Community Council Minutes 17/8/09
Minutes of ordinary meeting of the Burgh of St Monans Community Council on Monday 17th August 2009 at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite
E.Scott V.Bland G.Brown R.Craib
V.Salvage E.Hughes T.Hughes W.Buchan
A.Anderson M.Ashworth Cllr Macgregor
Cllr Scott Hayward
36 members of the public were present
1) Welcome and Apologies
E.Scott opened the meeting.
There were no apologies.
2) Last Minutes and Matters Arising
2.1 ( 2.6) The request for a footpath between the Loan and Ardross is to be considered by the Traffic Management unit.
2.2 Following previous queries about the possible improvement of pavements in Inverie Street area, Cllr Macgregor had received a reply that lighting upgrades mainly determine priorities of footway improvement programmes. The outcome of an ongoing assessment should be known sometime after October 2009 but it is thought that this footway will probably be considered to be in reasonable condition.
2.3 (3(2.4)) Public Toilets. There is a possibility that mobile cleaning squads’ start and finish times could be arranged to enable unmanned toilets to be closed daily, inc weekends, at a more reasonable time i.e. later than 3.30pm and that Catering and Cleaning services could provide a daily cleaner. Decisions would be taken once all staff are back from holiday.
Toilet Partnership Scheme – St Monans is hopefully to be one of first areas to be considered in scheme.
2.3(8.3)The situation of waste bags from holiday homes lying about for 2 days before collection is being investigated.
Minutes of previous meeting were accepted.
Proposer Seconder
V.Bland W.Buchan
3)Planning Applications
Members of the public were given the opportunity to view plans for the proposed allotment site between St Monans and Abercrombie and the proposed house build at 34 West End. A time for discussion and questions followed and information was issued on how residents could go about submitting comments on planning applications to Fife Council either by letter or via the Fife Direct website.
Allotments The CC stated that their position on the planning application had been previously minuted i.e. that they supported allotments in principle but not at the proposed site. Consequently, they would be submitting an objection.
Members of the public expressed surprise and disappointment that no one from the East Fife Allotment Association had attended the meeting to put forward their views and address queries.
Particular concern was expressed about the possible use of St Monans Common Good money for the project, including a 69 signature petition. As it is an East Fife Association rather than a St Monans one, it was stated by both CC members and councillors that they would not support any application to the St Monans Common Good Fund.
34 West End This was the first opportunity the CC had had to discuss and consider this application. At the end of discussion they voted unanimously to submit an objection. The main objections include style in a conservation area, removal of old right of way which would affect elderly neighbour’s access and car parking issues.
Details of both CC objections can be viewed on
3)Correspondence received since last meeting
- Letter explaining that the new cleaning service for the area will start over the coming months. We will receive more specific details when our own specific area operations are established.
- Police Community Link Letter newsletter (July)
- 2 letters updating the situation re National Trust for Scotland properties.
- A letter from an Australian tourist who had had a bad experience in both Elie and St Monans of not being able to find public toilets and who feels it will affect tourism here and in fact knows of some who will avoid this area because of this problem.
- 2 letters from Mr Malcolm Easson concerning our objection to his planning application at 8 West End.
4.1 Concern was expressed from a resident in Johnstone’s Court about troublesome neighbours. Cllr Macgregor to investigate.
4.2 St Monans CC have been approached about proposed major improvement work to the road at the back of Elmgrove. Fife Council has agreed to fund £30/£35K of the required amount if the rest (£10K) could come from St Monans Common Good Fund. The CC voted almost unanimously(one abstention due to personal interest) in agreement to help solve this longstanding problem as long as an assurance was given that improvement plans could be viewed prior to work being started and the road would subsequently be adopted by Fife Council.
4.3 Cllr Scott Hayward was asked to investigate if the land at 8 West End had been legitimately sold some nine years previously.
4.4 Reports have been heard that a sheet asking for residents’ views on what should replace Millers Boat Shed site is currently circulating. This has not been issued by CC. After questions about the current progress of removal of shed,R Craib to investigate.
4.5Concerns were raised about cars speeding in Elm Grove. R.Craib to contact police who had organised a survey on speeding in the local area to find out results of said survey.
4.6 A resident asked if a cul-de-sac sign could be put up at the end of Newark Street. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
4.7 Concerns again raised about traffic safety issues around primary school. Cllrs and R Craib to contact all possible agencies to stress urgency of problem.
4.8 Report that hedges in lane between Elm Grove/Gourlay Cres and school/Gourlay Cres need trimming. Cllr Macgregor to follow up.
4.9 State of tennis courts complained about. T.Hughes reported that St Monans Trust would be making it their next project once football pavilion replaced. Cllr Scott Hayward suggested residents might like to take initiative to start cleaning up area as a start, similar to beach clean project. Discussions will continue at a future meeting.
5) Close and Date of Next Meeting
E.Scott thanked everyone and closed meeting. Next meeting will be on Monday 21st September at 7.30pm in Mayview Hotel Function Suite.
All members of the public are welcome.
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