Community Council Minutes 17/02/2014
Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th February 2014 at 7.30pm
A.Anderson G.Brown R.Craib V.Salvage W.Buchan
P.Copland E.Hughes M.Ashworth Cllr Riches Cllr Macgregor
P.Shafren E.Scott
Members of the public : 2
Action | ||
1. | Welcome and ApologiesThe Chairman welcomed everyone.Apologies from : Cllr Docherty and E.Porteous | |
2. | Declarations of InterestW.Buchan on Queen Margaret Street ( north end) garages | |
3. | Last Minutes and Matters Arising3.1 (3.2) Community Payback. Following a very successful meeting with Ruth Crichton litter –picking has begun around the village and will be carried out on a monthly basis. Other possible projects were discussed and work will soon commence on refurbishing tubs ( CC purchasing materials) Selected benches will also be painted.Possibility of path in new part of cemetery to be made once permission given by Bereavement Services.
3.2 ( 3.3) Waste Aware are monitoring bin use in Forth Street ( CC will assess progress at next meeting ) and have started a 4 weekly emptying of paper bin at Johnstone Close. 3.3(8.1) R.Craib was told that work on garage area at south end of Queen Margaret Street will start soon. W.Buchan expressed concern again at condition of ground at garages at north end. R.Craib to contact Colin Gilbert and ask him to contact W.Buchan to arrange a site visit. 3.4 ( 8.4) G. Brown is still awaiting contact by property owners re cutting of hedge. 3.5 (8.6) R.Craib was told by Waste Aware that the freezers had gone when situation investigated. 3.6( 8.7) P.Copland reported that he did not think there was any structural problem with drain – possibly just excessive lying water. 3.7 ( 9.2) Beach Clean will be held on Sunday 18th May with the primary school holding theirs on Friday 16th May. 3.8 (9.3) P.Copland has been told that FC agree that the bus shelter requires either refurbishment or replacement and will be put on list to be considered when funds become available. 3.9 ( 9.7) Cllr Macgregor had received information on ownership of old railway bridge – a Miss Lavinia Baird. Her whereabouts ( if she is still alive)are unknown. M.Ashworth will investigate further at Balcaskie Estate office.
Amendment to previous minutes: Cllr Docherty should have been marked as present.
Proposer Seconder W.Buchan G.Brown |
M.Ashworth |
4 | Chairman ReportBoth recent Community Council social events, the Burns Supper and Senior Citizen’s Tea were a success, with the Burns Supper a sell-out.Those attending all seemed to have a good time, with many saying how much they’d enjoyed themselves.Congratulations to all those involved in organising in organising these events and many thanks to all our star turns who entertained us. Special thanks to the Ena and all the team at the Mayview Hotel for hosting both events and supplying us with great food and fantastic service. We are very fortunate to have such a fabulous venue on our doorstep.
I do wonder if we should update the format of the Senior Citizens Tea and promote it more as a social event for folk to come and meet up with friends and acquaintances with a bit of entertainment, and also move on from providing a present for each person at the Senior Citizen’s tea and perhaps getting a few larger / more expensive gifts and holding a free raffle – welcome the thoughts of other Community Councillors and how best to engage with our ‘clients’ – through the Autumn club? We’ve been contacted by the DONT WALK 2014 Committee who are a group of students from the University of St. Andrews.They hold an annual fashion show to benefit charity each year. This year, they have selected Balcaskie Estates ‘Bowhouse Farm’ as their venue.As part of the project they offer a benefit to the local community where the fashion show takes place, and Sam Parsons from Balcaskie Estate has kindly suggested that they either donate a sum of £1,000 or equivalent work hours [or a mixture of both] to the St Monan’s & Abercrombie Community – method of payment to be determined by us.Having spoken to the two ladies leading the project and they’re keen to engage with the local community, so a mix of money & some form of community service would be preferable to them. Between the committee and models they have 50 odd members available. Any services or works require to be completed by 24th May 2014.One of the things they suggested was clearing the coastal path. I pointed out that we had a community payback team working on that at present, but with the current winds it may well need to be done again soon….. Some discussion followed this and a suggestion was made to ask for £1000 to be put towards the MUGA in Hope Place. Notification has been received that talks for an alternative allotment site have not secured an alternative option. FC will produce a report with new plans for the original site within St Monans and will be sent to the CC and other interested bodies for discussion.
5 | Secretary ReportThanks were given to Cllr Macgregor for his donated cheque towards the Senior Citizens Tea. | |
6 | Treasurer ReportAccounts were issued. Main information was that the profit from the Burns Supper, after the Senior Citizens’ Tea was paid for , was £593.86 | |
7 | PlanningNothing new this month | |
8 | Public Questions8.1 Question was asked if Payback team could redo James Braid garden. Questioner was asked to bring a plan back to the CC.8.2 Problem with accessibility in benches at Burnside Brae overlooking the church. V.Salvage has asked Ian Barbour that when his workmen install a new bench there that they make access easier by creating a path to each of the benches on Burnside Brae.
8.3 Query about health and safety issues with refuse lorries; reversing fast in Braehead and driver leaving engine running whilst out of cab. Cllr Riches to investigate. 8.4 Query about what happens to non- recycled waste. A. Anderson explained that a system was in place to sort this rubbish out. 8.5Request for a replacement litter bin beside the mine at the harbour. R.Craib to contact Waste Aware.
Cllr Riches
R.Craib |
9 | AOCB9.1 W.Buchan informed the meeting about a sponsored cycle for a rare form of cancer which a local resident had died from . It was suggested that he ask it to be publicised in Loaves and Fishes.9.2 M.Ashworth reported that a large pothole in Abercrombie is being ignored whilst small ones are being filled. Cllr Riches to follow up.
9.3 Cllrs informed us that £35,000 has been allocated to St Monans towards harbour development in recent FC budget. 9.4 Report of ruts being made on the Mair by cars and litter left at football matches. A. Anderson to contact secretary of St Monans Swallows. |
Cllr Riches
A.Anderson |
The Chairman thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
Next meeting : Monday 17th March at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All welcome.
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