Community Council Minutes 17/12/2012
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 17th December 2012 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib G.Brown
P.Copland T.Hughes E.Hughes V.Salvage
M.Ashworth W.Buchan Cllr Docherty Cllr Macgregor
Members of the public – 6
1. Welcome and Apology
A.Anderson opened the meeting. There was an apology from Cllr Riches.
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Proposed Allotment Site
Peter Duncan from FC presented the idea for an allotment site on the land to the west of the Manse. This land has been in the local plan for a housing development and growing space area for some time but a public consultation is about to be conducted on the whole proposal. The allotment space is hoped to be in place before the housing. PD, who has been working with the St Monans Allotment Group in recent weeks, showed those present photos of other new allotment sites in Fife to demonstrate their organised and uniform design. He explained that there are clear and strict rules on how allotment holders should maintain plots.
The idea is to create 30 plots along with ones for the local school and community.
Queries expressed during the meeting included:
*Number of St Monans residents on waiting list for an allotment – 37.
*Parking issues. It is predicted that some temporary parking may need to be provided until the full housing development is in place when some permanent parking places will be incorporated.
*What size would plots be – 200 sq m and 100 sq m.
*Where would funding come from – various possible funding sources such as Postcode Lottery, Fife Environmental Trust and Leader.
*How much would it be likely to cost – Based on other site developments, about £50,000 which he thought would include sheds, fencing, flushing toilets and a community education building.
CC members expressed some concern that the original plans that they were shown some time ago made the allotment site look considerably smaller than the present plan. P.Duncan said that he had always been told the area was 0.9 hectares. When asked about funding he explained that accurate costings are not available at present and before any final plans were sent to planning, full details would be presented.
He said that the idea was for the site to become a community asset with access open to the public.
A public consultation on the full development covering both housing and allotments will be conducted between January 7th and 31st, 2013.
Members of the public can take part in the consultation in various ways
*Online via
*Plans will be displayed in the library throughout the consultation period and FC representatives will be available in the library to answer questions on Thursday January 17th.
*FC representatives will attend the next Community Council meeting on 21st January.
It is hoped that residents take the opportunity to find out more and express their views.
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
(8) Several members of the CC visited the area at Duck Wynd and were happy with its appearance, and the resident who is tending the plants here has been asked to continue. He has assured us that he has no intention of preventing public access to the right of way.
Proposer Seconder
G.Brown P.Copland
5. Chairperson Report
A.Anderson thanked V.Bland for acting as chair at last meeting.
He expressed his concern at the plans that FC are making for replacing the play equipment in the Mair (Common). CC members attended a meeting and asked that they do not go ahead with putting in a basket swing as it was not considered the most appropriate use of the available money. A.Anderson will contact Claire Hill again and ask for another meeting.
6. Secretary Report
R.Craib reported on the recent East Neuk CC Forum meeting.
A survey is to be conducted in the area on the internet broadband speeds. Residents should receive a leaflet on how to carry this out in the next few weeks. Funding for possible broadband speed improvement may then be applied for later in the year.
A plan is being considered to build a dedicated tarmacked cycle path to link East Neuk villages. It is considered that this would help cycle safety, encourage more cycling and aid tourism in the area.
Views on a possible route in our area are now being sought . Anyone with ideas should contact a member of the CC.
7. Treasurer Report
G.Brown issued finance report.
8. Planning
Change of use for police station in Station Road. No objection.
3 West End. Reharling, new timber windows and replacement Velux window. No objection.
9. Public Questions
9.1 Concern was expressed about young children riding scooters and bikes on roads, particularly as it gets dark. P.Shafren wil highlight the concern with pupils, put in a newsletter to parents and ask the community police officer to talk to children on road dangers.
9.2 Cemetery. Concern on rubbish being left in box and dead flowers littered outside bin. Also report of path between bridge and steps being in need of repair. R.Craib will contact Liz Murphy.
9.3 Query about why the CC was unhappy about plans for new building development below 15 Station Road. A.Anderson explained that the CC had to be consistent in expressing views based on the present rules on what was acceptable for property development in the Conservation area and this was the basis for its views.
9.4 P.Copland will contact Transportation on various issues:
Wall on harbour front is in need of repair.
There is a big pothole on the road to Abercrombie.
The footpath in Abercrombie is very slippery and dangerous.
The light at the bottom of Johnstone Close needs fixed.
10. AOCB
10.1 The milk float is being left again with bottles in carpark at the end of Hope Street attracting some vandalism. Cllr Macgregor to contact McQueens.
10.2 V.Salvage has met with FC representative about a possible railing at the Pleric . It is being considered.
10.3 There are problems with flooding on path between Rose Street and bathing pool. Progress with this is proving very difficult.
10.4 Archie Melville has asked for a meeting to discuss possible projects. V.Salvage to arrange.
10.5 W.Buchan reported that the playpark at the end of Queen Margaret Street is nearly finished. The ground beside the garages has suffered because of heavy vehicles but we will wait to see if they make it good once the job is finished.
10.6 T.Hughes asked the cllrs to check with Moir Gibson if there was any progress with the carparking for the harbour area. Cllr Docherty to follow up.
11. Close and Date of Next Meeting
A,Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting.
The next meeting will be on Monday 21st January, 2013
Community Council Minutes 17/12/2012 — No Comments
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