Community Council Minutes 21/01/2013
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council held on Monday 21st January 2013 in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
A.Anderson V.Bland R.Craib
G.Brown P.Copland T.Hughes
W.Buchan E.Hughes V.Salvage
M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor E.Scott
Members of the Public – 30
1. Welcome and Apology
A. Anderson opened the meeting. There were apologies from Cllr Riches, Cllr Docherty and
P. Shafren
2. Declaration of Interest
3. Proposed New Housing and Allotment Site.
Unfortunately, due the wintery weather neither Dilys Livingstone nor Peter Duncan from FC were able to attend the meeting. It was agreed to arrange a special meeting for Monday 28th
January to allow all interested residents and CC members to discuss the proposal fully with the attendance of D.L and PD. CC will advertise this as widely as possible. Members of the
Public were invited to offer their views on the proposal as the CC needs to hear as many views as possible from all sides to be able to fully represent the community
4. Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1 ( 5) A. Anderson explained that £10000 from FC is to be spent on new swings in the Mair park. It had been hoped to get more equipment for younger children but it is hoped that this
Can follow at a later date and with greater liaison with the primary school by FC. New playpark equipment is being installed in other areas of the village as well.
4.2 ( 9.2) As R. Craib has still not received any communication from Liz Murphy re the cemetery, Cllr Macgregor will try to gain a response.
4.3 ( 9.4) P. Copland reported that all issues have been raised with Transportation. He has received word that the harbour wall will be examined for possible repair in the better weather.
4.4 ( 10.1) Cllr Macgregor received positive response from McQueen’s Dairy and situation appears to be resolved.
4.5 ( 10.6) Moir Gibson intimated that no funding will be available before the next financial year for harbour parking project due to emergency work needed in Fife following recent storms.
4.6 ( 10.2) V.Salvage reported that she is awaiting further news in Pleric railing and Archie Melville will meet in the better weather re Community Payback project work.
Proposer Seconder
G. Brown M. Ashworth
5 Chairperson’s Report
Andy Jones, dog warden, was unable to attend meeting due to bad weather. As problem of dog fouling still ongoing, it is hoped he will attend next meeting. A member of the public
Informed CC about a problem black Labrador in Inverie Street. A. Anderson to contact dog warden.
A letter has been received about poor condition and mess on footpath between St Monans and Pittenweem. Cllr Macgregor will follow up and letter will also be passed to Pittenweem CC.
6 Treasurer’s Report
No change from last month
7. Planning
8. Secretary’s Report
8.1 P. Duncan forwarded set of guidelines and rules for allotment holders for CC.( retained)
8.2 The bench donated by FC to St Monans in recognition of gardening work carried out by residents in the village is now in place in Serenity Garden. It bears a plaque thanking Win Brown and her team of helpers for all their efforts.
8.3 New MSP for Scottish Parliament Region of Mid Scotland has contacted the CC to introduce herself and offer support if we need with any relevant issues.
8.4 There is presently a Consultation on the FIFEplan Main Issues Report. (14th January – 10th March 2013)
There will be open meetings held between 3pm and 7.30pm at: Training Room, County Buildings, Cupar on Wed 30th Jan, Town Hall, St Andrews on Wed 4th Feb and Kirkland High School on Thurs 14th Feb
9. Public Questions
9.1 A question was asked about the development of the tennis court area. It was explained that there is a new possibility of funding and the plans that were prepared a couple years are presently being refreshed.
9.2 A member of the public told us that he had heard that the flood risk area in NE Fife has been upgraded which may have affect on insurance premiums. Cllr Macgregor to investigate and CC suggested that the issue be taken to East Neuk CC Forum. There was also mention of a Coastline Database recording the condition of coastlines. Cllr Macgregor will also try to find out more.
9.3 Question about consultation on future of schools including St Monans PS. Cllr Macgregor explained that there is currently a consultation on all Fife schools looking at pupil numbers in relation to available space and condition of schools.
10.1 Local cllrs met with members of FC Transportation. Hope that project to extend pathway to Ardross will be considered. There is a plan to renew some light columns, although this may take a while to happen.
10.2 Cllr Macgregor has been asked by a resident about repairs to bridge to church. This is already being followed up. Also about cleaning up cave area on path down to church. This may be a possible project for Community Pay Back team in the better weather.
10.3 M. Ashworth expressed concerns about condition of the road between Abercrombie and the Waterless Bridge where regular accidents are occurring ( 4 since November) and often resulting in costs to themselves with damaged walls and fences. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
11 Close and Date of Next Meeting
A. Anderson thanked everyone and closed the meeting. The next ordinary meeting will be on Monday 18th February 2013 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
A reminder that a special meeting to discuss the New Housing and Allotment Development will be on Monday 28th January 2013 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite to which all
Residents are welcome.
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