In response to R Craib’s question it was clarified that in the first instance people who were interested in joining the Community Emergency Team should email, or telephone R Craib on 730741. |
R Craib and V Salvage to put request for volunteers in “Loaves and Fishes”
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising4.1(4.2) Cllr Macgregor intimated that Donald replied to him with an email, about the road behind Miller Terrace, regarding if it could be improved so that vehicles could use it. Due to the threshold levels, it is not possible to overlay the existing track. The work needs to be excavated. The estimate would be £30,000 including soiling works. However the email suggested it would not require drainage – as it would drain onto the grass.Cllr Macgregor suggested that the question was whether the Community Council wished to find ways of doing this.
A Anderson suggested that one worry was that they are not proposing to put any drainage in – and the grassland could get quite soggy. A Anderson asked if there were any opportunities for funding. Cllr Macgregor did not see Fife Council coming up with the money for this work, and suggested that the Community Council should consider whether it wanted to go ahead with this. E Hughes reminded the CC that the bin lorries do use it on a weekly basis, and W Buchan suggested that if the Council are giving out Wheelie Bins then the road should be put right by the Council. A Anderson asked if there was any alternative to paying for the disposal of the excavation as it is the costs of putting it into landfill that amounts to more than half the cost. A Anderson went on to suggest that the first thing to do was to engage with local residents to check if they have any concerns, then go back to the Council to see if they have any money, but the CC can also see if they can reduce the costs. Some residents may wish to contribute. We could have preliminary discussion with local landowners to see if they would be willing to take some of the excavation. R Craib to make a notice to go through the doors of the people at Miller Terrace and invite them to the next Community Council Meeting. M Ashworth to have preliminary chats with landowners who may be able to take excavated soil etc. |
R Craib
M Ashworth
4.2(9.3) Regarding the potholes beside the garages at the end of Queen Margaret Street, R Craib intimated that she had had no response to her email. Cllr Macgregor to follow up. | Cllr Macgregor | ||
4.3(9.7) P Copland reported that he had had no response from Stuart Goodfellow. Regarding the degradation of the road in Hope Place, a letter has been received which suggested that a more permanent type of repair is required. However the funding for this type of repair for this year has been allocated, and it is unlikely that it will be allocated before 2014/15. | P Copland | ||
4.4(9.4) The fence has been moved, but the path is still not very wide. | |||
4.5 (9.5) The mounds of earth are still in the cemetery. A Anderson to send photos to Liz Murphy. | A Anderson | ||
4.6 W Buchan asked that the Minute Secretary’s name be included in the minutes. | E Porteous | ||
4.7 (10.1) R Craib intimated that there were problems regarding the defibrillators because of vandalism. When Gillian Duncan came round they realised that there was damage to the cabinets and also realised that guardians had not been issued with their packs. Packs have now been given out to the new guardians and defibrillators repaired. | |||
4.8 (4.6) W Buchan intimated that Patricia had given all the children a note home to try to raise money for a skatepark. Not one replied. W Buchan said he would put something in the paper to bring this to people’s attention. | W Buchan | ||
4.9 (7.2) Regarding the siting of the 3rd defibrillator, G Brown said that he now had a name and address from the owner of the Heritage Building, and that he would write to him. | G Brown | ||
4.10 (10.9) Regarding ‘no dogs allowed’ sign for the children’s play area in the play park. M Ashworth said that she had found 2 types of signs available and showed one which should go on a pole or fence.A Anderson said that he thought the CC could put up an aluminium sign.M Ashworth advised that the cost of this would be about £20. | M Ashworth | ||
4.11 (9.2) Re railing down the Plerick. V Salvage advised that, despite sending reminders that she was still awaiting replies from Ian Barbour. | V Salvage | ||
4.12 Minutes of previous Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council Meeting, held on Monday 19 August 2013, were approved.
5 Chairman’s Report5.1 Congratulations to the Beautiful St Monans’ team. St Monans was awarded:
G Brown said that they were just 1.5% below what was needed to get Gold for Beautiful Scotland and commented that a full 1% had been deducted because Fife Council cut the grass on Braehead, removing the wild flower patch on the day of the Beautiful Scotland judging. |
A Anderson | ||
5.2 The Chairman commended all responsible for organising helpers, artists and entertainers for the Community Arts Festival. He said that the festival was a great success and adds another element to the Community, and added his thanks to all involved. | |||
6 Secretary’s Report6.1 The Secretary had been advised by the East Fife Mail that they could no longer print the Minutes. The newspaper suggested that a resume of about 550 words could be printed. The Secretary suggested that this could cause difficulties of interpretation.A Anderson suggested that Minutes should only be submitting to the paper for printing if there was an important point to be conveyed.
V Salvage suggested that the CC should ask the newspaper to print a note saying where the minutes can be found, and giving the time of the next meeting. It was suggested that when submitting the note to the newspaper following this meeting a request for Community Emergency Team volunteers could be added. |
R Craib | ||
6.2 Notification of East Neuk First Reponders AGM on Thursday 26th September at 7.30pm in the Craws Nest Hotel, Anstruther if anyone wishes to attend. | |||
7 Treasurer’s Report7.1 There has been virtually no change in the Account, except the floral display – another bill for watering which brings the bill to £1800 exactly. Watering will continue for another week; then stop.Last year the CC got £1710 sponsorship by businesses and individuals. This has gone down this year to £1140.
