Community Council Minutes 17/5/10
Minutes of ordinary meeting of St Monans and Abercrombie Community Council on Monday 17th May 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite (draft)
R.Craib A.Anderson G.Brown V.Bland
E.Scott V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes
M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor
There were 10 members of the public present.
Welcome and Apologies
A.Anderson opened the meeting.
There were apologies from W.Buchan and L.Robertson
Harbour Feasibility Study
A.Anderson gave background of issue. When CC were previously informed of possible Feasibility study they had asked for a representative from CC to be on the group. CC have not been consulted until receiving 2 possible ideas for pontoons with a request for our comments within a very short period of time. CC consider this consultation totally inadequate. Now appears a wider consultation exercise will be carried out.
Gordon Bell told the meeting that a “Harbour Users’ Group “ has now been formed and any interested parties are welcome to join. Their first formal meeting will be on 31st May. Members will be asked to list all aspects relevant to development of the harbour with both small and large projects to be looked at. T.Hughes is interested in the group and will act as a liaison officer with the CC. He expressed concern that a full consultation has not been carried out during the winter months when weather issues are most relevant.
Public Questions
3.1 Concern over the caravan hazard in Miller Terr. was raised again, with reference to both traffic issues and cables over pavement. A.Anderson to contact police.
3.2 Concern raised over missing toby covers and lack of street lighting in some areas. Both points have been raised with authorities on more than one occasion.
A light at the west end of Braehead also needs reflector and cover replaced. RC to contact Derek Crowe.
3.3 Motorbike rider seen in cemetery, and in other parts of village with a young child on board. Details needed if it is to be reported to police.
3.4 Street cleaning issues raised again. Cllr Macgregor suggested contacting Cllr Ross Vettraino who is reviewing the new system. RC to do so.
3.5 Request for new NO GOLF sign in park behind Newark Street/Castle Street.
New bin on Braehead needs positioned beside old dog bin post and sunken into ground for stability.
NO OVERNIGHT PARKING sign at end of Rose Street needs cleaned or replaced because of grafitti.
Request for NO OVERNIGHT PARKING sign beside harbour.
All points to D.Gray and H.Byers by RC.
3.6 Missing post on fence beside swimming pool. Cllr Macgregor to pursue.
Last Minutes and Matters Arising
4.1(3.4)Youth initiative.RC contacted Gus McKain who passed request on to Gordon Forbes.
4.2 (4.8) Flooding at end of Rose Street. Cllr Scott Hayward trying to arrange an on-site meeting with rep from Scottish Water and FC.
4.3 (3.1) Repairs have apparently been carried out at sewage unit at the end of Braehead.
4.4( 3.2) Storm damage. A survey is being carried out along the Fife coast.
Minutes accepted.
Proposer Seconder
A.Anderson V.Salvage
Chairperson’s Report
5.1 Harbour. Seaweed has been removed and harbour dredged. A.Anderson has asked for it to be redone before Sea Queen Day and is awaiting a response from Moir Gibson. Gordon Bell suggested he ask for west end corner to be cleared where the problem is at its worst.
5.2 Removal of Miller’s shed. Legal steps are now being taken to speed up the process.
5.3 A.Anderson reported on success of beach clean. Many thanks were offered again to John Thomson for his invaluable assistance. We may consider asking Pittenweem if they would be interested in a joint venture next year in order that a larger area could be covered.
5.4 An appeal on the planning application for 34 West End has been lodged. Cllr Macgregor explained what the process would be. CC will make further written submissions opposing the planning applications.
Secretary’s Report
6.1 Notification has been received about a Fife Housing Partnership Day on June 16th. No-one able to attend.
6.2 Literature from Marine Conservation on plastic bag free zones. We may consider a project in the village to promote this.
Treasurer’s Report
No change to finances this month.
7.1 Floral display donation letters now going out with a new idea of asking for groups and businesses to sponsor a tub or basket.
7.2 Website licence needs renewed. It will be £120 for next 2 years.
8) Community Arts Festival Ceilidh. Although a charge will be made for tickets this year to help cover food costs, CC agreed to sponsor event to amount of £350.
9.1 Cllr Macgregor to put poor local mobile signal on the next locality agenda.
9.2 Apparently Dial-A-Ride service is not available to go to Elie. We will check availability of Go Flexi route.
9.3 There have been difficulties with application for Sea Queen road closures. Forms seem to have been lost by FC and now they are saying a charge of £75 will be made for the closures. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
9.4 Notification of pavement renewal in Inverie St and adjoining streets has been received which will include kerb dropping at driveways. One resident has recently paid for kerb dropping and feel they deserve a refund. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
9.5 A resident asked about whether a particular house in Inverie Street is council property. To be looked into.
9.6 The mine beside the harbour is in need of repainting ( Red and white) To be arranged.
Close and Date of Next Meeting
A.Anderson thanked everyone and closed meeting.
Next meeting will be on Monday 21st June 2010 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public welcome.
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