Regarding funding for the floral display the CC get money from the Common Good fund. Thanks to all who have contributed. |
G Brown | ||
8 PlanningNo report. Only one small thing regarding planning – there was a query about a possibility of moving telephone pole to allow access for the crane at the gap site in the West End. | |||
9 Public Questions9.1 There was discussion regarding Estate Agents putting up signs and arrows.Cllr Macgregor commented that they were not allowed to put signs on lampposts. He suggested that It would be possible to contact enforcement officers to ask for removal of signs, but that contacting Transportation may have a faster response. | |||
9.2 T Hughes said that he had been asked by Fife Council to remove the chain which attached his hotel sign beside the main road at the top of the village because it was against the Road Traffic Act. He removed the chain. The next Sunday two Fife Council staff came to see him to say that they had taken the appropriate sign down and had tipped the other sign into a ditch. He advised the Fife Council staff that it was not causing any obstruction, that it had been there for over 10 years, and that he would put it up again. He was advised that it would be removed and would result in a fine of £100. A person who comes to the hotel saw the sign in the ditch and put it back up in its place. On Tuesday a Fife Council vehicle came and took it away.Apparently they also removed the SPAR sign.T Hughes tried to establish who was responsible for the decision but despite speaking to senior staff was unable to find anyone who was willing to admit to knowing anything about the decision.
T Hughes suggested that similar action had not been taken in Elie and Anstruther, as he had seen various signages which had not been removed. Cllr Riches commented that in St Andrews there had been a considerable problem caused by a proliferation of ‘A’ Boards, and that a decision had been taken to remove them there. There was a complaint from St Andrews businesses that they had been targeted unfairly, as other places in the area had not been asked to remove their ‘A’ Boards. Cllr Macgregor said that the process of trying to get rid of ‘A’ Boards started several years ago, and that a decision had been taken that Fife Council would contact all business where such signs were in a dangerous position and/or were fixed to lampposts and fences. T Hughes added that in Elie and Anstruther ‘A’ Boards are still displayed, but now they are propped up against the wall. Cllr Riches said that all the villages have been visited, so the intention is that everyone has been treated the same. There was discussion regarding the importance of signs such as the hotel sign and the sign for the Windmill in a small village like St Monans, particularly due to the valuable contribution such businesses make to the community. A Anderson said that the Community Council are keen for local businesses to be supported (if there is no obstruction to the footpath), as ultimately the village survives through tourism, and some sort of signage is needed so that people do not just go through past the village. |
T Hughes | ||
9.3 A member of the public asked if the pavement problem at the corner at West Street and Station Road had been reported. P Copland said that this had been reported. | P Copland | ||
10 AOCBThe issue, that departments were not responding to notifications of lighting problems, was raised. A Anderson suggested that members of the public should report problems directly to FC but if no action is taken the CC would further reporting. | A Anderson
10.1 W Buchan said that the War Memorial was rather dirty, and asked whether something could be done about this before the service at the War Memorial. R Craib asked whether it could be cleaned and wanted to know if the letters need to be re-done.Cllr Riches responded that Councils are responsible for some War Memorials. Cllr Macgregor will investigate if it is covered by FC’s War Memorial fund. |
Cllr Macgregor |
10.2 T Hughes intimated that a member of the public had spoken to him to say that in the cemetery a recent grave has sunk down, and wondered if FC would use some soil to level it. A Anderson to add to his contact Liz Murphy. | A Anderson | ||
10.3 M Ashworth commented on the quality of the resurfaced roads in the area. She said that the A Roads have slightly bigger chippings than the B Roads. Particularly she suggested that the surface of the B 942 (Fingerpost to end of Colinsburgh Straight) is poor. It has an uneven surface (some nasty bumps) there is moderate traffic, and there is not going to be a lot of life in it. She felt that FC should be aware that it is not value for money and not a good job.A Anderson added that on the St Monans to Elie stretch of road stone chips are coming off which is a real danger to cyclists. (This is despite it having being swept several times.)In reply to Cllr Riches question regarding road accidents in the area since the resurfacing work, M Ashworth replied that there had been a bad accident at the corner at Abercrombie. A second accident had occurred between Abercrombie and Stenton. | |||
10.4 T Hughes said that Billy Morris had spoken to him saying he thought the Community Council could be interested in the prospective salvaging of the wreck of an airplane which crashed off St Monans’ harbour in 1945. (The woman pilot is still alive in S Africa.) There may be the opportunity for worldwide publicity.A Anderson suggested that B Morris be invited to the next CC meeting to chat to us about the subject. |
T Hughes to ask |
11 Close and Date of Next MeetingA Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting
The next meeting will be the Annual General Meeting on Monday 21st October at 7 pm in the Mayview Hotel Function Suite. Ordinary Meeting to follow at 7.30 pm.
All members of the public are welcome.
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